Shameless official thread Vol. Don't even know what season they are on.

Frank the main character and star of the show dead? :lol:

Frank GOAT worst person in television history...become a good dad? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You dudes are ridiculous. :smh:
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We're saying it could be a bold move that would be a good thing for the show.

I've really enjoyed this season and Frank's largely been on the sidelines.. this is an ensemble show, not just Frank. This isn't killing off Tony Soprano, the show wouldn't collapse without Frank.. I'd be interested in how they all deal with his death.
Central character =/= star

Even with less camera time and on his death Frank still has memorable scenes and quotes.

The show wouldn't be what it is without Frank doing Frank things.

Frank and his six new adoptive kids > your first born children
Yes Frank's death could be a bold move but it could also just lead to the show officially jumping shark. As things stand Frank's death would have to lead to a bit more than how do the kids react to this since eventually they'll move on to their same old crazy problems. Only thing I see coming if he died is Fiona losing all of the kids again since Frank is their main guardian and the judge ruled Fiona to be guardian as long as Frank is around and obviously that would not fly with her coke/child endangerment charges (Lip can't be a guadian at 18/19 even if he drops out and gets a job, the judge didn't even trust 23 yr old to be full guardian). Unless you guys think bringing Monica back to the show would be a good idea :lol:
You think keeping Frank alive after doctors said he was supposed to be dead weeks ago and then keep teasing his is storytelling to convey a real situation? I don't.
You either have poor memory or are over exaggerrating. Not once did any doctor say Frank should've died weeks ago. Maybe you're confusing this with some other show you're watching. All doctors have said is he doesn't have long, every time he ended up being examined by a doctor the prognosis grew worse as the season went on. It went from a few months to eventually prepare him for the end. Not once did a doc say I'm surprised he's still alive, he should've been dead.

So again this is just stuff you're making up in your head. You went from his liver failed and he stopped breathing countless times to doctors saying he was supposed to be dead weeks ago. Both which are not true.

He was on his deathbed then suddenly gets moved up on the transplant list? That's definitely storytelling but not realistic in the least bit. I'm willing to suspend my belief but idk how you could call that real.
Educate yourself on critical patients on transplant lists, getting bumped up the lists depending on the circumstance, available matches, etc.

I agree that they are using him as a safety net but I don't really respect that from a writing standpoint seeing as like you said they have a bunch of other characters they could be developing. You're saying that a lot of that stuff doesn't happen if a healthy Frank is around but it would with a dead Frank because that's basically what he's been this season. They've developed Frank as much as they can, there's nothing that's happened this season that's expanded our view of him as a character so what exactly is he still around for?

I wouldn't call the Sammy situation exactly "bonding", it is for her but Frank is just using her like he has everyone else in his life and sees her as easy drugs. "More pills". He latched on to Carl in the beginning yes but at this point even he sees him for who he really is.

I respect your opinion because you're definitely someone who's views I respect regarding film/TV but I disagree.

Idk about Frank changing his ways either, in the preview for the next episode it seems like he's missing pieces mentally when he comes too after the surgery and doesn't remember much.
It's okay that you disagree or that you feel this storyline should end in Frank dying but most of your complaints for why it should happen simply seems like you don't like this particular storyline for Frank. Dislike it so much that you feel he should've already died. That's just ridiculous.

As for the writing, the writers, and the show in general, I've said it before, Shameless has never been some masterpiece of drama with superb acting and amazing concepts. 4 seasons in, it is what it is. This aint the first time ppl have complained about an entire season or a specific storyline of a character. **** aint ever been on a higher level. It's simple entertainment that does what it does best as it's possible. Quite frankly this season is arguably one of the best given the feels they've pulled off after the Monica season.

I'm not buying liver transplant surgery (even after having a kidney remove) as some excuse for memory loss for the past month or so. So this ordeal will have some effect on Frank when he's back in good health again even if it's just him putting up a front and acting like he's gonna shrug off everything that just happened and head back to the Alibi for a beer.
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I think some of you need to watch a soap opera instead of Shameless It's not supposed to be a realistic show. It's supposed to be a dramedy.
Frank ain't the star no more, Fiona is.
Said nobody on this planet, but you.
How do you fail at negotiating when you have a heads up :smh: :stoneface: Easiest money he's ever made and couldn't even milk it.

I think that DSS lady was Piloma (sp) Francis's wife from Malcom and the Middle :lol:
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I never paid attention to it until someone mentioned it in this thread, but the women in Lip's life really have been carrying him

lol @ Carl hitting Frank in the junk, and "maybe she's your real mom"
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I like Lips chick even more now for doing that to help him out

She's doing it for herself too though.

The fact that she's adopted makes me view her a little differently though. Her dad is a **** but think about where she could be if they didn't adopt her
this ep was great

carl brought the lulz

frank used to do it to his mom 

fiona getting scared straight

lip blowing the deal

debbie got clowned, didnt see it coming at all

sheila dancing

mickey finally came out

the finale gon be crazy
"Turns out she wasn't telling the truth... Oops" :wow: :smh: :rofl:

Don't feel sorry for Fiona, hopefully she keeps her head down and gets out in 3 months. If they stretch it in to next season we can get some real lulz Orange is the New Black style with her in a female prison.

The writers are really being consistent the way they're hitting the balance even when they switch to other characters to focus on. Debbie's whole story line was worth it to see her getting played like that. You talk about pull the rug right from under you, I mean damn I really thought things were looking up for with this new dude. I mean if she didn't stop him his initial plan was to get her naked and have them take pics of her :smh: :lol: So cold. I do gotta admit now I'm hoping she gets revenge, I thought their beef was over. They went tit for tat.

I agree Lip's a dumbass. First thing I'm thinking is there aint no reason not to take the money and still see the girl. When father offered money first # in my mind was 50k. Then when I realize she was in on it he possibly could've haggled 20k if he spent 15k on the last bf :stoneface: Son got hype just cuz he had the cash on him then. He lucked out with the child services lady though.

Never cared for it but that was a nice conclusion to Mickey coming out. I almost thought the father was gonna let it slide or maybe zoned out when he said that **** :lol: Then that fight, Kevin going zen during it :lol: Great way to cap it off. Maybe they can move on to solving Mandy's problems now.

Clyde & Bonnie playing house :lol: You could assume her not wanting sex is a Debbie thing but given her background it's probably abuse especially since she said she doesn't like sex as opposed to saying she's not ready or something.

Then Frank :smokin :pimp: Funny and heartfelt. I mentioned it before but they set it up nicely for him to have a little bit of change going through this experience. Thinking lil Fiona died and because of him given how his memories was in the past from leaving her and Lip in the park in the cold. That's why he thinks they're or at least her was in the hospital, cuz of something he did. :x :smh: That revelation that Frank's mom molested him, maybe they brought it up before but yuck.

I didn't think Sheila would actually get those native american kids :lol:
Another amazing ep.
Great episode and moments for Frank.

Mickey coming out was hilarious. Everyone is just chill.. then his dad freaks out. The two older guys reaction outside was funny too.. basically "Whatever..." :lol: But I'm glad they finally did it.

I haven't been that interested in Debbie's storyline, but that guy seemed way too good to be true and he was :lol: I'm glad they were quick with it, though.

I'm sure we'll get more about Bonnie's trouble past but I like her and Carl together.
Bonnie sounds like she was molested also.

The scene with the girl in the hospital was so damn sad. At least she got to have a nice conversation with Frank and hold his hand before she passed.

The writers have been successful in making fans dislike Fiona this season. They've been consistent in her making dirtbag decisions. I still love her though. Would write her letters and visit her in jail.
Hope we get a girl on girl scene with Fiona in jail.

The little girl in the hospital though. :smh:

Lip low balled himself heavy.
The little girl did have me sad and when she was talking to frank as if she were Fiona is very touching. Hopefully Fiona can get back on the right track because this season hasn't been kind to her at all
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