"Turns out she wasn't telling the truth... Oops"
Don't feel sorry for Fiona, hopefully she keeps her head down and gets out in 3 months. If they stretch it in to next season we can get some real lulz Orange is the New Black style with her in a female prison.
The writers are really being consistent the way they're hitting the balance even when they switch to other characters to focus on. Debbie's whole story line was worth it to see her getting played like that. You talk about pull the rug right from under you, I mean damn I really thought things were looking up for with this new dude. I mean if she didn't stop him his initial plan was to get her naked and have them take pics of her
So cold. I do gotta admit now I'm hoping she gets revenge, I thought their beef was over. They went tit for tat.
I agree Lip's a dumbass. First thing I'm thinking is there aint no reason not to take the money and still see the girl. When father offered money first # in my mind was 50k. Then when I realize she was in on it he possibly could've haggled 20k if he spent 15k on the last bf
Son got hype just cuz he had the cash on him then. He lucked out with the child services lady though.
Never cared for it but that was a nice conclusion to Mickey coming out. I almost thought the father was gonna let it slide or maybe zoned out when he said that ****
Then that fight, Kevin going zen during it
Great way to cap it off. Maybe they can move on to solving Mandy's problems now.
Clyde & Bonnie playing house
You could assume her not wanting sex is a Debbie thing but given her background it's probably abuse especially since she said she doesn't like sex as opposed to saying she's not ready or something.
Then Frank
Funny and heartfelt. I mentioned it before but they set it up nicely for him to have a little bit of change going through this experience. Thinking lil Fiona died and because of him given how his memories was in the past from leaving her and Lip in the park in the cold. That's why he thinks they're or at least her was in the hospital, cuz of something he did. :x
That revelation that Frank's mom molested him, maybe they brought it up before but yuck.
I didn't think Sheila would actually get those native american kids
Another amazing ep.