Shaq's monthly expenses

he pays for magazines?
the clothing I can understand, bu tthe gas? Goodness, he must just buy it, pour it out, and light a fire or somethign to go through that much gas. 24300/let's say 3.30/gallon is 7364 gallons of gas per month. How do you go through that much in a month?
He probably has is butlers keep his cars running for 24 hours straight and drive them around when he's not in them so they're "warm" when hedoes
Anyone bother opening the PDF file and reading it....? These numbers boggle my mind.

Monthly mortgage or rent payments... $156,116.

Electric bill for the month... $10,065.

Telephone bill... $3,345.

Monthly maid service... $22,190.

Monthly vacations... $110,505. (How does this man have time to vacation...?)


Absolutely unreal.
Somebody is ripping Shaq off. I always had this theories that all celebrities just let themselves (sometimes knowingly even) get ripped off just because theycan afford it. Like you have a celebrity come into your shop and ask how much the 32oz powerades are and instead of saying 1.19$, you tell them 4,000$ andthey're just like, "cool, give me a box of'em." I always got that feeling watching Cribs especially when they talked about how much they paidfor things. Many of these numbers absolutely make no sense, even if he is covering more than just himself and his family.

3000$ phone bill. He needs to get on that mobile to mobile or something. Mathematically, he doesn't even have the time to rack up many of these expenses. Imean for me to get my phone bill up to 3400$, I'd have to talk 68,000 minutes, or 1,113 hours, or 47 days. Again, that's not even possible in onemonth.
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Economic stimulus plan = coloning Shaq
wild 'mo
Originally Posted by you big dummy

You want to know my favorite? The $114,946 that's listed as "miscellaneous (personal)" -- you know, walking around money, pocket change so you're never left without something to feed the meter or, I don't know, buy a new car or two without writing a check.

Not even close... "miscellaneous (personal)" is the money that goes to females... groupies, ****,etc...
these numbers are definately FAKE. actually they could be for his entourage too. maybe he supports another 10 families or something

iono he's definitely supporting his family and possibly Shawn Kempin a bit perhaps (except he pays)??? just speculating. the hell do u spend that much on cable TV, maybe every room has a TV in his house..but still. how many adult channels can he possibly have?
Telephone bill... $3,345.

The 17K on clothes is probably the most BELIEVABLE. I could easily drop 4-5k a month myself and I don't need custom sizes. Dress shoes aloneeasily cost 1k, 3k for custom sizing like he needs.

What DOESN'T make sense is 6K on dry cleaning. You can't wear more than 3 dry cleanable suits in one day, even if he was stupid enough to dry cleanafter wearing a suit once (nobody is that stupid), it could only be a few hundred bucks a day.

The gas, like everyone noticed, makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, unless he's talking JET FUEL.

Also, that telephone bill. $3k???? You know that #!99& don't know anyone further than San Diego so that's NOT for long distance. How the hellcan he be spending that much on domestic calls?
If the team is on the road, the team gives the players money for food.

I would bet Shaq makes scrubs like Chris Quinn pay for dinner regardless.
How can food outside the house be $500 with everything else so stupid high? he's a big man and I can easily see if he went to a fancy place and haddrinks, etc. with his wife, or with friends that he could rack $500 in one night. But for his food to be listed as $500 and his gas to be 24k, thats juststupid. I can see some of the large bills, because with all the property he has, and the size of the places, I'm sure electricity takes a lot and if hesgot a premium cable setup in 3 houses and like 10 TV's per house, its workable but still a lil rediculous.
The gas station makes sense to me. He stops to get gas, goes into pay with cold hard cash, and loads up on 40s while he's there. Cleans the whooooooooooolestore out. Proceeds to do it at every subsequent gas station he visits.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Yall ever think perhaps that these expenses may not be for himself only?

Perhaps he's supporting more than just himself and his kids...just a thought.

Just funny that NONE of these dudes on here even SPECULATED that all of this wasn't spent on HIMSELF
Here's the kicker....I've heard that he ONLY spends his endorsement money....he hasn't touched a dime off of his contracts since he got in theleague.

Mike Tyson > Shaq


consider this was back in the early 90's

(Tiger care
I think the numbers are grossly exaggerated. Some of these are impossible. Spending money this way he WILL eventually run out or be forced to sell his houses.
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