Shipping boxes

Wal-Mart or Target.

Wal-Mart's makes a box that fits standard regular Nike boxes for 98 cents. If you are trying to ship a slightly bigger box, Jordan/etc, Target has a box that fits perfect, but its a little more - like $3.something.

thats the best I could find. I JUST shipped out shoes in both types of boxes.
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If you shop at a place like staples or office max just tell them youre moving and to save some big boxes. They just crush them all.

An old roommate did that wen he moved
Shipping a cdp pack I doubt they want that box tossed around

I've never owned any CDP's so I don't know the dimensions but I'd start at Walmart, and then hit Target, if you have both close to where you reside.

Walmart has em the cheapest.

They both have aisles that sell shipping goods.
If you're shipping via USPS you can get boxes from them online for free, gonna have to wait a week or two for them to be delivered though.
I usually use the free boxes from USPS. Ordered a bunch and had em shipped to my house. I also get free boxes from local stores + businesses. Just ask them for any small empty boxes they have and they'll give them to you.

And never just tape a shoebox up and ship it. That's just disrespectful in my opinion. Would you want someone to ship you shoes in the original shoebox and then you gotta take the tape off and it ruins the box? Or have a beatup/smashed box that got messed up during shipping? Nah not me
usually re-use the boxes i get from online purchases. 

as for cdp sized boxes, try going to costco. they give away good sized boxes there. 
If you're shipping via USPS you can get boxes from them online for free, gonna have to wait a week or two for them to be delivered though.

I usually use the free boxes from USPS. Ordered a bunch and had em shipped to my house. I also get free boxes from local stores + businesses. Just ask them for any small empty boxes they have and they'll give them to you.

yep usps online & they will drop ship you a pack of 25 for free
Super Walmarts in my area all do restocking on the night shift. They'll break down boxes and then put them in carts at the end of the aisles. You can just come in and grab what boxes they put in those carts and take those boxes. They're just going into the baler to be compacted and disposed of anyway. Do this once every few months and get a bunch of good boxes from them for shipping.
Super Walmarts in my area all do restocking on the night shift. They'll break down boxes and then put them in carts at the end of the aisles. You can just come in and grab what boxes they put in those carts and take those boxes. They're just going into the baler to be compacted and disposed of anyway. Do this once every few months and get a bunch of good boxes from them for shipping.

Where do you live? I'm surprised the stores are letting that happen. No Wal-Mart should be giving out boxes. After they are bailed they then get sold to bulk cardboard buyers. There is actually a huge amount of money recouped through that process for the company. Most big box stores have quit giving the boxes out for free once they realized how much money they were missing out on. I always used the free ones from USPS or one of the hundred boxes we get each month.
Super Walmarts in my area all do restocking on the night shift. They'll break down boxes and then put them in carts at the end of the aisles. You can just come in and grab what boxes they put in those carts and take those boxes. They're just going into the baler to be compacted and disposed of anyway. Do this once every few months and get a bunch of good boxes from them for shipping.
Where do you live? I'm surprised the stores are letting that happen. No Wal-Mart should be giving out boxes. After they are bailed they then get sold to bulk cardboard buyers. There is actually a huge amount of money recouped through that process for the company. Most big box stores have quit giving the boxes out for free once they realized how much money they were missing out on. I always used the free ones from USPS or one of the hundred boxes we get each month.
In Orlando, FL. I've been doing this for years. No employees care at all. I guess its because Walmart treats their employees like crap so no dambs are given?
yeah I was gonna start a thread like this. I need some boxes for shipping shoes myself and would like to cop em cheap if possible
what's cheap?

I mean I usually go to Home Depot or the Fed-Ex/UPS Store(s) for my box needs.

If you don't want to pay go troll local businesses and ask around if they have any spare boxes you could get.
sneaker nerds b tha new breed of kids into kicks b

fair enough.

and to answer your question people keep their boxes because usually if you ever decide to sell a pair having the OG box/inserts helps.

and I don't think it's a new breed/old head thing. a lot of old heads are equally picky about lil' things like that.
You can always wrap them in paper i forgot what's the name of the one I used but that was the cheapest and best way.

Now that I think of it. I think it was what you use to cover the floor when you paint
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