SHOCK: McCain volunteer ATTACKED & MUTILATED in PITT..... "B" CARVED into her face....

What I said in the other topic:

T-BONE's original response to the faux story still rings true. If people are willing to make up horrific stories such as these to garner votes and hate forthe opposition, it's going too far.
In all seriousness, Bree Olsen, who are you supporting. Sometimes I don't know how to take your responses.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Yes I think it's unfortunate. but to call people out to condemn it? please... Again, if we're going to put people in the "hot seat" then where were Fede and Tbone when all of this anti barack !$@% was going on? Answer me that...
oh please.
I have been in those threads denouncing those acts.

the fact that people are even passing this story as nothing or pish-poshing is truly pathetic.

I feel sorry that ya'll are that blinded by your hate for the GOP that your own moral compass is compromised.

the ignorance int this thread is truly amazing hahaha It's amazing howblinded people are by their hate for me & Republicans And dirty's comment was 100% right. This wasn't even a partisan thread! And how is it that I'm sitting in class learning about Stalin & I know more about what happened then most of u & I've already seen the pictures. I'll drop some knowledge after I get done learning about this socialist hahah
When Co-signing and brown nosing-goes wrong.

Edit: Removed image and text. Warned for a personal attack.

Title needs to be changed...

Anybody who thought about this logically would've known tho. Dumb
so no sign of Tbone or Dirty since the info leaked that this chick made this up?

I wouldnt mind reading there next reply's.

I think this is actually speaks volumes about where the GOP party is today and the people that are voting along side them. The fact that this chick made thisup is so not surprising it's actually hillarious.
This post is a glaring example of why the 2 party system doesn't work. Things are going to get A LOT worse. I don't think our country has been thisdivided since Vietnam. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I definitely foresee serious civil unrest and probably riots. Martial law coming to a zipcode near you...
at lying about it being a black man. does sherealize how many innocent black men were jacked by the police because of this?
I think the "B" stands for braindead.....

it's funny how these are the type of people who are incited by the direction of the McCain campaign and the lengths to which they resort when theycan't legitimately attack Obama...they should all just carve "B's" into their'd show solidarity and help us all know whatwe're looking at before they even have to call Obama a big, bad, scary Muslim-Commie-Socialist-Terrorist.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Everyone hooped on T-Bone for posting this and Dirty called us sad for doing so and guess what it turn out to be fake, just more propaganda. Now T-Bone and Dirty are nowhere to be found to condemned the actions of this girl. Nice

Well Dirty is gonna play devils advocate/defend anything somehow related to Republicans regardless...So you cant be too surprised.

Why is the "B" backwards? Cutting herself in a mirror?

The cuts seem self-inflicted...They didn't even break skin...They're scratches/abrasions if anything.

Then blogging about it afterwards trying to gain support for McCain...Doesn't seem too traumatized to me.

Seems like desperation...Some McCain/Palin supporters are getting exposed for being bigots/racists, So now this broad goes and pulls this stunt to try and paint Obama supporters in a negative light to somehow soften the blow.

Personally, That's how I see it...If this is in fact real, It's inexcusable. But right now, I'm calling fraud.


Originally Posted by FeelMode

so no sign of Tbone or Dirty since the info leaked that this chick made this up?

I wouldnt mind reading there next reply's.

I think this is actually speaks volumes about where the GOP party is today and the people that are voting along side them. The fact that this chick made this up is so not surprising it's actually hillarious.
i agree
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