SHOCK: McCain volunteer ATTACKED & MUTILATED in PITT..... "B" CARVED into her face....

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Signs pointing to Tales of Duck? Hmmm.....when looking at it objectively, the story doesn't really add up. And the fact that she wrote "lets all work together and get John McCain elected" doesn't help her case either. So you just got attacked and some @%*% carved into your face, and your response is thanks for the thoughts, but lets get our guy into office?

VERY questionable.

I guess this COULD happen, but the details just don't make sense. Would a dude on the street robbing someone for 60 bones REALLY take the time out to critique their victim's political stance? Hmmm.....
that's what i was thinking once I heard of the "b" carving. Sounded really suspect.

Strange story as it is.
No witness/camera catching it
Not getting medical attention is a big flag. I'd be worried about diseases that the knife may have had on it.
An image of a monstrous scary black man describing him as 6'4" and 200 pounds. Seems like a way to get white people scared and more fired up.
Happened in super-important state of PA.

I'm not saying this is definitely mccain's campaign doing every little possible thing to get back in this...but there is definitely a possibility.

I wish her a speedy recovery if this stuff is legit. Which it probably is. But not definitely.

Edit: I change my stance to 99.999999999949% chance its fake
Cached Facebook page (which has been deleted earlier today for some mysterious reason);gl=us&client=safari

Cahed MySpace page, which has been switched to private today (Her caption: "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, butit's better if you do")

from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review (http://www.pittsburghlive.../election/s_594939.html):

"Police planned to administer a polygraph test to Ashley Todd, 20, because her statements about the attack conflict with evidence from the Citizens BankATM where she claims the incident occurred, police said."
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Everyone hooped on T-Bone for posting this and Dirty called us sad for doing so and guess what it turn out to be fake, just more propaganda. Now T-Bone and Dirty are nowhere to be found to condemned the actions of this girl. Nice

Well Dirty is gonna play devils advocate/defend anything somehow related to Republicans regardless...So you cant be too surprised.

Why is the "B" backwards? Cutting herself in a mirror?

The cuts seem self-inflicted...They didn't even break skin...They're scratches/abrasions if anything.

Then blogging about it afterwards trying to gain support for McCain...Doesn't seem too traumatized to me.

Seems like desperation...Some McCain/Palin supporters are getting exposed for being bigots/racists, So now this broad goes and pulls this stunt to try andpaint Obama supporters in a negative light to somehow soften the blow.

Personally, That's how I see it...If this is in fact real, It's inexcusable. But right now, I'm calling fraud.
You know...the B is backwards isn't it? though it would look right...if you carved/drew it into yourself using a mirror. -___-
This is definitely a hoax...

She had my sympathy at first, but when you really think about it the story definitely doesn't add up.

1.) She refused medical attention

2.) The only picture taken of the cut was by her, and she posts it on her blog. Let's be real if this really happened it would be way too traumatizing tomake sure the first thing you do after is update your damn blog.

3.) The B is backwards, which makes me think she did this in a mirror...

4.) The cut isn't deep at all. This supposed assailant beats the
out of her and robs her, but makes sure he's careful enough not to cut her too deep with his knife.

5.) How would the assailant know that the car belonged to her? He would have only known that if he had been watching her, which mean he would have seen thesticker BEFORE the initial assault, not after like she is claiming.

6.) This guy is such a big Obama supporter that he would take the risk of being caught just to make a political statement...

In conclusion, this broad's story is complete bull

i really felt bad for her at first, but after more details are coming out, this story has to be a hoax.
this election got people doing crazy things. to other people and for their candidate
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by KkennethJ

NT is mainly composed of bias sheep. You see a crime like this and what are their reactions? So quick to defend their political party by trying to accuse the validity of the story and pick at every detail they can find. I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are alot of them here. Disregarding his motives, what he did is still a terrible crime, but his reason to do so just intensifies the situation and all the Obama supporters get into defensive positions. I'm not even saying the story is true or false but smh if it is.
After reading your response I come to the conclusion that you are biased and in favor of the GOP. These type of responses have become typical of NikeTalk posters when it comes to the 08 Presidential race. Obviously not a one-sided thing. You, like me, notice that there are more Obama supporters so, but that does not mean that only Democrats respond like this.
I'm in favor of piling all these topics into one big McCain vs Obama thread.

I'm not favoring any party, if this was the opposite i would've felt the same way. And its understandable that you have a strong connections to yourparty, but people are coming to rash conclusions right off the bat. This story can be a hoax or whatever but just saying how some people react to it. Its adamn shame that people are actually commiting such acts of hate on both sides. Also noticed that them majority of NT if for Obama its most definite that therewill be people just following along the crowd in this forum. Its not even just the forum, the media supporters are having a large impact on the averageAmerican. And I'm not in the GOP :<
This was bound to happen from McCain/Palins camp to promote a division amongst the American people.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Everyone hooped on T-Bone for posting this and Dirty called us sad for doing so and guess what it turn out to be fake, just more propaganda. Now T-Bone and Dirty are nowhere to be found to condemned the actions of this girl. Nice
she didnt deserve sympathy?

edit: (before all this came to light)
unless they flipped the image...the 'B' carved in her face is backwards. i don't know any would be attacker that would have enough time or thoughtto put a backwards 'B' on this woman's face.

unless...she stood in the mirror and did it herself........

but ATM footage to back this up=STAGED and desperate attempt for attention to link this to Blacks and the Obama campaign.

I could believe she got robbed....but the whole, "he seen my McCain/Palin sticker on my car and came back to carve a backwards 'B' on myface" is preposterously bogus.

Again...if they admit they flipped the pic or she took the pic in the mirror...disregard what I just said.
Originally Posted by KkennethJ

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by KkennethJ

NT is mainly composed of bias sheep. You see a crime like this and what are their reactions? So quick to defend their political party by trying to accuse the validity of the story and pick at every detail they can find. I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are alot of them here. Disregarding his motives, what he did is still a terrible crime, but his reason to do so just intensifies the situation and all the Obama supporters get into defensive positions. I'm not even saying the story is true or false but smh if it is.
After reading your response I come to the conclusion that you are biased and in favor of the GOP. These type of responses have become typical of NikeTalk posters when it comes to the 08 Presidential race. Obviously not a one-sided thing. You, like me, notice that there are more Obama supporters so, but that does not mean that only Democrats respond like this.
I'm in favor of piling all these topics into one big McCain vs Obama thread.

I'm not favoring any party, if this was the opposite i would've felt the same way. And its understandable that you have a strong connections to your party, but people are coming to rash conclusions right off the bat. This story can be a hoax or whatever but just saying how some people react to it. Its a damn shame that people are actually commiting such acts of hate on both sides. Also noticed that them majority of NT if for Obama its most definite that there will be people just following along the crowd in this forum. Its not even just the forum, the media supporters are having a large impact on the average American. And I'm not in the GOP :<
Stop the BS man. You're obviously biased for admonishing people who dare question the validity of this story. You claim to not be by statingthat it's a shame these acts are committed on both sides of the line, but I only see you attacking Obama supporters here. And when has there been anybiased crimes or hate speech involving supporters of Obama towards Republicans/Mccain the way it's being organized and carried out by members supportingthe McCain campaign itself both? I'm talking about people like Michele Bachmann from Minesotta, the dork GOP leader from Florida who called Obamasupporters Communists and people in Ohio standing outside the McCain rallies holding stuffed monkey dolls and referring to Obama supporters as criminals and Nwords? Why the hell shouldn't people be pissed at the way the racist taunts, double-speak inflected hate speech and accusations of un-American/terroristsympathizer/marginal American labels get thrown at Obama and people who support him? Get outta here.
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

Originally Posted by KkennethJ

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by KkennethJ

NT is mainly composed of bias sheep. You see a crime like this and what are their reactions? So quick to defend their political party by trying to accuse the validity of the story and pick at every detail they can find. I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are alot of them here. Disregarding his motives, what he did is still a terrible crime, but his reason to do so just intensifies the situation and all the Obama supporters get into defensive positions. I'm not even saying the story is true or false but smh if it is.
After reading your response I come to the conclusion that you are biased and in favor of the GOP. These type of responses have become typical of NikeTalk posters when it comes to the 08 Presidential race. Obviously not a one-sided thing. You, like me, notice that there are more Obama supporters so, but that does not mean that only Democrats respond like this.
I'm in favor of piling all these topics into one big McCain vs Obama thread.

I'm not favoring any party, if this was the opposite i would've felt the same way. And its understandable that you have a strong connections to your party, but people are coming to rash conclusions right off the bat. This story can be a hoax or whatever but just saying how some people react to it. Its a damn shame that people are actually commiting such acts of hate on both sides. Also noticed that them majority of NT if for Obama its most definite that there will be people just following along the crowd in this forum. Its not even just the forum, the media supporters are having a large impact on the average American. And I'm not in the GOP :<
Stop the BS man. You're obviously biased for admonishing people who dare question the validity of this story. You claim to not be by stating that it's a shame these acts are committed on both sides of the line, but I only see you attacking Obama supporters here. And when has there been any biased crimes or hate speech involving supporters of Obama towards Republicans/Mccain the way it's being organized and carried out by members supporting the McCain campaign itself both? I'm talking about people like Michele Bachmann from Minesotta, the dork GOP leader from Florida who called Obama supporters Communists and people in Ohio standing outside the McCain rallies holding stuffed monkey dolls and referring to Obama supporters as criminals and N words? Why the hell shouldn't people be pissed at the way the racist taunts, double-speak inflected hate speech and accusations of un-American/terrorist sympathizer/marginal American labels get thrown at Obama and people who support him? Get outta here.

Holy crap
The B was backwards so she obviously did this to herself. They showed the pic on the news this morning.
@ her Myspace quote "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths off, but its better if you do."

Police planned to administer a polygraph test to Ashley Todd, 20, because her statements about the attack conflict with evidence from the Citizens Bank ATM where she claims the incident occurred, police said.
Yea this does sound a little or a lot fishy. Yall going in hard on each other though, for no reason it seems like. Just reading this post kinda shows thatamericans or people will never get along or respect each others opinions enough to work together and progress.
please change the title. SHE WAS NOT MUTILATED!

Several inconsistencies" have emerged in the statements made by a John McCain volunteer who claims she was robbed at knife point in Pittsburgh by an attacker who cut a "B" into her face after noticing a McCain bumper sticker on her car.
Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard told on Friday that Ashley Todd, 20, says she was groped by a robber and lost consciousness during Wednesday's alleged assault at an ATM. She didn't initially report those details, Richard said.

As for the wound on her cheek, "it's very shallow, it's more of a scratch," Richard said.

Todd took a polygraph test late Thursday or early Friday after police discovered the inconsistencies, Richard said. The investigation is ongoing. Richard said Todd is still being considered the "victim" of an assault.

Police are reviewing surveillance footage and searching for witnesses.

After a second interview by police, Todd is not as definitive about the assault, or the motives behind it, Richard said. She's also not sure if the robber took $60 from her as she initially reported but maintains it's missing, Richard said.

Todd received a call from the Republican presidential nominee and has spoken with her family. Barack Obama's local campaign team also issued well-wishes to the Texas resident.

However, just hours after the alleged assault was made public, some were raising flags about her account.

"There's just a lot of unanswered questions," one source familiar with the investigation told "The story just sounds very bizarre."

Police say Todd initially refused medical attention, though FOX News was later told she went to the hospital Thursday. A photo circulating of her on the Internet shows Todd with a black eye and a backward "B" on her right cheek, though the letter is faint.

Blogs and message boards, including on one of Todd's own Web pages, pointed to those details Thursday in raising skepticism about her account.

According to initial reports, Todd was working at a nearby phone bank before she was apparently attacked near an ATM.

Richard said the victim was withdrawing money at 9 p.m. Wednesday when a man approached her from behind, put the knife to her neck and demanded money. She said she gave him $60.

She told police the robber then noticed the bumper sticker, punched her in the back of the head, knocked her down, and continued to punch and kick her while threatening to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter.

"You are going to be a Barack supporter," she recalled the robber saying before he sat on her chest, pinning both her hands down with his knees and scratched the letter "B" on the right side of her face using what she believed to be a very dull knife. Then the robber fled, she said in the police report.

Ethan Eilon, executive director of the College Republicans National Committee, told FOX News Todd was volunteering through his organization and that she had taken a year off to work on the campaign.

He said that her attacker became enraged when he saw she had the McCain bumper sticker, and yelled, "You are one of those McCain people."

A police report does not describe the size or severity of the injury but says the knife was 4 to 5 inches.

Obama's Pittsburgh spokeswoman Allison Price later issued a statement saying "our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."

yet the b is still backwards/upside down lol.
I have a question for the OP. Obviously you are a McCain supporter, and that's fine, but if and when this gets exposed as a desperate woman's actions,will you change the sensationalistic title of this thread?

Any objective person can see this is lining up to be a stunt. I don't think the McCain campaign or Mr. McCain himself is behind this. I think this woman(from Tx, mind you) is so horrified by the prospect of someone she considers not a "real" american becoming president, that she took it upon herselfto pull this stunt in a very important state that's vital for both parties.
Not sure what is being blown out of proportion here according to you. The fact that she lied and accused this on some mythical black guy or that she's arabid McCain/Palin supporter who would probably do anything including lying to make the opposing party's candidate & his followers look like somemarginal, violent angry mob in a SWING state.
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