Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

Why when this guy called this a terror attack did Fox quickly change the subject to another shooting, start experiencing technical difficulties and mention Islamic terrorism as if that's the only brand?


Ban assault rifles it's not that hard there is no need for one, civilians shouldn't be allowed to purchase them.
Ban assault rifles it's not that hard there is no need for one, civilians shouldn't be allowed to purchase them.

that aint going to stop people from acquiring them if needed. That will just make illegal assault rifles more profitable in the black market.
God Bless to those who lost their lives and to the friends and fam of those lost.

Sad all around.
Maybe it doesn't stop people from buying them all together but it makes it harder and that's at least a step in the right direction things can't stay the way they are, there is no excuse for it.
btw this wasnt an assault rifle one can go purchass at the gun shop. sounded like a belt fed machinge gun tbh. or a sub machine gun with a high capicity drum.

automatic weapons are already illegal... and have been for decades. gotta apply to the FBI to get one
what devils.

regardless of their "motives" this was a heinous act that deserves the same reaction as any other terror attack: universal condemnation of the people responsible while not overreacting against people who share superfluous commonalities with them.

as always, we need to discuss mental health and the gun culture in this country.

but we won't because we're a weak, paranoid society easily exploited by propaganda. so nothing's going to change. so maybe we should just save our fake outrage and return to life as normal. that's the least we can do.
'Deadliest mass shooting in US history'

Feels like we've been hearing this phrase way too often over the last decade :smh:|l

RIP to all the victims of this beyond cowardly and despicable act of terror
Dudes still trying to justify the personal use of assault rifles for what? To mow down defenseless animals? What other purpose do they serve? I'm all for the right to own a firearm to protect your family an ar-15 etc isn't that.
this is so problematic.

when your ill ijformed dont spread your ignorance

So why don't you inform us as to why a sane person would need one?
Dudes still trying to justify the personal use of assault rifles for what? To mow down defenseless animals? What other purpose do they serve? I'm all for the right to own a firearm to protect your family an ar-15 etc isn't that.

So why don't you inform us as to why a sane person would need one?
you dont know what an assault rifle is. as soon as ARs are banned mass killers will use any semi auto rifle with high cap magazines.

is your propsal citizens should only be able to have lead ball muskets?

what about the 150 million semi auto rifkes alrdy on the US streets?

u sound dumb and scared. everytime some idiot raps his lambo around a street pole you dont wanna ban sport cars do you? cuz we dont need them at all...
Yea let's compare machines made to kill to fast cars that's tottally the same thing what a ******* dope.
RIP to the victims.

It's still so unimaginable someone could commit such a heinous act even though it seems like it's happening more and more.

Condolences to the families and friends affected by this tragedy.
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