Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

False flag dummies are out in full force because it looks like you can't pin this on a immigrant or Muslim :smh:

R.I.P. to the victims
RIP to all... My mother in law is out there... Got a hold of one of the ladies she was with and they are all okay... Not a good morning for my wife reading the reports with her mom right there... Feeling thankful
As a white man, this is 100% terrorism... This coward terrorized innocent victims and tried to disrupt our way of life... Doesnt get more clear cut than that IMO
you dont know what an assault rifle is. as soon as ARs are banned mass killers will use any semi auto rifle with high cap magazines.

is your propsal citizens should only be able to have lead ball muskets?

what about the 150 million semi auto rifkes alrdy on the US streets?

u sound dumb and scared. everytime some idiot raps his lambo around a street pole you dont wanna ban sport cars do you? cuz we dont need them at all...

The more events like this happen, the more your position sounds irrational.

You're the one who is too scared to walk outside without having to look like Rambo.

Trying to equate car accidents with mass shootings, who does that?
Wow, just seeing this on our news broadcast. That automatic weapon kept firing for like 10 seconds straight no breaks. Horrible, our news says dozens dead and 200 injured at least. At the least the shooter (white man) has been caught and killed according to the news.

RIP to all the deceased and best hopes for the injured. :smh:
A ban on heavy artillery would not stop them from existing or being put in the wrong hands, but it would definitely stop people from having them as everybody isn't gonna go through the motions to cop an illegal weapon

If not a ban, restrictions need to be put in place. Such as you can only cop such and such weapon if you have a hunting license or whatever .

I don't see how people can say nothing needs to be done.
Cant wait to see how Trump handles this one.

That all depends on the shooters skin color, if he's white, Trump will find a way to sympathize with him and say hes probably a fine man pushed to the if he's anything other than white we can expect him to go full rage mode attacking everyone that shares the shooters background in general.
I'm fairly sure trump is going to find a way to blame this on the NFL protests.

"this guy was a patriotic American who just couldn't fathom how Americans were disrespecting the flag that our ancestors died for. this is on you, kaepernick. i am calling for a complete and total shutdown of sports in this country, with exceptions for NASCAR and golf."
ive heard he didnt have social media, i cant tell if the Twitter handle @THEPADS is him or not

joined in 2010, no tweets
I'm fairly sure trump is going to find a way to blame this on the NFL protests.

"this guy was a patriotic American who just couldn't fathom how Americans were disrespecting the flag that our ancestors died for. this is on you, kaepernick. i am calling for a complete and total shutdown of sports in this country, with exceptions for NASCAR and golf."

So you shoot a country music festival where I’m sure a majority of the attendees are from the south a trump supporters. That would be a mental gymnastics act for all time :lol:
I'm fairly sure trump is going to find a way to blame this on the NFL protests.

"this guy was a patriotic American who just couldn't fathom how Americans were disrespecting the flag that our ancestors died for. this is on you, kaepernick. i am calling for a complete and total shutdown of sports in this country, with exceptions for NASCAR and golf."


I'm fairly sure trump is going to find a way to blame this on the NFL protests.

"this guy was a patriotic American who just couldn't fathom how Americans were disrespecting the flag that our ancestors died for. this is on you, kaepernick. i am calling for a complete and total shutdown of sports in this country, with exceptions for NASCAR and golf."
Doesn't make sense considering that it was a predominantly white venue. A country music show.
Eh, that’s a tad of an exaggeration. His companion was an asian woman and she is in custody.
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