Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel


Even though they're already being regulated and have been for years. People are simply advocating for stricter federal regulations which is only "impossible" because the NRA makes it so. No one wants to take away your toys. You'll still be able to prove how much of a man you are by shooting Bambi's parents. It will just become harder to get them. That's all.

I'm pretty sure we out here in California had something last year where people actually turned in guns with high capacity magazines and assault rifles I believe. And they were given gift cards or something for doing so. So yes it's not impossible at all. You can actually do something about guns that are already on the street, is it easy though no. American society is a gun loving fear mongering culture and as with so much of societal issues the attitudes will have to change as well as policy.

The NRA is a powerful organization with a lot of influence though.
I don't believe that system exists, at this point in America's relationship with firearms.

This is kinda how I feel honestly. We have gun culture here. The obsession is too strong, combined with the constant fear pushed through news cycles and the NRA having the power they have.

You'd need a legit culture shift to really put a dent in incidents like these, from lessening the desensitization to violence to the obsession with weapons to the mental health aspects. It's a weird situation we have in this country and I say this as a gun owner. It's really strange.
Who the hell said I wanted to stop private sales anyway? See what I mean about not debating in good faith.

But to indulge you....

All guns have to be registered, if you sell a gun you need to have a background check done on the buyer, and transfer registration.

You sell a gun without taking the proper steps, or selling to someone who doesn't pass the background check, then their are fines or other forms of punishment.

You ever thought that maybe there is a middle ground between where we are now than the world you have constructed in your head?

No one is pushing gun control policies as panaceas. If you actually listened to folk you might realize this.

How are you going to register all guns already in American homes?
I don't believe that system exists, at this point in America's relationship with firearms.
So you think decreasing the number of american citizens who can obtain guns going forward will have no impact on the frequency of mass shooting?

Think being the key word here (even though I think that's ridiculous). What is being threatened by attempting to form stricter purchasing and licensing laws?

The difference between fact and opinion is literally one of the first things I remember learning in school. Had no ****ing clue how important it is to know and distinguish between the two. The fact that you don't think it's possible doesn't mean it's impossible.
I don't believe that system exists, at this point in America's relationship with firearms.

It's possible, it will take several steps and will make some folks uncomfortable with their old habits and thoughts regarding it all but it can be done. We can't just throw our hands up as a nation and declare it "impossible" and do nothing every time these tragedies happen
A witness to the Las Vegas massacre says it was a scene of "pure chaos and carnage," but it was amazing to see police officers and other first responders risk their own lives to help victims.

"In a world where everyone's kneeling, I saw hundreds of people standing up and running towards the danger," Russell Bleck said on "Happening Now."

Bleck said he saw people with medical or military backgrounds rushing to administer aid, including plugging others' bullet wounds with their fingers and using their bodies to shield people.

Fox News
gun control is such a slippery really is near impossible to control how or when or who purchases them in order to prevent these acts of terrorism from happening again...
Gun advocates stay saying there's nothing you can do to prevent stuff on the street already. You know what's not helping anything, stuff like this...

Imagine if dude had a silencer on the rifle. There's clearly two ways to go with this. The aww sucks narrative isn't a constructive one.
I'm pretty sure we out here in California had something last year where people actually turned in guns with high capacity magazines and assault rifles I believe. And they were given gift cards or something for doing so. So yes it's not impossible at all. You can actually do something about guns that are already on the street, is it easy though no. American society is a gun loving fear mongering culture and as with so much of societal issues the attitudes will have to change as well as policy.

The NRA is a powerful organization with a lot of influence though.
What you mentioned above is sort of what our government and police departments did after the 2006 mass shooting and subsequent law changes.
For about a year after the law changed you could turn in your guns with the police for a pretty decent value and with no legal liability for the kind of firearm you brought in. Didn't matter if it was unregistered, completely illegal for anyone to own, ...
And a decent amount of firearms did end up getting turned in for destruction. I checked and it appears I mixed up the numbers in an earlier post. Rather than 700k firearms being turned in, that was the number of firearm permits that were active at the time. Roughly 115000 firearms were turned in during that period. It was entirely voluntary, the police wasn't knocking on doors trying to confiscate them or anything. I just don't see that happening in the US at this time though, even with some degree of financial incentive and no legal penalties.
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What you mentioned above is sort of what our government and police departments did after the 2006 mass shooting and subsequent law changes.
For about a year after the law changed you could turn in your guns with the police for a pretty decent value and with no legal liability for the kind of firearm you brought in. Didn't matter if it was unregistered, completely illegal for anyone to own, ...
And a decent amount of firearms did end up getting turned in for destruction. I checked and it appears I mixed up the numbers in an earlier post. Rather than 700k firearms being turned in, that was the number of firearm permits that were active at the time. Roughly 115000 firearms were turned in during that period.

Yep similar thing out here. There weren't any legal reprocussions. I think I even saw a bazooka on the news. But our gun culture probably won't go for that at a mass scale.
There are people in this country that view their unmitigated access to firearms one of if not their most important right. I'm not saying they are right or wrong.

If you tried to tell those people that they have to register all of their existing firearms in a Federal database then I do think there would be an armed response that would dwarf the number dead from mass shootings.

Especially in this political climate
Was in this thread when it started. Wake up to see it jump 27 odd pages. Mental illness was mentioned last I read and I don't know if was expanded upon. All I got is this

How are you going to register all guns already in American homes?

You obviously can't. You're entirely missing the point though. Again.

Criminal fingerprints and DNA weren't on databases overnight.

Pedophiles addresses weren't online overnight.

It takes time to progress. Start with guns being manufactured, like someone said introduce more buy back programs, make it mandatory for present owners to register their firearms (or amend existing legislation). Do something. For the love of Christ.
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How are you going to register all guns already in American homes?
By funding a federal agency and local officials to do the data collection and telling people it is mandatory to register or report their guns. Millions of extended warranties are registered every year, millions sign up health insurance every year; you really think registering a majority of finite number of objects is that impossible?

People can chose not to follow the law if they chose. But that will kinda blow up the responsible gun owner defense and they will be taking the risk if their gun is ever lost or stolen.

-But dude, can you for one second get out of the "it won't be perfect, so let's do nothing mindset"

All you are doing is playing a game of "whataboutism" to dismiss the entire subject. How about instead of demanding everyone you disagree have the perfect solution right away. We as a country, demand the federal government have public hearings and hear from experts on what could be done.

How about we do that before closing our minds?
honestly, this **** isn't going to stop until we develop a society that we can all be satisfied with.

you don't rent a hotel room as a camp position to shoot into a bowl of human beings unless you are seriously dissatisfied with life.

what was so sad to me was watching his bewildered brother trying to process out loud--on live international television--that his brother is now a mass murderer...kept referencing him with present tense--my brother IS, my brother DOES--it's not even real to him yet.

imagine knowing someone you considered yourself that close to held that much secret pain. imagine NOT KNOWING your brother of 57 years.

that's why I think the only enduring solution to this kind of violence is to address it at the root. structure government to serve the needs of its people foremost.

make mental health a priority from childhood. end the adversarial culture fostered by today's media. encourage inclusion in society.

ensure the most dangerous animal on Earth has a stress-free habitat conducive to positive social behavior, the same way we do with the four-leggers.

yeah it sounds like some John Lennon song, and is a long-fix suggestion for sure, but the way I see it anything else is just duct tape and bubblegum.

it's a damn shame.
honestly, this **** isn't going to stop until we develop a society that we can all be satisfied with.

you don't rent a hotel room as a camp position to shoot into a bowl of human beings unless you are seriously dissatisfied with life.

what was so sad to me was watching his bewildered brother trying to process out loud--on live international television--that his brother is now a mass murderer...kept referencing him with present tense--my brother IS, my brother DOES--it's not even real to him yet.

imagine knowing someone you considered yourself that close to held that much secret pain. imagine NOT KNOWING your brother of 57 years.

that's why I think the only enduring solution to this kind of violence is to address it at the root. structure government to serve the needs of its people foremost.

make mental health a priority from childhood. end the adversarial culture fostered by today's media. encourage inclusion in society.

ensure the most dangerous animal on Earth has a stress-free habitat conducive to positive social behavior, the same way we do with the four-leggers.

yeah it sounds like some John Lennon song, and is a long-fix suggestion for sure, but the way I see it anything else is just duct tape and bubblegum.

it's a damn shame.
Great Long read. 8)
what was so sad to me was watching his bewildered brother trying to process out loud--on live international television--that his brother is now a mass murderer...kept referencing him with present tense--my brother IS, my brother DOES--it's not even real to him yet.

Agreed. The media ain't **** for that. Completely irresponsible of the media to grill dudes brother like that.
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