Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

Clearly you're not one of those people since the BS you're peddling is coming straight from somebody else's Twitter

But don't let me stop you from patting yourself on the back
Dunno what's going on anymore but repped this ether. See too many folks on the internet in general passing off tweets and youtube vids as gospel then claiming to be more intelligent and woke. Not saying that's the case with homie though, like I said, ain't been reading. Just check in now and then for legitimate updates.
Remember when people were up in arms about the security guard “disappearing”? Of course we do—that was a few days ago.

Guess he heard your concern and resurfaced today on national television. :lol:

Gotta love when asinine theories get blown to pieces and all you hear from the conspiracy folks are *crickets*.

Waiting on new theories about the security guard having to be trained to get his story right, which would explain his “disappearance”.
one of the most clever tricks ever played with the popular consciousness is having the phrase "conspiracy theory" linked to ANYTHING that questions an established narrative. shape-shifting reptilians, 9/11 doubts, COINTELPRO, flat earth bull****, and the Tuskegee Experiment all under the same umbrella.

not saying I believe in all this crisis actor/fake wounds/missing witnesses noise, but it's fair to say we're not getting all the info.
I am not sympathetic to that argument. Ignores the math of how these things work. But before I address that, a mini rant.....

-First let us get into the concept of 'they". They changes and evolves from situation to situation to pedal this narrative that there is one force, one group of people, that are behind any and everything.

In this situation, who is the "they" exactly? Is it the Federal government, if so what agency? Is the state of Nevada in on it too? If so who at the state level, and what incentive do they have to hurt their economy. Is Clark County in on it too, because they have to be in on the cover up? Metro Police have to be in on it, right? And the right cops must be picked to keep this secret. Also I assume MGM Resorts are in on it and their insurance company. The must have some compelling reason to be down with losing tens of millions.

Like do people ever stop and think how many people have to be in on this hoax for their kiss me *** theories to work? But of course let us not work through these questions because only sleep ask such questions; sleep just believe everything the all encompassing "THEY" want them to believe. :rolleyes

-And no I don't trust everything in the news. No one reasonable person should because we know journalist try to cover the news that is known and try to discover more info to tell people. Of course you go into the process of watching the news with the assumption that you might not be getting all the story, there might be more new news tomorrow.

Same thing with ongoing investigations, especially that have been going on for a short time. Which struggle investigator would go to the public and tell them every bit of info they have as they get it? It doesn't work that way, you are trying to solve a mystery, trying to find more info, trying to complete the puzzle and spilling the beans right away might hamper this.

-I have no problem with people being skeptical. But people who pedal these alternative theories are straight up hypocrites. So if I don't believe their story I am a sleep, oh really? So I am suppose to question all other sources of info EXCEPT the ones you agree with. I must be skeptical of any and anything "THEY" tell me, but the alternative theorist must not be question. Like does no one see the flaw in this logic.

-Also there is no punishment for conspiracy theorist. They can make guess after guess, say stupid **** upon stupid ****, get thousands of stuff wrong and society lets it slide because they don't really care that much. But let ONE thing be proven even half way right, and conspiracy theorist use that as capital to insist that if they are right once they are now some sort of expert, and must be right all the other times.

People that do real investigative journalism will always have my respect. These people are intelligent, gather facts, then make a informed conclusions and based on the information that took endless hours to gather. Clowns that run to their favorite bias confirming website or Twitter feed get no respect from me. They just come of as dudes desperate to prove how special and smart they are, yet are too lazy to do the heavy lifting of actual research.

They can miss me with that ****, and hold tight until the day one of their theories are confirmed, so they can feel special.

And it is always the same dudes you find pedaling stuff time, and time again. Even on subjects they are completely ignorant about.
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Remember when people were up in arms about the security guard “disappearing”? Of course we do—that was a few days ago.

Guess he heard your concern and resurfaced today on national television. :lol:

Gotta love when asinine theories get blown to pieces and all you hear from the conspiracy folks are *crickets*.

Waiting on new theories about the security guard having to be trained to get his story right, which would explain his “disappearance”.

Body double.
Not a lone wolf. Multiple shooters involved. Cool or nah??

Well it seems as you though you think there's more to it. You insinuated that no one was actually wounded with that little amazon meme and video of the headshot victim being released. You've also insinuated a lot more. So what else? You're making it seem like it was some big hexagonal conspiracy...
one of the most clever tricks ever played with the popular consciousness is having the phrase "conspiracy theory" linked to ANYTHING that questions an established narrative. shape-shifting reptilians, 9/11 doubts, COINTELPRO, flat earth ********, and the Tuskegee Experiment all under the same umbrella.

not saying I believe in all this crisis actor/fake wounds/missing witnesses noise, but it's fair to say we're not getting all the info.

Agreed 100%.

But what also hurts the conspiracy angles are the theories themselves. Some of the **** is so far fetched yet people swear by it, thus damaging those theories that may have some credibility.

There’s a big difference between acknowledging that we’re not getting the full story (which we’re not) and saying that victims are crisis actors and we’re seeing rubber dummies in wheelbarrows. That’s a HUGE leap in logic.
Agreed 100%.

But what also hurts the conspiracy angles are the theories themselves. Some of the **** is so far fetched yet people swear by it, thus damaging those theories that may have some credibility.

There’s a big difference between acknowledging that we’re not getting the full story (which we’re not) and saying that victims are crisis actors and we’re seeing rubber dummies in wheelbarrows. That’s a HUGE leap in logic.

I can dig it, just think "you're demonstrably wrong about that and here's why, but keep using that brain" is more effective than "you're the dumbest person to ever live, shut the **** up forever." that type of talk sends people back into their loony echo chambers to further their miseducation.

you said it perfectly tho...the really out there ****--child pizza slaves on Mars and faked elementary school shootings--hurts the credibility of legitimate questioning.

there's definitely something to the contention that people crank out these insane ramblings because they don't want to believe in regular old bad people doing regular old ****ty things.

anyway, as active thinkers I believe we all have a responsibility to spread both truth and least, that's one I've made up for myself.

course, this all points to the fact that critical thinking--info analysis, fact-checking, debate--is not a significant part of our educational system...but that's another essay.
Well it seems as you though you think there's more to it. You insinuated that no one was actually wounded with that little amazon meme and video of the headshot victim being released. You've also insinuated a lot more. So what else? You're making it seem like it was some big hexagonal conspiracy...

Im just asking questions bro...but hey, if u got all the answers, then i guess its a wrap.
Im just asking questions bro...but hey, if u got all the answers, then i guess its a wrap.

No one has all the answers. It happened two weeks ago.

Asking question is one thing. Acting like the dude who got shot in the head is lying and insinuating that there have been no confirmed gunshot wounds is whole different level of tinfoil.
I just wanna categorize my conspiracy theory into the not buying he did it alone and with a bump stock column. I think it's possible he had a military grade weapon, possibly stolen and it would open a can of worms if said stolen weapon was traced back to a source.

I think the cover-up involves the weapon and whatever group he was affiliated with because it is probably a group of white terrorists and we know this country doesn't like to call white people terrorists or highlight violent white crime.

I find it interesting that we've heard nothing about his political affiliations or voting record. All that time in casinos and no one has any interesting small talk or casual conversations to reference? If he was anything like his loudmouth brother, he was very opinionated.

I doubt anyone watched the whole body language video I posted pages back, but she picked up on something I caught. The brother inadvertently admitted to knowing more than his official story. Do I think he was involved? No. But he knows his brother was in some wild ****.
No one has all the answers. It happened two weeks ago.

Asking question is one thing. Acting like the dude who got shot in the head is lying and insinuating that there have been no confirmed gunshot wounds is whole different level of tinfoil.

I can't even count the amount of times I've seen these dudes say "I'm just asking questions" like it absolves them from criticism

And then they only ask questions about the official story while embracing some fantastical nonsense from social media
the other thing to keep in mind is that during a chaotic, unprecedented situation like this, lots of random and crazy **** happens, and no **** sherlock, the stories aren't all going to line up.
Maybe im rather trust someone that was there instead of all of you guys here that have the answers and figured it all out. My opinion and thoughts dont count, nor do the people that were ACTUALLY there:

A member of the NikeTalk team lost a longtime friend to this mass shooting. For the sake of privacy, I won't get into specifics, but I feel I must step in to prevent our community from being abused as a vector for the sort of toxic misinformation that is deeply disrespectful to those directly impacted by this tragedy - and so destructive to our society in general.

We're in a bad place as a civilization when people are inclined to believe anything they read online if it is repeated frequently enough and fits their preconceived biases. If you want to get "all the facts," you must first grasp the distinction between fact and rumor. It's fine to question what you read or hear, but thoughtlessly echoing unsubstantiated gossip is the antithesis of critical thinking.
My friends cousins fiancé passed away and an ex coworker was hit in the liver and is going through several blood transfusions due to these horrific acts. All the victims and their families are still in my thought.
Maybe im rather trust someone that was there instead of all of you guys here that have the answers and figured it all out. My opinion and thoughts dont count, nor do the people that were ACTUALLY there:


cmon man
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