Shooting reported at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.....Another one :{

This could be a true statement too:

"and just like the real world, the "liberals" main talking point is focused on making sure that everyone knows the bad guy was a white man."

Yet I wasn't the first person to even bring up race in here.

Lets not rewrite history again. It took all of this to convince everyone here that dude is black, once I established the fact that the shooter was not white, then the arguments came that race isn't relevant or from Gwap, "b.b.b.b but it doesn't matter if he was black, he got his bad traits from the separate white culture and his white side" and "he's mixed" or "those are conservative sources and not CNN", etc.

Here is my first post in this thread

after everyone accepted he was white... JChambers went sorta crazy posting more falso info... linking to race baiting articles etc.

that's when he started getting checked

in his mind he was still fighting against people who said he was white...

in reality everybody had accepted that he was black/mixed, and they were irrationally furious about it

I still want to know where that picture is from, and what his BLM connection is, and what BLM has in common with Islam.

And why the news isn't talking about his support of European terrorist organizations and the Nazi regime. And how a mixed guy ended up supporting either of those groups. **** makes no sense.

These are the questions that we would all like answered. They probably never will be.
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And now the "gun nut", "republican" "conspiracy theorist" "right wing" talk begins with zero validation. Dudes are furious that this dude is black and they can't argue it anymore, so they have to come up with personal attacks or try to dismantle sources, anything in a feeble attempt to prove that they are right in some way, after being schooled on the fact that the shooter is in fact black. :lol:

Articles state he was quiet but very vocal about his love for guns.

His dating profile said he was republican/conservative.

And you were posting conspiracy theories. (Media agenda, false narrative, fake photos to push a point, etc).

People have been saying he's black/mixed.

You seem furious that no one is taking the bait or trusting bunk sources that make up stuff for clicks. You still haven't posted the CNN article with the lightened photo. A photo I hadn't even seen until you posted it.
So you've established he is half black, so what? I'm not understanding what you're trying to prove here. Is this some type of guns don't kill people, black people do type of thing you're trying to prove? Does it make you feel better that its not a white guy behind these mass shootings? You trying to distract attention from something else here?
So you've established he is half black, so what? I'm not understanding what you're trying to prove here. Is this some type of guns don't kill people, black people do type of thing you're trying to prove? Does it make you feel better that its not a white guy behind these mass shootings? You trying to distract attention from something else here?

Nah, I was just going on the offensive after being attacked by several posters who were mad that I corrected them. The fact that the shooter is black was questioned and i was accused of creating a "conspiracy theory". :lol: But now everyone knew he was "mixed" . :lol: :rolleyes I was defending my point. I don't know why everyone was so mad. I guess that it went against their predetermined opinions on the subject. It isn't weird to anyone that the mainstream media is being so quiet about this dude and that there is no mention of his mother? My previous post explains this with quotes. Is there something wrong with posting numerous sources of information?What is your problem?

Source: Philly threat tied to website that Ore. shooter may have used

Colleges and universities in and around Philadelphia are bolstering police patrols for tomorrow after federal agencies notified them of a threat made on an Internet post.

The threat was posted Friday on 4chan, the same website that carried postings threatening a school in the "northwest" the day before nine people were slain at an Oregon college, a law-enforcement source with knowledge of the Philly threat confirmed to the Daily News today.

"This is only the beginning, . . . " the Philly-area threat says. "On October 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM CT, a fellow robot will take up arms against a university near Philadelphia. His cries will be heard, his victims will cower in fear, and the strength of the Union will decay a little more."

On Thursday, Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer, 26, allegedly killed eight students and their English professor in a classroom at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.

Colleges warn about threat of violence
The night before that shooting, someone posted on 4chan: "Some of you guys are alright [sic]. Don't go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest [sic]."

That was posted with a cartoon image of a frog with human characteristics holding a gun. The same image - adding a ski mask - appeared with the threat to the Philly-area schools posted Friday.

Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and La Salle University all sent safety alerts today notifying students that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms and the FBI were aware of an unspecific threat directed at "a university near Philadelphia," that could happen at 2 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow.

The post about Philadelphia, posted on 4chan's "ROBOT9001" or "r9k" board, says: "The first of our kind has struck fear into the hearts of America."

"If you are in that area, you are encouraged to stay at home and watch the news as the chaos unfolds," the post about Philly reads.

The 4chan site, a message board started in 2003 by 15-year-old Christopher Poole, is a spinoff of the Japanese website 2chan. Users start a thread with an image and invite discussion about topics segregated into boards about topics including anime, gaming, music, and several varieties of hentai pornography. It's the breeding ground of "Anonymous," the hacker/ protester collective.

Posts on the site have invited controversy before. In 2006, a user posted a detailed plan to detonate bombs at seven NFL stadiums on game day. The poster later served six months in prison.

"R9K" is powered by a script that prevents repeated posts from going on the site, forcing every post to be original.

Law-enforcement agencies have not released information about who made either the Oregon threat or the Philly threat.

Jong Lee, 20, a junior at Temple, told the Daily News today that he searched Google for some terms used in the university's alert, which was emailed to students. He soon found a website that archives old 4chan posts, and sent a screenshot to the People Paper.

Lee says he's still going to class tomorrow, and won't let the threat affect his routine.

Sean Collins, 19, a math major at Penn, said he's planning to go about his day as normal, although the 4chan post was "a little more upsetting" than the message Penn sent to students about the threat.

"It could be someone trying to get attention," he noted. But Collins is glad the police will be patrolling in greater numbers tomorrow.

"They're doing, as far as we know, all they can with the information they have," he said.

Rebecca Uhl, a marketing major at Temple, isn't changing her routine either. When 2 p.m. rolls around, she'll be studying for a class at 2:30 p.m., she told the People Paper.

"It wasn't a tough decision," she said. "My professor takes attendance and it's an important class."

" @JBrandt_TU

Daily News Staff Writer, [email protected], 215-854-4890
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And now the "gun nut", "republican" "conspiracy theorist" "right wing" talk begins with zero validation. Dudes are furious that this dude is black and they can't argue it anymore, so they have to come up with personal attacks or try to dismantle sources, anything in a feeble attempt to prove that they are right in some way, after being schooled on the fact that the shooter is in fact black. :lol:

Articles state he was quiet but very vocal about his love for guns.

His dating profile said he was republican/conservative.

And you were posting conspiracy theories. (Media agenda, false narrative, fake photos to push a point, etc).

People have been saying he's black/mixed.

You seem furious that no one is taking the bait or trusting bunk sources that make up stuff for clicks. You still haven't posted the CNN article with the lightened photo. A photo I hadn't even seen until you posted it.

It seems that nobody here had seen a pic until I posted it. Nobody said he was black/mixed until I came in here and it was heavily debated immediately.Did you see my previous post where I was immediately attacked for providing facts here? I guess that a lot of you are mad that you assumed he would fit a certain stereotype, and when I crashed that, you had to attack me or try to find something else that I was wrong about to ease your pain.
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Is the white race under attack?

The war on white america :lol:

And now the "gun nut", "republican" "conspiracy theorist" "right wing" talk begins with zero validation. Dudes are furious that this dude is black and they can't argue it anymore, so they have to come up with personal attacks or try to dismantle sources, anything in a feeble attempt to prove that they are right in some way, after being schooled on the fact that the shooter is in fact black. :lol:

Articles state he was quiet but very vocal about his love for guns.

His dating profile said he was republican/conservative.

And you were posting conspiracy theories. (Media agenda, false narrative, fake photos to push a point, etc).

People have been saying he's black/mixed.

You seem furious that no one is taking the bait or trusting bunk sources that make up stuff for clicks. You still haven't posted the CNN article with the lightened photo. A photo I hadn't even seen until you posted it.

It seems that nobody here had seen a pic until I posted it. Did you see my previous post where I was immediately attacked for providing facts here?

I did see someone saying he was white, and someone wondering why you were pushing him being black along with the Obama gun law angle and race bait articles.

I don't think anyone is "furious that he's black", mostly confused as to why you're stressing that he shouldn't be considered white, nor mixed, but black. And why you chose an article that tried to throw BLM under the bus/group them with Islam. With shopped photos attributed to a MSM outlet that were really faked by others to push a certain narrative/agenda, while you're in here talking about agendas and narratives.

And why you don't know that white supremacy doesn't mean you don't kill white people. Or why you can't see why people might consider a dude sympathizing with white terrorists and Nazis might maybe have white supremacist ideologies that may or may not have influenced his anger.
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So you've established he is half black, so what? I'm not understanding what you're trying to prove here. Is this some type of guns don't kill people, black people do type of thing you're trying to prove? Does it make you feel better that its not a white guy behind these mass shootings? You trying to distract attention from something else here?

Nah, I was just going on the offensive after being attacked by several posters who were mad that I corrected them. The fact that the shooter is black was questioned and i was accused of creating a "conspiracy theory".
But now everyone knew he was "mixed" .
I was defending my point. I don't know why everyone was so mad. I guess that it went against their predetermined opinions on the subject. It isn't weird to anyone that the mainstream media is being so quiet about this dude and that there is no mention of his mother? My previous post explains this with quotes. Is there something wrong with posting numerous sources of information?What is your problem?

Didnt you quote sources that said he was connected to BLM?

Didn't you quote sources that said CNN doctored a photo to hide that he was black?

how can you be a victim of assumpitons, when people only responded DIRECTLY to the info you brought to this thread....

you used the guise of correcting his race to start race baiting and posting false information...
 And why you don't know that white supremacy doesn't mean you don't kill white people. Or why you can't see why people might consider a dude sympathizing with white terrorists and Nazis might maybe have white supremacist ideologies that may or may not have influenced his anger.
his response will be "well somebody said he was white so I just wanted to correct them"

he won't address any of the race baiting websites/articles he brought here.. guarunteed
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You should always use multiple sources of info. You should also make sure your source isn't full of **** before you start showing other people.
Is the white race under attack?

The war on white america :lol:

And now the "gun nut", "republican" "conspiracy theorist" "right wing" talk begins with zero validation. Dudes are furious that this dude is black and they can't argue it anymore, so they have to come up with personal attacks or try to dismantle sources, anything in a feeble attempt to prove that they are right in some way, after being schooled on the fact that the shooter is in fact black. :lol:

Articles state he was quiet but very vocal about his love for guns.

His dating profile said he was republican/conservative.

And you were posting conspiracy theories. (Media agenda, false narrative, fake photos to push a point, etc).

People have been saying he's black/mixed.

You seem furious that no one is taking the bait or trusting bunk sources that make up stuff for clicks. You still haven't posted the CNN article with the lightened photo. A photo I hadn't even seen until you posted it.

It seems that nobody here had seen a pic until I posted it. Did you see my previous post where I was immediately attacked for providing facts here?

I did see someone saying he was white, and someone wondering why you were pushing him being black along with the Obama gun law angle and race bait articles.

I don't think anyone is "furious that he's black", mostly confused as to why you're stressing that he shouldn't be considered white, nor mixed, but black. And why you chose an article that tried to throw BLM under the bus/group them with Islam. With shopped photos attributed to a MSM outlet that were really faked by others to push a certain narrative/agenda, while you're in here talking about agendas and narratives.

And why you don't know that white supremacy doesn't mean you don't kill white people. Or why you can't see why people might consider a dude sympathizing with white terrorists and Nazis might maybe have white supremacist ideologies that may or may not have influenced his anger.

I chose an article that had information that was omitted from all of the mainstream sources. Information about the shooter and his identity. That is why his race was not known, because everyone here was obviously only exposed to certain mainstream sources. My sources had information that most of you obviously weren't aware of. I stated this fact to correct another poster and was attacked. I have posted proof of this and repeated it several times. It can't be disputed. Of course that other news outlet is pushing a narrative, just like CNN and every other source does. I can't find a valid source on the CNN picture, I already stated that and questioned its validity. I don't understand why it is still being mentioned. BLM and Islam is just as strange as white supremacy, atheism and the IRA being lumped together. There is a lot of speculation going on. We have already been over this and I am not the only offender in here. I don't care about white supremacy. I didn't' even bring it up or claim it as a motivating factor in the shootings. White culture was blamed, not by me. I don't blame anyone or anything but the shooter himself, and possibly pharmaceutical drugs. I was addressing the posters referring to this whiteness, as if it was a cause for this crime.His race isn't an issue to me, but I am 100% positive that it would be an issue to most posters here if a white guy shot and killed 9 black people. We would be having a whole different conversation.If you say otherwise you are a liar and you know it.
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You should always use multiple sources of info. You should also make sure your source isn't full of **** before you start showing other people.

I'm not your daddy. If you don't trust the source, then verify it yourself. This is the internet, not a college assignment.
Is the white race under attack?

C'mon man...of course it is. *rolls eyes*

They say Christianity is under attack, which is really code for whites under attack. Is it a coincidence that we didn't hear too much about Christianity being under attack when all those black folks were killed IN CHURCH out there in Charleston? I think not.
I love when people dig themselves into a huge hole in a thread and continue to stand their ground and dig deeper.:lol:
Just based on the numbers, a straight-up gun ban would never succeed in the US.
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if guns are banned... the black market for guns will make millionaires overnight....

slanging bullets like dope
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How do u ban guns when there are so many out here already? Everyone goes to the police station to drop their guns off? Do we get refunds? That's gonna be so bad for the inner city cuz the jackboys will have the upper hand. Roll up and just rob everybody cuz they know most people not gonna be strapped.
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I'm not your daddy. If you don't trust the source, then verify it yourself. This is the internet, not a college assignment.
Why spend so much time trying to prove his race? I personally believe he's bi-racial based on what I've read and heard, but it literally does not matter one bit.

If you're worried about the race of the shooter, you're obviously missing the bigger issues at hand.
JChambers makes a fool of himself EVERY time 

Mr Marcus exposes his racism EVERY time. Your ignorance is the reason I posted in here in the first place. You are the poster who was originally corrected.

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus View Post

all these school shooters have a history of hating blacks and/or jews eyes.gif

******* losers letting us contribute to their weirdo insanity
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