Shortie asks you to take it off ... Vol. I don't wanna

I too can't get it up with a condom. Time and time again I try to do it but it wont go up with it on. 

Any advice to us guys having major complication with Jimmy hats? 

Yeah I need help with this too. Honestly I just fap too much :smh:
Gonna start fresh for No Fap Feb. though :pimp:
Chicks say all type of crazy stuff when you're in those guts.

Chick could just really dig you OP.
haven't used a jimmie in almost 3 years. Mind you i've been exclusively dating the same girl for the past three years.

I agree with the general consensuses. If she aint your girl or your wife, wrap it up.

If she asks you to take it off just continue to dirty talk (chances are she's only saying that in the heat of the moment). Just dirty talk your way through it, and it'll be like it never happened. Don't be stupid fellas, there's a lot of crazy ish there. Keep it strapped at all times.
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IS THAT WHAT IT IS?!?!?!?!?!

i cant keep it up to save my life as soon as i put it on, i went to get tested once because i smashed a one nighter, the doctor went off on me like she was my mother until i told her it seriously wouldnt stay up when i put the condom on, as soon as i pulled it off it went back up, idk man
Maybe try fapping with a condom on. It sounds pretty strange, but perhaps you're not used to the texture and that's whats making you limp. 
Going from TeamRaw in a relationship to TeamRubberIdontKnowHer is a drastic change.  We need a transition period or some type of plan to prevent the limpage. 
Eff team raw, I had too many close encounters and too many pregnacy checks at the clinics birth control and all. My seeds are too strong.

Feels bad man :smh:
Maybe try fapping with a condom on. It sounds pretty strange, but perhaps you're not used to the texture and that's whats making you limp. 

Actually tried that before, way back in high school tho. And it was odd..Just ended up stopping and hoppin' on the PS2.

Condoms stink, and if I smell anything foul while trying to get busy, throws everything off. :smh:
After dating the same girl for 6 years, a jimmy hat its like kryptonite to me.
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