SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

Apr 13, 2007
Original VIDEO as seen on CBS KCAL ABC FOX and Univision34

To my account this is what i witnessed, this is only my view of what i saw while i was on the scene and NOTHING more.�

After people were running out side of the Carls Jr. a man holding what looked like to be a metal pipe bender was walking very slowly and calmly toward the side of Carls Jr. very nonchalantly smashing in the windows with his weapon, he then walked into the fast food restaurant. while the suspect was inside the police arrived and set up to the right of the enterance. the police told the suspect, some command i was unable to hear, the suspect then walked out side and well the rest can be seen from the video, at the time it was believed that he was shot with rubber pellets and sadly that wasn't case. The suspect seemed to be shot 5 times while facing the officer and then shot at 5 times again while his back was turned to the officer, allegedly of course

MONTEREY PARK, Calif. (KABC) -- A suspect armed with a crowbar was shot outside of a Carl's Jr. restaurant in Monterey Park on Monday morning.

Authorities say the incident began with the suspect breaking windows at Carl's Jr. in the 1200 block of Avenida Cesar Chavez just before�9:30�a.m. The suspect then walked inside, while workers and customers ran outside.

Police arrived as the suspect was exiting the fast-food restaurant. After repeatedly telling the suspect to drop the weapon, the suspect was Tasered.

Police said the Taser was ineffective, and the suspect swung the three-foot metal bar at officers twice. At least one officer opened fire on the suspect.

The suspect was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

No one else was injured in the incident. The officer-involved shooting is under investigation.

[font=arial, sans-serif](description from youtube video)[/font]
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Original VIDEO as seen on CBS KCAL ABC FOX and Univision34

To my account this is what i witnessed, this is only my view of what i saw while i was on the scene and NOTHING more.�

After people were running out side of the Carls Jr. a man holding what looked like to be a metal pipe bender was walking very slowly and calmly toward the side of Carls Jr. very nonchalantly smashing in the windows with his weapon, he then walked into the fast food restaurant. while the suspect was inside the police arrived and set up to the right of the enterance. the police told the suspect, some command i was unable to hear, the suspect then walked out side and well the rest can be seen from the video, at the time it was believed that he was shot with rubber pellets and sadly that wasn't case. The suspect seemed to be shot 5 times while facing the officer and then shot at 5 times again while his back was turned to the officer, allegedly of course

MONTEREY PARK, Calif. (KABC) -- A suspect armed with a crowbar was shot outside of a Carl's Jr. restaurant in Monterey Park on Monday morning.

Authorities say the incident began with the suspect breaking windows at Carl's Jr. in the 1200 block of Avenida Cesar Chavez just before�9:30�a.m. The suspect then walked inside, while workers and customers ran outside.

Police arrived as the suspect was exiting the fast-food restaurant. After repeatedly telling the suspect to drop the weapon, the suspect was Tasered.

Police said the Taser was ineffective, and the suspect swung the three-foot metal bar at officers twice. At least one officer opened fire on the suspect.

The suspect was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

No one else was injured in the incident. The officer-involved shooting is under investigation.

[font=arial, sans-serif](description from youtube video)[/font]

Anyone who believes this BS explanation is certifiably stupid. Officer "under investigation" my +*+, dude is going to get an award for this.
Rashi-did u even watch the video?

Dude deserved what he got, u dont charge a cop with a sledgehammer
That %@#% makes me mad.

Police dog, rubber bullets, tazer, pepper spray and that fat pig decided to just shoot a man dead in broad day light. WOW!
Originally Posted by j1mmych0o

was this ur video?!

damn cops just shot him with no reason
No, this wasn't my video.
Apparently the cop that fired 10 rounds is under review. It's never cut and dry in a situation like this but I think the cop that did it had a right to considering the taser failed and the guy with the weapon was getting ready to swing it at a fellow officer. In a situation like that you can't wait for your partner to get smashed in the face before you act... you have to act.

But 10 rounds though.... that's a lot.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Rashi-did u even watch the video?

Dude deserved what he got, u dont charge a cop with a sledgehammer

SunDOOBIE already said what I was going to say.
They had more than one cop and the german shepherd foaming at the mouth and the cop still licked off like 10 shots.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

That %@#% makes me mad.

Police dog, rubber bullets, tazer, pepper spray and that fat pig decided to just shoot a man dead in broad day light. WOW!

ur acting like the cop didnt try anything else first....the cop tried alternative ways (talking him down, scaring with police dog, tazer) The idiot decided to ignore all of that then charge the cop with a sledghammer he deserved exactly what he got
He got tased right in the face but didn't do anything. Dude was most likely on something to withstand and not even be phased.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

That %@#% makes me mad.

Police dog, rubber bullets, tazer, pepper spray and that fat pig decided to just shoot a man dead in broad day light. WOW!

ur acting like the cop didnt try anything else first....the cop tried alternative ways (talking him down, scaring with police dog, tazer) The idiot decided to ignore all of that then charge the cop with a sledghammer he deserved exactly what he got
Why not let the dog attack him?  
Why not continually tazed him?  

Why not shoot him with pepper spray? 

Why not shoot him with rubber bullets?

Why not just shoot him once or twice?  10 rounds is to kill.
Shot duke off the grid.
He got tased right in the face but didn't do anything. Dude was most likely on something to withstand and not even be phased.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.
What world do you guys live in that this is all right? Got what he deserved? These are officers not gang members so although they have guns using them should be a last resort. If im with my buddies and we strapped the thing to do woukd still be to fight him rather than kill the man. You guys are talking about trained officers, if they was scared of being hit they shouldnt be working to protect us cause thats part of the job, but even then they had dogs that could have been put to use. The easy way out is never acceptable when a life is on the line. You dudes disgust me
SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun
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