SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

Wade- there guns were the last i said earlier they tried lots of other methods before shooting, the dude just ignored them......nobody got shot untill he charged the cop with a deadly weapon
The amount of shots fired i think is excessive but they did the right thing by taking him down. One or two shots would have sufficed though.
The officer was obviously scared. 10 shots is way too many.

I was thinking they should have got the dog on him, but then I realized that neither one of those officers could take this guy down hand-to-hand, probably not even two of them.

And damn, that was an awkward departure at the end.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.

....and your answer for the 10 bullets?
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun

They tazed him but didn't let the charge out. Why do you think he was able to just yank that out of his face.  
To answer your question, YES!  If some dude was charging my boy who is holding a gun and is wearing a bullet proof vest, I would have gone for the pepper spray or just let the attack dog get at him.  You don't just end someone's life like that.  

I mean I can understand if this dude hurt someone prior but all he did was break a few windows.  
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.

LOL @ everyone thinking cops are always thinking on their feet during these situations--this aint a Steven Segal movie a lot of cops are terrified and rightfully so, it's a dangerous job

They tried the pepper spray and it didn't work, dude kept charging and they responded on instinct-Hypervigilance leaves no room for thinking about the least deadly way to stop someone from charging at you after pepper spray
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.

....and your answer for the 10 bullets?

Sometimes one just isn't enough?
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun

If the weapon was a gun thats a different story, hes charging your partner attempt to take him down, release the dog. Create space, so your not in that position hes close enough to do that. Do your job correctly and youd never have to pull that trigger, theyre trained for a reason. If this kind of situation ends like this your a poor excuse of an officer, point blank.
I don't see a problem with it. People are saying the cops did the wrong thing. The man who was shot did the wrong thing by not: Dropping his weapon, lowering himself onto the ground, communicating, showing restraint, etc.
The suspect had every opportunity to avoid this situation but his own actions forced the consequences. It's unfortunate that he had to die but blaming the police for defending themselves from a deadly weapon due to a decision made by the suspect is naive.
Did u see how close the guy holding the weapon was to the officer he charged? Theres no way the dog would have stopped the guy from swinging once at your partners head and ending his life....and what is the bullet proff vest gonna do about a crowbar hit to the head? It doesent matter that your partner was also holding a gun, ur job as his partner is to have his back and thats exactly what he did
Officers are taught to disarm suspects. Shooting someone in the chest 10 times are lethal means. And for the record I'm not saying this guy didn't deserve the eventual outcome. But if we're going to pin the "hero" label on a cop, the cop has to act like a hero. Shoot the guy low. Hell, shoot him low 10 times but don't execute him. As a cop you're signing up to protect and serve. Often times, cops are protecting and serving themselves.
The cop shot him a couple times and the guy was turning around and falling over. Then the cop followed him as he was turning around and falling and let off a few more.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun

If the weapon was a gun thats a different story, hes charging your partner attempt to take him down, release the dog. Create space, so your not in that position hes close enough to do that. Do your job correctly and youd never have to pull that trigger, theyre trained for a reason. If this kind of situation ends like this your a poor excuse of an officer, point blank.
I would hold the criticism until you were put in their shoes. I hate when people say he should have done this, that, etc yet your not in their shoes. I said he should have just fired one or two shots but i'm also not in dudes shoes to criticize. I'm not a cop and don't plan to be one but i don't judge every single move these cats make like so many people do. They can train for 100+ hours but no training will ever simulate a real life, dangerous encounter.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Hold on, guy! Let me get my pepper spray out!

Wait! Let me change my ammo real fast! I have my REAL bullets loaded right now!

You don't swing a crowbar on someone holding a gun. If you do, you deserve the consequences.

LOL @ everyone thinking cops are always thinking on their feet during these situations--this aint a Steven Segal movie a lot of cops are terrified and rightfully so, it's a dangerous job

They tried the pepper spray and it didn't work, dude kept charging and they responded on instinct-Hypervigilance leaves no room for thinking about the least deadly way to stop someone from charging at you after pepper spray

Now the excuse they had no room to think, a man who is terrified to the point of murder does not deserve a badge. Your trained so rather than instinct youll do the right thing. Ive been hit with a crow bar and no plenty of people that have also, I know most you dudes on here is weak mentally amd physically, stop thinking as yourselves and put your self in the position if someone trained to protect and serve
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun

If the weapon was a gun thats a different story, hes charging your partner attempt to take him down, release the dog. Create space, so your not in that position hes close enough to do that. Do your job correctly and youd never have to pull that trigger, theyre trained for a reason. If this kind of situation ends like this your a poor excuse of an officer, point blank.
The city of Monterey Park now has to deal with a legal lawsuit.  The police officer will be fired and prosecuted.  Protest and riots.  Media scrutiny. On and on and on all because this fat pig was trigger happy! 
well. he did the right thing but too many shots fired..i would understand if he had a gun. but a metal bender? cmon two shots on the leg will have em on the floor
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

SunDobbie...none of those things were options after he charged the cop, he had just gotten out of the restaurant and they tried talking him down but it didnt work, then they tazed him but it didnt, then he charges a cop......i really hope u dont think that when someone is charging ur partner with a weapon that u should reach for pepper spray and not ur gun

If the weapon was a gun thats a different story, hes charging your partner attempt to take him down, release the dog. Create space, so your not in that position hes close enough to do that. Do your job correctly and youd never have to pull that trigger, theyre trained for a reason. If this kind of situation ends like this your a poor excuse of an officer, point blank.
The city of Monterey Park now has to deal with a legal lawsuit.  The police officer will be fired and prosecuted.  Protest and riots.  Media scrutiny. On and on and on all because this fat pig was trigger happy! 

These dudes are to weak minded to realize this though. Im not in his shoes because I didnt choose to be, but he did. Cops arent cowboys no one was in immediate danger, if you cant handle the situation you drag it out til back up arrives, you dont close in get close enough for one of you to be hit then shoot to kill. This isnt the old west and all of this was simply unacceptable.
A person who carries a gun for their job is trained to shoot to kill. That explains the 10 shots
I dont really to much care what happens to people while they are doing a crime, but he shot him while he was on the ground.
After the second shot, he was done.
He should lose his badge.
Originally Posted by mikykr20

A person who carries a gun for their job is trained to shoot to kill. That explains the 10 shots

A long with being trained to kill, they are also trained to avoid killing, death like these dont help anyone.
The family is going to sue for wrongful death and whether or not they win, money will be lost for the police department.
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