SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

It's not about the cop not having to protect his partner.

Given the circumstance, if he hadn't intervened, his partner would of met the business end of a sledgehammer. But at the same time, his partner decided to get within 3 feet of this maniac with a sledgehammer when they had guns. His partner even took his eyes off the guy and was tripping on himself while he decided to try and reload the taser 3 feet from this guy.

The bystanders were out of the way. The guy was walking in the direction of the car across the parking lot. The police were in between him and the bystanders. The police decided to get that close. Wasn't necessary. It wasn't even more necessary that after the first five bullets were shot and the guy turned around ready to keel. The cop who put himself in danger and created that whole scenario for himself by deciding to get that close, shot the guy in the back. His back was already turned and he decided to give him 5 more. There is an apparent pause from the first set of shots to the second. I don't see how that isn't excessive. The guy wasn't going to be hurting anyone after those first 5. I doubt he'd be able to wind that sledgehammer.

Not defending the sledgehammer guy. He was obviously acting like a complete fool. Just saying that the police could of handled that situation better. That harsh ending could of better been avoided. Not saying it wouldn't of ended that way had they approached the situation differently, but given the criteria, the one bumbling cop didn't need to get that close. And the second 5 shots to the back were excessive.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

^skip to 1:31 and you see what happens when police try to "calm down and subdue" a suspect who is threatening them with a deadly weapon

And this here folks is why police have to be hypervigilant, you never know what kinda psychos you're going to run into and you need to make it home to your family---that is why idiots like the guy with the crowbar shouldn't attack police officers who have guns drawn
That dude took out 4 or 5 cops before they could put a bullet in him. That is just sad.
You really going by that video though? Guns should be drawn and he should be told to get down if he has a weapon, if he continuously refuses action needs to be taken

These guys walking around with their guns down acting like there would be no negative backlash...the hell are these people trained. They WAITED for the suspect to act first and still didn't do anything.
...and obviously its difficult to shoot limbs if a guy is charging at you and you have a split second to think, but if your gun is drawn already no reason to let off 10 shots or more. If he's charging at you and your gun is not drawn, obviously there is no time to do all of that and you just shoot him where you can until he is down (still would not require 10 shots).
lol @ Mexican vid, those cops were COMPLETELY INEPT. period...

*goes to find Jamaican machete cop kill vids to make it seem relevant*
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

lol @ Mexican vid, those cops were COMPLETELY INEPT. period...

*goes to find Jamaican machete cop kill vids to make it seem relevant*

I think the American vid is a healthy medium between completely inept and the blatantly corrupt brutal cops in Jamaica, at least the American cop gave dude a chance with a non-lethal weapon

LOL really puts things in perspective, apparently Nigeria has a shoot to kill on site order for armed robbers----sadly, the law is necessary cause the problem of stick up kids in Nigeria was getting out of hand
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Mexico? Really?  

It said Nicaragua in the damn title!

Someone else said Mexico and I just ran with it---I would hope Mexican cops are better than his if they're taking on the cartels
I think whatever police district that was involved in this shooting should just have Wade187 address other officers....I mean, he survived a crowbar attack (he's still here!!!) and he could discuss proper protocol when dealing w/ someone who is either high or crazy who has a weapon. Clearly he's got all the answers in this situation.

As I said before, IMO, the shooting itself is justified....10 times, not so much.

*I'd love for an ACTUAL police officer to chime in on the wrongs/rights of what went down. We have any cops on NT?
some guy claiming to be a cop earlier sided with blue as per. Lol my friends who are cops say it was excessive...shooting to disarm is fine. 10 shots is a no no
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

 The cop shot, the kid was killed, that cop shot to kill. 

More like the cop shot to make sure dude didn't hit anyone with a hammer, death was the end result not necessarily the "intent"

I know,I said that to dead the convo, buddy wasnt getting what I was trying say.

.....%+%$ is you talking about? there was no convo. had NOTHING to do with what you were 'trying' to say.

.....the only, i repeat, the ONLY thing i was laughing at was the claim that cops are officially told to "shoot to kill". said you were being sarcastic, okay, but dude cosigned your sarcasm as FACT, giving your joke substance.

...and i see we still cant get a legit answer from those defending the cops on the 10 shots. all this back and forth about the cops is silly. the cops could be considered justfied in shooting the guy.....but the 10 shots? how can you defend that?
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

some guy claiming to be a cop earlier sided with blue as per. Lol my friends who are cops say it was excessive...shooting to disarm is fine. 10 shots is a no no

Cops dont shoot to disarm. they shoot to eliminate the threat. Yes the other cop adding another 5 rounds may have been excessive, the first 5 was justified. And fyi to all saying rubber bullets or other means should of been used, not every cop is equipped with all types of non lethals.Not all cops carry tazers, rifles, rubber bulltets etc. As for the dog, departments see the dog as an officer aswell and treats it as such.They just dont release a dog with the chance of it getting axed in the head. K9s arent trained to kill, they are trained to take down and hold. Thats why they go for the arms. Even if the guy relaxed after his attempt to swing at the cop, he still made an attempt, simple as that. He had his chance and now hes dead. No sympathy here.
The second burst of shots in the back were excessive.

The cop in danger only got to that position because of his choices. You don't need to be a trained officer to know that it's not a good idea to get within 3 feet of a maniac holding a sledgehammer.

The first round of shots were needed because of the bumbling officer who got so close and was tripping over himself while taking his sights off the man with the sledgehammer to reload his taser. The eventual second burst of shots fired (from the same bumbling officer) to his back were excessive.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

some guy claiming to be a cop earlier sided with blue as per. Lol my friends who are cops say it was excessive...shooting to disarm is fine. 10 shots is a no no

Cops dont shoot to disarm. they shoot to eliminate the threat. Yes the other cop adding another 5 rounds may have been excessive, the first 5 was justified.

...LOL @ "adding another 5 rounds MAY HAVE BEEN EXCESSIVE."
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

some guy claiming to be a cop earlier sided with blue as per. Lol my friends who are cops say it was excessive...shooting to disarm is fine. 10 shots is a no no

Cops dont shoot to disarm. they shoot to eliminate the threat. Yes the other cop adding another 5 rounds may have been excessive, the first 5 was justified.

...LOL @ "adding another 5 rounds MAY HAVE BEEN EXCESSIVE."

I said "may" because you dont know what the other officer saw. 5 shots doesnt mean the person is dead. He could of damn well shown signs that he was still a threat. Example, you shoot someone who has a gun. He falls and gun falls next to him. If he even appears to reach for that gun what you gonna do? Wait and see what happens? Maybe he' dies before he reaches the gun?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think whatever police district that was involved in this shooting should just have Wade187 address other officers....I mean, he survived a crowbar attack (he's still here!!!) and he could discuss proper protocol when dealing w/ someone who is either high or crazy who has a weapon. Clearly he's got all the answers in this situation.

As I said before, IMO, the shooting itself is justified....10 times, not so much.

*I'd love for an ACTUAL police officer to chime in on the wrongs/rights of what went down. We have any cops on NT?
yea theres a cop who posted a few pages back saying that we were right, but of course rufio and wade just pretended like they knew more about being a cop then he did
Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by megatron

How much experience do you have with firearms?
Why is this even a debate. I think its sum trollin goin on in this thread. Or its 1 of 2 things. 1) Some people think all cops are Chuck Norris in disguise 2) Some people have no common sense whatsoever.

Oh and,

I'd give a pair of Concords to any NT'er that could shoot me in the foot while I'm moving to attack them.

Im going to need something better, maybe yeezy 2, heck yeezy 1 at least 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think whatever police district that was involved in this shooting should just have Wade187 address other officers....I mean, he survived a crowbar attack (he's still here!!!) and he could discuss proper protocol when dealing w/ someone who is either high or crazy who has a weapon. Clearly he's got all the answers in this situation.

As I said before, IMO, the shooting itself is justified....10 times, not so much.

*I'd love for an ACTUAL police officer to chime in on the wrongs/rights of what went down. We have any cops on NT?
yea theres a cop who posted a few pages back saying that we were right, but of course rufio and wade just pretended like they knew more about being a cop then he did

cool story bro, like the experienced officers I know are real cops, not mall security. but members of county and state police.

why doesn't the dude who said he was a cop post his pic and badge number.  I promise not to polorico him and try to get him fired.

LOL, I just say you sig. kid's prob the same type of dude that says its ok for us troops to shoot innocent civilians bc they MAY have a bomb under their Kufi.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

More like the cop shot to make sure dude didn't hit anyone with a hammer, death was the end result not necessarily the "intent"

I know,I said that to dead the convo, buddy wasnt getting what I was trying say.

.....%+%$ is you talking about? there was no convo. had NOTHING to do with what you were 'trying' to say.

.....the only, i repeat, the ONLY thing i was laughing at was the claim that cops are officially told to "shoot to kill". said you were being sarcastic, okay, but dude cosigned your sarcasm as FACT, giving your joke substance.

...and i see we still cant get a legit answer from those defending the cops on the 10 shots. all this back and forth about the cops is silly. the cops could be considered justfied in shooting the guy.....but the 10 shots? how can you defend that?
ohhh now I get it 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think whatever police district that was involved in this shooting should just have Wade187 address other officers....I mean, he survived a crowbar attack (he's still here!!!) and he could discuss proper protocol when dealing w/ someone who is either high or crazy who has a weapon. Clearly he's got all the answers in this situation.

As I said before, IMO, the shooting itself is justified....10 times, not so much.

*I'd love for an ACTUAL police officer to chime in on the wrongs/rights of what went down. We have any cops on NT?
yea theres a cop who posted a few pages back saying that we were right, but of course rufio and wade just pretended like they knew more about being a cop then he did

cool story bro, like the experienced officers I know are real cops, not mall security. but members of county and state police.

why doesn't the dude who said he was a cop post his pic and badge number.  I promise not to polorico him and try to get him fired.

LOL, I just say you sig. kid's prob the same type of dude that says its ok for us troops to shoot innocent civilians bc they MAY have a bomb under their Kufi.


Not all cops are taught the same, and I dont see why he would post his badge its not that serious.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Dropten

Cops dont shoot to disarm. they shoot to eliminate the threat. Yes the other cop adding another 5 rounds may have been excessive, the first 5 was justified.

...LOL @ "adding another 5 rounds MAY HAVE BEEN EXCESSIVE."

I said "may" because you dont know what the other officer saw. 5 shots doesnt mean the person is dead. He could of damn well shown signs that he was still a threat. Example, you shoot someone who has a gun. He falls and gun falls next to him. If he even appears to reach for that gun what you gonna do? Wait and see what happens? Maybe he' dies before he reaches the gun?

....right, except for the fact that dude didnt have a gun, he had a sledge hammer.
...holding a sledge hammer, laying on the ground with 5 shots in him already.
...just stop.

Lol your gonna judge me off my sig? Its from nts team g.i joe......

And go to the cop story thread i have no bias towards the cops trust me....but im not gonna blindly crusify every cop
I havent crucified the cop. it's the action of the one officer that abhors me.

You have to see the points given on both sides. While I understand a cop has to act, he must act with appropriate judgement. The one officer did not act. he reacted
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