SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by ricky robot

Bottom line: if you're stupid enough to swing a sledgehammer at armed police officers, you deserve to be wasted.


He didn't swing holy *$+%!
him charging backwards and about to raise the sledgehammer seems like an act of aggression if not a stance leading up to a huge swing 

replay from 0:42, you kids are blind by your prejudice
Ur right he was rushing the cop to give him a hug

And idk what niketalkers you hang out with but i dont know any who would rush a cop with a sledgehammer
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at the ******s who didnt watch the vid. HE DID NOT SWING.

Cant wait til a NTer is on the news after he gets shot. nah its cool, the cop was just doing his job. u know protect and kill

i hope some dude rushes you with a sledgehammer and blows your brains out, and i hope you live long enough to whimper a "i saw him rush at me with an agressive stance ready to swing, but i thought he was just kidding"
Just watched again, dude literally grabbed the sledge with two hands and started rushing towards the are yall not seeing that, is the hate that deep?
^skip to 1:31 and you see what happens when police try to "calm down and subdue" a suspect who is threatening them with a deadly weapon
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at the ******s who didnt watch the vid. HE DID NOT SWING.

Cant wait til a NTer is on the news after he gets shot. nah its cool, the cop was just doing his job. u know protect and kill

He didnt swing, but one can only assume he intended to swing.

Michelle Obama said you cant use that word.
some of you need to become officers since you can handle all situations without one soul getting hurt.

or give cops classes, since you all have the answers to everything.
A kid was shot and killed out here last night for raising a really realistic looking replica gun at the cops. To those chastising the cops in this thread: Were the cops here in Portland wrong in their conduct?
^asking the wrong people.

everything the cops do is wrong, everything.

it's always excessive force, not enough training, the gov't is out to get us and using cops to kill us all.

there is absolutely no way anybody in the united states is at fault, ever.
i question some of your guys common sense.

say you have your permit to carry, you're all legit. you got your gun on you and a fiend is taking a swing at your boy with a crow bar. you wouldn't light him up? i know i would for a friend. one less idiot in the world.

i actually know someone who was in a situation like this. dude walked into a friends house to see some dude beating a chick down with a hammer.... he shot and killed him. he didn't get in any trouble.

not everyone can be helped, this dude was an idiot and not worth risking being brain dead just so they didn't have to shoot the fool. i'm not even a fan of police. i'm just saying in this situation it was common sense.
Last I checked sledge hammers and crowbars didn't shoot bullets. Like a trained cop can't shoot the dude from somewhat of a distance in the feet? Sure, he was nuts and unpredictable, but he wasn't attacking citizens. They ran off and were safe by the time he started threatening cops.
you do know the feet are a much smaller target than center mass right? so shooting at the floor has much more chances of the bullet bouncing and possibly hitting an innocent bystander.

cops are trained to shoot at center mass (and if they have body armor, the head) not limbs that can move around and you could miss.

a lot of these scenarios are easier said than done.
I find it surprising that no one mentioned any reasaons as to why the dog was not released.

In this situation, if the dog was released, it had a high chance of being hit if it were to have went for one of the 3 limbs that didn't have an object.

When the life of the dog is in danger I think it's better practice to skip it as a means of take down unless there is nothing left.

While I agree that ten rounds is excessive and none of us here know exactly why that many were fired off, using lethal force is justified.
People really think its THAT easy to just "aim at his legs or feet"?

Put yourself in the $*#%$#@ situation. You have seconds to re-act to whats going on. Not to mention other factors such as information on the subject, him being high on whatever, the tazer/spray not working, you start to go from "quietly arresting him" to oh *($#$ we might have a bigger issue here. There could be other factors such as previous experiences by those particular cops that they did not want to happen again. You honestly cant say "they shoudve shot at the feet".

And dude was really saying he wasnt about to swing? He raised his arms to the start of a swinging motion. What more do you need? For him to actually hit you in the damn head? Please. Some people have no common sense at all.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

you do know the feet are a much smaller target than center mass right? so shooting at the floor has much more chances of the bullet bouncing and possibly hitting an innocent bystander.

cops are trained to shoot at center mass (and if they have body armor, the head) not limbs that can move around and you could miss.

a lot of these scenarios are easier said than done.

even if they shot at his feet, his arms and the momentum of the hammer would still be heading towards the cop's head/body
by the average NT'ers logic, the cop should have shot each of the guy's fingers so he would drop the hammer, DUHHH "OHMIGAWD DEY DONT TEACH NOTHIN AT POLICE SKEWL, MY TAX DOLLHAIRS!!"
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

People really think its THAT easy to just "aim at his legs or feet"?
How much experience do you have with firearms?
Why is this even a debate. I think its sum trollin goin on in this thread. Or its 1 of 2 things. 1) Some people think all cops are Chuck Norris in disguise 2) Some people have no common sense whatsoever.

Oh and,

I'd give a pair of Concords to any NT'er that could shoot me in the foot while I'm moving to attack them.
Originally Posted by Wade187

You dudes live in a bizzare world. This whole attempted to kill my partner bit, you dudes must be from the suburbs. I'm far from thug, and have been attacked with a crowbar and no plenty of people who have. I'm not trained for combat, and guess what I'm still alive. I was bare handed at that, if I would've went to the cops on "attempted murder" dudes would've probably laughed it off as a couple of dudes fighting nothing more. Secondly I have no training, and I can tell you that if you get that close to someone who seems to be out of their mind their going to try to attack. I also know that when someone is out of their mind they're not thinking properly so rather than use force you use your mind and best judgement. You don't get that close if you don't think you can take a hit, or dodge one. You guys repeatedly are saying "he rushed his partner" his partner was with in 3 steps of this man, dude WALKED towards him. Didn't attack anyone prior, most of you feel he deserved to die, but it's not your place to judge at least not with this justice system. There's plenty of people who snap and do things like this, car windows don't equate to a life. You simply don't get that close to someone who you know is not in the right state of mind, cause anyone with common sense knows the outcome. Especially someone who hasn't hurt anyone prior to you arriving, never mind how many shots were fired, the fact that the situation ending in a gun going off is simply poor police work. If their are officers on here who work in major cities, are you gonna tell me a hostile suspect has never tried to attack you with something? People do resist arrest, people do attempt to fight the police, and the police are trained to handle the situation. This situation was mishandled, the fact that you guys are using "heat of the moment" "no time to react" "panicked" as reasoning shows that this was sloppy police work. As a police officer you shouldn't have only two seconds to react, especially when whats placing you in danger is a object which you need to be directly in front of to be injured. 
Good illustration of your perspective. I can see from your standpoint what you mean and I must stand down and concede. Only thing is that most police officers are like most managers in corporations. Lack of critical thinking is rampant. Delusions of grandeur.
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by Wade187

You dudes live in a bizzare world. This whole attempted to kill my partner bit, you dudes must be from the suburbs. I'm far from thug, and have been attacked with a crowbar and no plenty of people who have. I'm not trained for combat, and guess what I'm still alive. I was bare handed at that, if I would've went to the cops on "attempted murder" dudes would've probably laughed it off as a couple of dudes fighting nothing more. Secondly I have no training, and I can tell you that if you get that close to someone who seems to be out of their mind their going to try to attack. I also know that when someone is out of their mind they're not thinking properly so rather than use force you use your mind and best judgement. You don't get that close if you don't think you can take a hit, or dodge one. You guys repeatedly are saying "he rushed his partner" his partner was with in 3 steps of this man, dude WALKED towards him. Didn't attack anyone prior, most of you feel he deserved to die, but it's not your place to judge at least not with this justice system. There's plenty of people who snap and do things like this, car windows don't equate to a life. You simply don't get that close to someone who you know is not in the right state of mind, cause anyone with common sense knows the outcome. Especially someone who hasn't hurt anyone prior to you arriving, never mind how many shots were fired, the fact that the situation ending in a gun going off is simply poor police work. If their are officers on here who work in major cities, are you gonna tell me a hostile suspect has never tried to attack you with something? People do resist arrest, people do attempt to fight the police, and the police are trained to handle the situation. This situation was mishandled, the fact that you guys are using "heat of the moment" "no time to react" "panicked" as reasoning shows that this was sloppy police work. As a police officer you shouldn't have only two seconds to react, especially when whats placing you in danger is a object which you need to be directly in front of to be injured. 
Good illustration of your perspective. I can see from your standpoint what you mean and I must stand down and concede. Only thing is that most police officers are like most managers in corporations. Lack of critical thinking is rampant. Delusions of grandeur.
I see your perspective and I know you aren't a cop. But, what would you have done to control the situation? And how do you know he wasn't intent on going to harm someone else?
should have gotten tackled down. A drugged up dude with a crowbar and a famous star cant really do much damage imo. No reason for the shooting.
Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by Wade187

You dudes live in a bizzare world. This whole attempted to kill my partner bit, you dudes must be from the suburbs. I'm far from thug, and have been attacked with a crowbar and no plenty of people who have. I'm not trained for combat, and guess what I'm still alive. I was bare handed at that, if I would've went to the cops on "attempted murder" dudes would've probably laughed it off as a couple of dudes fighting nothing more. Secondly I have no training, and I can tell you that if you get that close to someone who seems to be out of their mind their going to try to attack. I also know that when someone is out of their mind they're not thinking properly so rather than use force you use your mind and best judgement. You don't get that close if you don't think you can take a hit, or dodge one. You guys repeatedly are saying "he rushed his partner" his partner was with in 3 steps of this man, dude WALKED towards him. Didn't attack anyone prior, most of you feel he deserved to die, but it's not your place to judge at least not with this justice system. There's plenty of people who snap and do things like this, car windows don't equate to a life. You simply don't get that close to someone who you know is not in the right state of mind, cause anyone with common sense knows the outcome. Especially someone who hasn't hurt anyone prior to you arriving, never mind how many shots were fired, the fact that the situation ending in a gun going off is simply poor police work. If their are officers on here who work in major cities, are you gonna tell me a hostile suspect has never tried to attack you with something? People do resist arrest, people do attempt to fight the police, and the police are trained to handle the situation. This situation was mishandled, the fact that you guys are using "heat of the moment" "no time to react" "panicked" as reasoning shows that this was sloppy police work. As a police officer you shouldn't have only two seconds to react, especially when whats placing you in danger is a object which you need to be directly in front of to be injured. 
Good illustration of your perspective. I can see from your standpoint what you mean and I must stand down and concede. Only thing is that most police officers are like most managers in corporations. Lack of critical thinking is rampant. Delusions of grandeur.
I see your perspective and I know you aren't a cop. But, what would you have done to control the situation? And how do you know he wasn't intent on going to harm someone else?
At first I said the cops were right but after reading this poster's response...I'm not sure if I still feel that way. As for me not being a cop, I don't have an answer for that but if you buck at me with a crowbar and I have a gun, i'm going to jerk backwards and let off one in your lower extremity n see what that does and if you still charging then i'm shooting you nonstop in your thoracic region!
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