Should I give him a chance?

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone whoi wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you
You only live once....go for it, and see if it can evolve into somethin' else. If it doesn't, bounce. Plain and simple. I mean, I know physicalattraction is a lot, but you ain't even bone the dood yet. At least let him tag [horrible word choice, but I'm not gonna change it 'cause it wasthe original thought] and then see if he qualifies physically [hahahahaha]
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you

You won't take 88 percent? 95 percent?
Originally Posted by ericberry14

cuz she got hurt & is all cold-hearted & bitter now.

that definitely is not even the case. i have found someone that i am really interested in... but that's just it i waited like a year and a half. patienceis a virtue my friends.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont see relationships lasting when there is no physical attraction.

U say he can treat you right but when u are alone together looking face to face you will realize that the fact u arent physically attracted to him will out weigh the fact he can treat you good.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'll forever be your friend for the advice you gave me a whileback.[/color]
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you

You won't take 88 percent? 95 percent?
the way it is, is that when i am happy with someone and in their company... i am unaffected by any flaws that they may have. thus me being100% happy
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Get you a "trophy" hun'...dont be walkin around with a ug-mug....All men can be molded into what you want them to act like....

....I see ya mom aint teach you ishh about men

Damn son, Good info...
I've done it before, wasted a massive amount of time. It's not worth the time or the effort because eventually, that"doubt" you have will surpass any affection that you have/gained for that person.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'll forever be your friend for the advice you gave me a while back.[/color]

woah you remembered that ... awwwww <3
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you

You won't take 88 percent? 95 percent?
the way it is, is that when i am happy with someone and in their company... i am unaffected by any flaws that they may have. thus me being 100% happy

Good answer
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Get you a "trophy" hun'...dont be walkin around with a ug-mug....All men can be molded into what you want them to act like....

....I see ya mom aint teach you ishh about men

Damn son, Good info...

you quoted yourself?
Well obviously the other way around isn't working.

Looks>personality is deushy for you, so try it the other way around.

It is easier to get past someones looks than their personality.
Post pics of yourself... I guess pics of him too. you gotta put the 2 together to see if youd make a cute couple lol..... Preferably Body pics
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i am getting upset because you are just one of many women who do this. i personally would rather be single for all of eternity than to settle with someone who i wasn't happy with 100%. it's that i find women are so desperate to find love that they just settle

fresh i've missed you

You won't take 88 percent? 95 percent?
the way it is, is that when i am happy with someone and in their company... i am unaffected by any flaws that they may have. thus me being 100% happy
but dont you have to give the guy a chance to see if he makes you happy like that. But what if his personality is just so great that it makes upfor what he lacks in physical attractiveness.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by ericberry14

cuz she got hurt & is all cold-hearted & bitter now.

that definitely is not even the case. i have found someone that i am really interested in... but that's just it i waited like a year and a half. patience is a virtue my friends.
you damn lucky that guy waiting for a damn year & a half. how many girls did he smash during that time frame.

but seriously you must have found a good dude if he willing to waste a year & a half being patient & waitin 4 u
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