Should i rally up the goons? updates if yall care...


Nov 29, 2010
GFs Iphone screen broke... i told her i wold go get it fixed for her while shes at work (i dont have nothing to do)
took it to a kiosk to get fixed ( i dont have patients to do it my self)

this dude (arab guy yes, yes im saying hes arab) i haggle him to 90 (from 120
) whatever aint trippin... 90 day warranty...

he says 30 min... i go around the mall... chill for a minute at the food court enjoying my mango a go go... i gave him an hour...

i go back and hes like "bro you never had anyone open this before... the battery is messed up look"... and shows me this super punctured batter like if someone took a screw driver to it... 

im like "uhhh  
 no," (in my head) like wow this dude is tryna pull this bs on me...

hes just like well it looks like someone or something happend to the inside im just being catious i replaced the battery for you blah blha.... no extra charge also looks like someone use tape ... looks weird man...

im just like na bro thanks
 for doing that though...

he said no problem just letting you know also the warranty blah blha

i pay him and he reminds me about the 90 day warranty and what not im like for sure...


nothing was wrong with this phone before hand my girl just dropped it today and the screen cracked and nothing else... 

obvioulsly imma go ask dude whats wrong with my phone... but should i take the goons with me?

(also i have cancer and im weak as heck sooo im thinking i should)





me getting blood 

me and her

me and her (right when i found out i have cancer)

too mad to care about the pics figure out how to fix them if they dont wrok.
Yes, go kill that guy and get your Walter White on so that your girl can afford as many iPhones as she wants.
Just come back and tell him to fix it.
If he refuses, tell him you have cancer.
Son will either fix it or spit in the face of karma, his choice.
Fam srsly did you do this just to post pics of your gf? Just go back to the mall and
demand him to fix it or your money back. The hell would you need the goons for?
came through with the pics

tell him you dont have time for this bs since you have cancer and have more important things to do. 

then tell him that he better not eff up cuz he doesnt want you coming back a third time

p.s. always watch when people are doing work for you. 
Originally Posted by CJ863

Fam srsly did you do this just to post pics of your gf? Just go back to the mall and
demand him to fix it or your money back. The hell would you need the goons for?

Pretty much this. Dude's not trying to scam when he has a kiosk at a mall.

Hope you feel better though. I hate cancer....for real. Took too many of my family members.
This is gonna sound @!%*!* up, but most every dude with those kiosks things in the middle of the mall and not a real store are usually scumbags who are trying to cheat you. MOST.

"2 for 1, 2 for 1"

Always trying to push off fake +%%+.

Makes my blood boil.
Real life...

Here right now ...

And no didn't just post for my Girl I did it cuz I been on nt long enough ( I use to ride with team pics also)
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