Should i rally up the goons? updates if yall care...

Lol at this turnin into a look at this guys teeth thread... theyre normal. Yall must not be flossin.

Anyway... your not black?

Also... he has a monthly rent for that kiosk... he aint goin nowhere and wouldnt appreciate you ruining biz for him so tell him u want your money back and that if he doesnt resolve the situation ull chill outside his stand slandering him all day.
Dudes teeth are nice (pause) info on your dentist
Just go yourself and don't take no for an answer. Good luck man
Real life...

Had to go hard on him ( pause) after arguing with him... His boy came through and was trying work stuff out with me...
He admittied to messing up and he had to switch out everything... Gave me a case fort Nieces iPad and a car charger...

I told him I'm trying to not come
Back if so I want a full refund and my phone fixed...

I rolled solo btw
Cancer or not I woulda scraped him

Thank you for compliments on my gf btw and club on the teeth
real life...

NT WOW im still so heated so after my last update.... this is what happend...

so... i get there i tell him it doesnt work blah blha... he starts fixing it... im just there whatever... and he tries to come at me with that stupid thing bout how the phone looked fishy and the battery was messed up... i told him look man dont try to hustle me, i know how to fix this thing i just dont have the time to wait 2 weeks to order offa ebay and my hand is shaky from being sick blah blha... we start arguing... the other dude there is like calm down man what can we do i said fix it and give me a refund or something... he said he could fix it but give me a charger or case... i said nope blah blha argued some more getting light weight rowdy (im calm chill dude, down with plur and being nice but i mean the bs and nerv of this guy feel me?)...

thats when i last updated i thought i was good...

any ways he says ok but then he asks if my data and all that is backed becasue he actually messed something else up and will have to repair it (he didnt admit to this really but this is what happend) ... so anyway... he sas he has to switch out the data board or some crap... I AM FURIOUS...
a whole buncha other convos go down like " bruh admit you are wrong" "you get the parts for like 5 bucks" " i aint even mad just fix my phone or i will drop you in the middle of the mall" etc...

he fixes it but its in ARABIC? what the hell???????????????????????
he tells me the truth that he replaced the data board with his because he messed up blah blha... i am super heated he started to get extra mad... im in his face... in his kiosk... arguing with dude... phone is working but the reception wont show up...

some other dude comes (his boy) now its like 3 dudes im arguing with... i tell him to give me all my original parts and my money...

he says no... i say yes cuz i can be here all night i aint gotta go home we can fight if we have to etc...(on some real goon swag, im not about that life though)... he said i wish you would .. his boys huddle they give me my money and everything back... i gave him back his crap charger and case... still kept at it because he said... im a horrible person and he has never dealt with anyone like this before... he said i was a "unique and weird person" i said thats cuz im a lion not a sheep (haha shouts out to rndmobjects) he said I WAS TRYING TO SCAM HIM... got me extra mad so i argued wome more in his face...... he said i dont ever want to see your face this and that... asked for his receipt... i said i dont have that crap gimme my money.... he said is it done after this.... i said yea f it im done here... he gave me my money said i think youre trying to scam me... called him some more words and left...

when he told me he never wanted to see my face again i said...

"i come to this mall often so you will see it and imma say wassup habibi evertime... and there aint +!!@ you can do..." he said " well im going to ignore you"

just left told him to meet outside he didnt go and

i started walking... i see his boys grab him...mall security comes and tells me to leave... this one dude (shouts out to him) says na man i got yo back if they try anything ive dealt with them before... (he looked like a goon) ...

mall security followed me to my car and like i said im a pretty easy going guy... they're like ok just leave... because they called the cops...

THIS WHOLE TIME my heart is thumbing hard because i have a low hemoglobin... and i wasnt super yelling but enough to get my point across and people to not want to shop there...

any ways...

i posted what i last posted in my iphone while walking away from the kiosk ... spoke to soon

so i got home and got to work on these phones... the phone they "fixed" had barely any to no reception now after i tried fixing it and looking at youtube and stuff.... IT WORKS :SMOKIN...

just with a different "brain"(itunes shows up black iphone when its actually a white one ...

i still gave my girl my iphone because she needed it asap for work... and she lost all her info any ways (she dont back up her stuff... wow )
she had the white iphone 4 16gig i had black 32 with a mirror backing i switched out for the orginal... (i like checking my boogers and face with it)

In the end i came up super heated... with my money back... a frankenstein type iphone...and wasted time and my chest hurts...

I am still super heated... if i see dude anywhere but the mall... on mommas i will drop this dude... to many Ls taken today even though its sorta a W? but
its THE PRINCIBALITY OF IT ALL.... im not extra about that life but i dont like getting ran through and even if i get beat down i will fight....

he tried to scam me feel me...

(sorry for my spelling, grammar and words... i just hate typing because i suck at it so i type it as fast as i could)

i will answer all questions after i eat this peanut butter sandwich...
real life...
note able quotes....

me-you tryna hustle me man... that aint happening i can be here all night... im done with chemo for the week...
him- i want to go home i am trying to f in help you
me- my dude you aint doing nothing youre a f in idiot youre boy is doing the work now cuz you f d up and you pay too much for your parts (earlier i had argued with him that he doesnt pay no 40 dollars for a new screen)
him- why am i wasting my breath with you

him- you are so odd and unique i never dealt with anyone like you you are weird bro... you are so mean and blah blah... no one has ever complained this much or willing to fight me...
me- good that what i strive for to be different i dont wanna be like anyone else, i aint no sheep... i aint no vagina (cat)... im a lion b
him- i dont know what you are...

me- arab arabic same difference
him- its different
me- i dont care fix my phone man

me- blah bah i dont have time and patients i have cancer
him- dont expect just cuz you have cancer that you can come yell at me or i will treat you different
me- man i dont want you to i could give a f that i have cancer i will still body you...

him- i dont ever want to see your face or do business with you ever again...when i give you your money back right now...
me- its a mall i come here... and everytime i do i will pass by your kiosk and say wasssup habibi
him- i will ignore you
me- you cant ignore me b and thats a fact (walks of taking money)

(btw i like giving detailed stories because op never delivers so that bugs me)

all this for my wonderful gf... that i love she is awesome and i would do anything for her
o well
i aint even mad just heated

(i thought that was funny)

me- im leaving man
security- ok well hurry before cops get invloved...
me- what the f?
security- yup and youre banned
me- ok whatever haha ill be here tomorrow you wont remember me (walks faster to car)
this dude tr1ll did not just post yolo in here.

OP, if it's at eastridge I'm down to roll with you. I'm underage, I'll go in there and accuse him of sexual harassment or something. Either that or pass by with a couple of pounds of stink bombs and just toss em in his store to make it smell worse tha his body odor, if that's posssible.

NT summit?
real life...

to whom ever asked or was concerned...

thanks for the teeth compliments.... had braces for just a year only for my bottom teeth though...

thanks for saying im aight looking... no bromo but been down lately on the looks cuz of chemo and stuff... looking real weird and sick...

im in san jose not saying which mall... yall some scumbags that will probably go tell dude that i fxed my phone haha and then he will really think that i tried to scam him...

no not my girl in my avy... random broad from a while back i took that pic at a party... dont have pics of chicks face (no facebook)

my chest is kinda tight im still very furious at what happend and cant sleep... im actually shaking alittle ... hope this didnt mess up my health...
i wish i can blaze up right now.... finna take some ativan and a swig of some promethazine... usually calms me down when i have tons of anxiety...
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