Should I work at Footlocker or Nike Outlet?

Aug 5, 2008
Hi NT, I was wondering which store would be more beneficial to work at, Footlocker I can get the latest releases no problem, but Nike outlet I don't think I can get the latest releases because they don't get anything new or good (correct me if I'm wrong). But I want to work the outlet because swoosh accounts. Thanks
I'd go with the outlet. Swoosh is a good look. Footlockers are closing like 100 stores too smh.
Originally Posted by Groady Wang

Originally Posted by Delta788

Originally Posted by Andrew630

outlet, better discounts, and you don't gotta worry about UPT
Units Per Transaction, the DMs only worry about accessories and attaching.

I think it depends on the store.  I remembered when I worked at the outlet, the managers was always getting on us about UPTs.  They would want us to have a range of about 2-3 units per transaction.
well ONLY good thing bout workin at footlocker is they commission (1%..... HOH gets 3%... u figure every $100 u sell u get $1 )..... ummm F.L. pays minimum wage to 8.50 depending on experience ... and while its tru u could get new releases HALF the time u CANT use ur discount... nike outlets start u at 8.50 n up depending on experience .. no commission thou... THEY DO HAVE SWOOSH which makes up 4 it.. get almost any new release for 40%-30% off... also they got EMPLOYEE ONLY STORES where u could phone order early releases 40% OFF... also go to any nike store and get ur 30% ... get 40% off at converse & hurley.... and 50% at cole hann... theres ALOT more things juss dont wana type lol... hope this helps
oh i forgot F.L. has a 50% off like every 1-2 months that last for 3 days... (messed up part is they always do it before u get ur check LOL)
Originally Posted by FilthyRich

working at a shoe store = spending a big portion if not all of you check on shoes.
Also, if you DO NOT like to clean up after someone. This is definitely not the job for you. Not to mention they will bug you about sales reports ie UPTs.
I work at footlocker, and imo you should go for the Outlet. overall better since the customers going into the outlet might actually have a reason for going in, where as footlocker in the mall you get mall rats, window shoppers, and hot moms with naggin kids. Also cleaning up the store...smh.
where here in cali: footlocker: 6.70 per a hour.

Nike outlet: 9-10 bucks per a hour for doing nothing.
its not 6.7...i mean thats what it says but they give you an adjustment if your commission isnt high enough. the adjustment turns it to minimum wage. but if youre commission (which btw is almost impossible with only 1% commission) and your hourly add up to more than minimum wage you get no adjustment.
i use to work at a footlocker in cali. it sucked balls....and the district i worked at...was horrible. if the OP is applying in great mall in milpitas...dont work for footlocker will hate it. trust me.
Used to work at Foot Locker. Worked there for 4 years. Um, it depends on your staff. My main job was stock but I was also out on the floor. The actual job isnt hard at all. It gets frustrating when they ask you to push a certain item. Audits SUCK.. Being in the store till 3-4am and have to be back at 8am FTMFL..

The only bad thing I've heard about the Nike Outlet stores is clean up after closing. Heard you'll be in there at least an extra hour fixing up the store. FTL clean up was easy since you could start a good hour before closing getting all the shirts and shoes fixed up in between customers.
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