Showtime Series: Shameless 3 1-13-13

Lip reclaimed his title for biggest sucker on tv

Veronica's mom :evil: :evil: Kevin is in a bad spot.. She's gonna end up preggo and wanna keep the kid :lol:
Lip really is a simp.. but I love his character when it has nothing to do with Karen.

Agreed. When he isn't focusing on Karen, he's doing whatever it takes to help out Fiona and the fam,

Wasn't sure if I was in the wrong for laughing at the "You tard, me tard, ******nation" scenes. And the scene where Frank realized Chris wasn't an alcoholic :lol: .

It's clear that Steve wants his old life back, but when it comes down to it, I can't see him leaving. Unless, you know, he lives up to the shows name and just doesn't care about Fiona all that much and gets out without notice :nerd: .

The show is just so entertaining, haven't been disappointed by an episode at all this season.
If I was Steve, I woulda been out way earlier than this.. personally, she's asking way too much from him. He's an idiot because she was up front with him with what was on her plate, but damn...

Estefania' so much badder anyways :evil:
Steve always looks like he ready to dip...but then he right back in the middle of things the next episode :smh:
Lip reclaimed his title for biggest sucker on tv

Veronica's mom
Kevin is in a bad spot.. She's gonna end up preggo and wanna keep the kid
I was thinking, what are the chances of V getting pregnant and her mom too, that would be crazy...
this karen ***** :smh:
whole ep full of lulz between carl & the rat poison, debbie being touched, V & Mandy and Frank & Kev in the bar.
jake mcdorman :smokin
Those t-shirts were hilarious and that guy's sister punching Frank in the balls.

I'd probably simp for Karen too. Her yambs must be nice to be in but she's looking haggard lately.

Not sure what Steve's next move is. He can't steal cars anymore so his pockets are going to stay empty. Must suck seeing his med school friends doing well.

Next week's episode looks great.
Those t-shirts were hilarious and that guy's sister punching Frank in the balls.

I'd probably simp for Karen too. Her yambs must be nice to be in but she's looking haggard lately.

Not sure what Steve's next move is. He can't steal cars anymore so his pockets are going to stay empty. Must suck seeing his med school friends doing well.

Next week's episode looks great.
jimmy/steve needs to get out, to many storylines
Lip reclaimed his title for biggest sucker on tv

Veronica's mom :evil: :evil: Kevin is in a bad spot.. She's gonna end up preggo and wanna keep the kid :lol:
I was thinking, what are the chances of V getting pregnant and her mom too, that would be crazy...
I feel that's exactly what' going to happen.
Sidenote, but was anyone else hoping Rosie Larsen's dad got got in this episode just because he was in The Killing? :smh: :lol:
I enjoyed seeing him :lol: Just cuz I liked the first season of The Killing. Would've been funny if he died but I wasn't hoping it happened.
I wasn't feeling this ep until the ****** Nation scene. :wow: :rofl:
"I'm not your sweetheart, *****."
"Metard, youtard, ****** nation." muerto

But um...why? Karen? >:
She's just like Frank, except she'd rather **** than drink.
Man...that actress is good at making me despise her ***.

It's clever what they're doing with Steve. The same question the judge asked Fiona, Steve's wrestling with now. And the same way Lip said "we never had that conversation," I feel like Steve wants to say something similar. Even though she warned him.

And at first, I felt bad for sponsor dude, thinking he was gonna end up like Butterface, but now. >D And that clap on clap off. :lol:

This was a just jokes ep and that's cool, cuz the last ep was rough.
I just hope they don't run back to the wacky Weeds type stuff of last season.
Kev, Veronica's mom and Joan Cusack are enough. :lol:
I want an episode that shows Estefania just working out. Also, it seemed Frank took that punch to the nuts really well. Probably was the 1000th time.
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The writers keep out doing themselves when it comes to Frank and what depths he will sink to :pimp:

Mandy is a down *** chick but damn...I thought she was just gonna beat her up. Wonder how Lips gonna play it.

Jimmy gon Jimmy. :smh: @ that dude not helping him out when he got robbed. No way he could stomach being a surgeon.
Nice ep for Sheila, made me really see her not so much as an extension but part of the family.

:wow: @ Mandy and Karen. She should've made sure she was dead. Now Karen'll get endless sympathy from Lip. At least he smartened up this ep, too bad Mandy messed that up. **** caught me off guard cuz I thought she was gonna just beat her up but the hint was clear after the first car.

Don't care for Ian's story. :lol: @ Fiona at work. :x @ that dontcutitoff site. I thought Steve was gonna hustle his way in to the medical game not start all over.

:rofl: @ Frank :x @ the ******. Really a hustler. Don't care what it is to get up in the world he gonna do it.

That was some real talk with Lip and the MIT guy.
Estefania > Karen > Fiona > Veronica > Mandy

This was a great episode. Frank had me cracking up. I know everyone hates Karen but she plays that role so well I think she survives Lip gets back with her.
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