Simple how to speech topics?

Depends on what you're good at (no ayo). A lot of people do the usual like baking cookies.

i had this class last year (freshman year). My first job was at a retail place so I did the correct way to fold clothes.
saw someone do how to change out a car flat. another dude did how to tell if jordan 11s were real or fake. I gave a speech on how to make an outline for a speech [the previous topic in the class]
I haven't done one since 6th grade. But I did it on how to make milkshakes.
everyone was lovign me that day, brought a blender in and everything.
How to clean your Raw Denim.
Thanks for the input, I just recently installed hid's on my car so most likely go that route
Here's a how to speech I did. Everyone loved it.

You will need water based food coloring, 91% isopropyl alcohol, 70% isopropyl alcohol, oil pastels, base with a light bulb, beeswax, and paraffin wax.
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Step 1: Mix paraffin wax with beeswax.
  1. You will need paraffin wax but it can’t be the kind that grocery stores sell. You will need premium candle wax from a crafts store like Michaels.
  2. You will also need beeswax in order to give your wax mixture a cloudy look.
  3. Melt 3oz of paraffin wax and beeswax into a pot.
  4. Place the pot in a huge bowl of ice in order to cool the wax back into a solid.
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  5. Or you can stick it in the freezer.
  6. Break the wax into little pieces so it can fit in your bottle
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Step 2: Heat 91% isopropyl alcohol and wax in a bottle.
  1. You will need a 16oz bottle that has a cap so you can seal it.
  2. Pour the alcohol into the bottle.
  3. Don’t fill your bottle all the way to the top. Leave a pretty big gap in your bottle so it doesn’t blow up when it gets hot.
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  4. Drop chunks of wax into the bottle but don’t go overboard.This is overboard:
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  5. Prop the bottle on a base and heat the contents with a small light bulb. Should look like this after about 20 minutes:
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  6. Don’t use anything hotter than a 40 watt bulb or else you might end up like Philip Quinn. He tried to heat up a lava lamp with his stove and the results were very bad.
  7. A piece of glass through the heart is not a good way to go out.
Step 3: Balance the weight of the wax
  1. You will need 70% isopropyl alcohol in order to balance the weight of your wax.
  2. Pour small drops of 70% isopropyl alcohol into the bottle. Once you begin putting in drops it should look something like this
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  3. You want it to where the wax rises up for a few seconds then drops back down to the bottom. After you balance the weight of the wax it should look like this
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Step 4(optional): Color the wax with oil pastels.
  1. Cut off a small chunk from any color oil pastel that you want and drop it into your bottle.
  2. Let it soak for a while before going onto the next step. I get impatient and I add more more bits of oil pastels and the lava lamp ends up looking like this:
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Step 5: Color the liquid with food coloring.
  1. Pour any color of food coloring into your bottle.
  2. You will only need one drop
  3. If you use too much it will make the liquid too dark.
When you're done this is what you will get
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But you can't copy it because that would be plagiarism.
I did mines a few years ago on how to properly take care of a fresh tattoo. I even got 3 hours of work done on my tattoo to be able to demonstrate in class the next day. Class looked like this
after I was done.

Just make sure your how to speech involves something you can demonstrate and talk about at the same time.
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