SKINS FANS.........How do you feel about the trade talk around Jason Campbell??

Jul 7, 2005
I know this thread may seem a bit strange coming from me, but I wanted to see how most of you Skins fans feel about the various trade talks regarding JasonCampbell. Whether it be trading Campbell for Jay Cutler or just trading Campbell for a draft pick or two. Given the year that he had last year I'm kindasurprised that Campbell is even an option on the trading block, given that he put up good numbers and showed signs of progress. I think it's kinda tooearly and too soon in Campbell career to trade him, but that's just how I see it. Discuss........................
We dont need signs of Progress.. We need Progress.. BUT bringing in a Whiny %%+!! won't help the skins either, if we are giving up draft picks which weneed to fill other needs. Forget that.

Campbell aint the future, but who wants that flake either? You can put Farve, Manning or Sammy Baugh in this Offense and they will look like Heath Shuler.Whats the use of a strong arm if the coach aint letting you throw down field and when you do its to a ******? (granted he makes plays)

Campbell... Boooo
Cutler... Booooo...

Haynesworth... Yeahhh

Trade Carlos Rodgers
Draft USC Linebacker

Cut Renaldo Wynn even tho you just signed him.
I'm gonna c/p what I said over in S&T....I think it would be a moronic move by the Skins. Where were all of these Campbell "haters" when theteam was 6-2 and people in the media (Jaws) were calling him the 1st half MVP? He's not the sole reason for the teams collapse. If you want to pointfingers as to where it all fell apart, look no further than Pete Kendall trying to run the rock vs. the Rams
Campbell is being made (unfairly) into ascapegoat. I thought he made some nice progress in his past 2 years. Give the man a chance to actually get some stability from playing in the same offense andunder the same coordinator for consecutive seasons before drawing conclusions. People get so infatuated w. stats and yet they are:

1. Failing to see that Cutler had 18 ints while playing behind one of the best o-lines in the NFL

2. His decision making is questionable at best

3. He's s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e

4. Comparisons to Jeff George are NOT what's up

honestly, for everything that Tony Romo gets criticized for in Dallas and elsewhere, you can say the same for Cutler. How Cutler is above scrutiny/criticism isbeyond me....Like I said before...if he's brought on (hopefully without giving up picks), I'll support the guy.....however, I'm not some jaded fanwho thinks that Cutler is a "franchise" QB who can take the Skins to the SB and beyond.

The people wanting Cutler here are the same ones who will be tearing up message boards, calling radio stations, etc the day after he has a 3 int game. Thescrutiny in being the QB here in DC is gonna be intense more-so than what he experienced in Denver. With our offense, he's NOT going to have a 4000 yardseason...there will be a drop-off in production. I just hope that people are as unreasonable and unrealistic when viewing Cutler as they are/were forCampbell.....

this is what I said in S&T:

I just have a feeling that Campbell isn't in the Skins long-term plans anyways....he's in the last year of his contract, but no extension has beenoffered. That says a lot in the grand scheme of things as far as what many in the Skins FO think of Jason Campbell. I think Campbell should get this last yearto show what he can do with NO EXCUSES. I'm just not a believer in Jay Cutler succeeding in the Skins system, especially behind the current O-line (whichmay be hurt even more if we give up a pick to get Cutler). He (Cutler) had the luxury of playing behind one of the best O-lines in the NFL, but it's like a180 when you compare the Broncos line to the Skins. He's not going to have that time to get rid of the ball like he did with the Broncos. Also, the 18INT's is real high considering how good the people were in front of him. His #'s would take a huge hit assuming he was traded to Washington.

Maybe the Broncos view Cutler as a "system" guy, and I hate that term. Yeah, he's talented...but I guess he's easily replacable in the systemthat they run and also the the O-line that they have. If Campbell is traded for him, they must not feel like there is going to be a huge drop-off in productionif #17 is under center in Denver. They've traded Portis becuase they can get production from other RB's in their system, and I guess they feel the sameway when viewing Cutler....

If Cutler is brought into DC...great. I wish him the best of luck. However, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high as far as what he's going to do withour current O-line and contrasting passing system (compared to Denver) that is run here in DC....
Skins need to let Campbell play for his contract this year like they planned too. Cutler would tear the locker room apart.

Draft for defense this year, and continue to work on keeping the O-line healthy. If Campbell is upright he is a very servicable qb. You can see he learned ahell of a lot in one offseason with Jim Zorn. Now lets just hope the coach learned from his play calling mistakes last year.

A qb change is unnecessary at this point.
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Skins need to let Campbell play for his contract this year like they planned too. Cutler would tear the locker room apart.

Draft for defense this year, and continue to work on keeping the O-line healthy. If Campbell is upright he is a very servicable qb. You can see he learned a hell of a lot in one offseason with Jim Zorn. Now lets just hope the coach learned from his play calling mistakes last year.

A qb change is unnecessary at this point.


And I was reading that Cerrato is very close w. Mike Shanahan...and if Cutler is brought on this year, we all know who will be the leading candidate for the HCspot in 2010. All about reuniting Cutler & Shanny
Well... I appreciate my fellow fans chiming in on keeping Campbell.. but at this point.. face it.. This dude while being completely professional, has had hisconfidence shattered with all this outwardly love for Cutler.

Yes.. he is being made a scapegoat...but THIS WILL HAPPEN WITH EVERYONE they bring in... Seriously. Is Colt or Collins is at the helm they will suffer the samefate. No back up from Up top... win or leave.

They are not putting tools in place around the QB let alone the rest of the team.

Hell I feel bad for the dude for being loyal and never complaining.

But I agree.. Dont trade for Cutler.. F that.. Lets let the backups step up.. Let Campbell go into the night and be like the rest of the EX QBs... prosper andshine on other teams.

its bound to happen
Originally Posted by RockDeep

We dont need signs of Progress.. We need Progress.. BUT bringing in a Whiny %%+!! won't help the skins either, if we are giving up draft picks which we need to fill other needs. Forget that.

Campbell aint the future, but who wants that flake either? You can put Farve, Manning or Sammy Baugh in this Offense and they will look like Heath Shuler. Whats the use of a strong arm if the coach aint letting you throw down field and when you do its to a ******? (granted he makes plays)

Campbell... Boooo
Cutler... Booooo...

Haynesworth... Yeahhh

Trade Carlos Rodgers
Draft USC Linebacker

Cut Renaldo Wynn even tho you just signed him.

The fact is the offensive scheme is garbage and the Skinz have really no proven physical, down field with hands recievers since nut case Westbrook...

*See Arizona Cardinals recievers for blueprint to success*
Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

Skins need to let Campbell play for his contract this year like they planned too. Cutler would tear the locker room apart.

Draft for defense this year, and continue to work on keeping the O-line healthy. If Campbell is upright he is a very servicable qb. You can see he learned a hell of a lot in one offseason with Jim Zorn. Now lets just hope the coach learned from his play calling mistakes last year.

A qb change is unnecessary at this point.
Yes. Campbell is not the problem here. The QB shouldn't be under pressure every time he drops back to pass. Personally, I'd like theSkins to deviate off this west coast offense mess too but one thing at a time..
Campbell is a free agent after this season. He needs to prove him himself for the last time.
Doesn't Cutler have diabetes? That should at least be a minor concern to any team that's looking to trade for him.
Whether Jason Campbell was suppose to get traded yesterday or not, from my perspective the Skins gotta stop this REVOLVING DOOR MENTALITY that they have whenit comes to coaches and players if they desire to actually build a football team.
Dude... the skins were done a Favor by the Bears.

If they didn't think they'd get blasted by National Media they would have done something to pull the trigger.

The rumor now is they STILL tried to trade J.C. even after the Chicago trade. Maybe they will go and draft Shuler Pt. II this year or another Defensive End togo with all the others who have as many sacks as I do.
Im glad it didn't happen he wasn't worth it IMO...I was talking to my cousin a couple of days ago and right when the Broncos said they were gonna tradeCutler my cousin said I bet will go after him and I just lauged at him...but what do you know

Then he went on to say our worst problem isn't our QB it isn't our Line its our Front Office and I finally agree with em

We will never win with like this and if someone doesn't school Cerato or Snyder on how teams win through the draft we will continue to do the same thingover and over again and be the laughing stock of the NFL
I like Jason but really wanted to see the Skins get Cutler. Oh well what's done is done now. I give Jason props for not taking the Cutler route.
^^ Have ya seen that dude CATCH an Interception NOT lodged in his hands by the opposing QB? he gets beat more than any other DB... I dont know why C.R. got allthat pub as a top DB anyway....

What has he done
What has he done?

*Thats me pleading*

I say you draft a DB from an HBCU who knows nothing but checking man to man every game and get something for Rodgers... Check and see how many times HE wasscored on vs. Smoot..

And why did they resign Reed Doutry Douty.. whatever.. He's :tongue:oo Poo..
I actually wanted cutler, i want to see some progress right now. but at the same time as stated if the damn oline would give him some time he would bestraight. AND NO MORE DAMN SCREENS ON THIRD AND LONG
RockDeep wrote:

^^ Have ya seen that dude CATCH an Interception NOT lodged in his hands by the opposing QB? he gets beat more than any other DB... I dont know why C.R. got all that pub as a top DB anyway....

What has he done
What has he done?

*Thats me pleading*

I say you draft a DB from an HBCU who knows nothing but checking man to man every game and get something for Rodgers... Check and see how many times HE was scored on vs. Smoot..

And why did they resign Reed Doutry Douty.. whatever.. He's :tongue:oo Poo..
well every game that I watched last season Carlos did make plays.....through the season, I would constantly see a replay of CR swatting, breakingup passes, and shutting down recievers for the entire game
The Skins need a real GM plain and simple. Danny sign the checks, Vinny shine Danny's shoes and leave the football to the pros. How the heck do they expectto win with a "high" turnover rate (players not game stats) every year. Build thru the draft (the good teams do) and think about thefuture..........and get them rides at 6 Flags right.
Originally Posted by MDterps4

Doesn't Cutler have diabetes? That should at least be a minor concern to any team that's looking to trade for him.

Whats your point bro? Diabetes or not? thats like saying someone with asthma shouldn't be playing football, **** with that mess.

Ty Cobb had diabetes, would you not want him on your baseball team?
Jackie Robinson had diabetes, would you not want him on your baseball team?
Billy Jean King, Catfish Hunter, Gary Hall, Joe Frazier, Arthur Ashe, to just name a few famous athletes, diabetes has nothing to do with it. A person withDiabetes is a normal person when its regulated and you better bet that paying in the NFL the man has some of the best doctors, and im sure takes care ofhimself to the best of his ability, because if he DIDN'T he wouldn't be in the NFL in the first place.
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