Sleep paralysis is no joke.

Originally Posted by supa vegetto

does anyone ever feel themselves slipping into sleep paralysis.. like as i close my eyes and start dosing off i know when it's about to happen. anyone?

Yeap, like I said in my first post I can feel my body becoming paralyzed so I start wiggling my toes and move my fingers until I get out of it.
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

does anyone ever feel themselves slipping into sleep paralysis.. like as i close my eyes and start dosing off i know when it's about to happen. anyone?

That's how mine always is. Like I've said in previous threads, if you can feel it coming or become aware as its going on, you can gain a degree of control and alter your dreams to be what you want.
^ +1 on being able to sense it coming on.

Does anyone else get this buzzing sensation/sound when they are falling into sleep paralysis?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

If you know its happening, just tell yourself its happening. Takes practice to really get it but from there you can bend your dreams.


When it happens to me, I just tell myself to wake up! Usually my Alpha side of the body wins the battle of this inner force!
Originally Posted by Jay02

I go through this only when I take naps. It gets bad at times too. I actually have seen and heard crazy *$!@. Like I would see shadows, it kinda spooks me but i got used to it. When the shadow talks it usually my mom. But I have gotten bad vibes too like a shadow standing in the doorway freaking me the %%#% out. I got so used to it that I actually was able to move and broke out of it. I was like crawling out of my room, although it was really a dream. When I crawled out of my room it became one of the craziest dreams i ever had. It really did make me think of like ghosts or aliens..anything really. But then again I realized it is me dreaming..To tell you the truth I dont know what to think about it lol.

When I know its about to happen its odd. Like my head feels super heavy, like im about to fall asleep in a super super deep state of mind. But I know to open my eyes cause its the feeling of me about go undergo sleep paralysis. When im about to have it I i cant move my body but I can wiggle my toes and clench my hand into a fist and then open my hand..I do this until my whole body can move again. I keep doing this until i fall asleep normally.

I really think this happens due to over tiredness and stress. This started happening to me when I was a senior in highschool. I would get only a few hours of sleep a night, and then i would pass out in my pitch black basement on the futon after school everyday and this would happen. It continued into college when i didnt get sleep and was stressing over everything that was on my back at the time.

Im really really used to sleep paryalsis lol
THIS! Only when I take naps and usually, only in the middle of the day. The thing that I've found to work best is to not fight it...Just try to use your concious mind to relax your brain and fall back asleep. The more you fight it, the worse it gets. Once I discovered that I could calm my nerves and fall back asleep, I'd just wake up naturally. Not sure how long after the episode I wake up, but all I know is I'm happy as hell when it's over! Sweet Dreams Homey

happens to me ALL THE TIME!!! like literally 4 of every 7 days... my Ex use to wake me up because she said my whole body would be shaking like crazy... once she like fell asleep with "her head on my neck somehow and I couldnt breath but I was having one of these so i couldnt get her off of me, I thought i was going to die. she woke up and woke me up like "$%! is wrong with you" and I told her I couldnt breath and i couldnt get her off of me because I couldnt move... I get like terrified when this happens and end up shaking myself out of it. not because im scared shaking but because im trying to move my body so much in a sense of urgency that my body just starts spazzing until I wake up
Have had it multiple times.

I just know when it happens now, and the last time it happened I tried to enjoy it
Originally Posted by Sneak King

Originally Posted by Jay02

I go through this only when I take naps. It gets bad at times too. I actually have seen and heard crazy *$!@. Like I would see shadows, it kinda spooks me but i got used to it. When the shadow talks it usually my mom. But I have gotten bad vibes too like a shadow standing in the doorway freaking me the %%#% out. I got so used to it that I actually was able to move and broke out of it. I was like crawling out of my room, although it was really a dream. When I crawled out of my room it became one of the craziest dreams i ever had. It really did make me think of like ghosts or aliens..anything really. But then again I realized it is me dreaming..To tell you the truth I dont know what to think about it lol.

When I know its about to happen its odd. Like my head feels super heavy, like im about to fall asleep in a super super deep state of mind. But I know to open my eyes cause its the feeling of me about go undergo sleep paralysis. When im about to have it I i cant move my body but I can wiggle my toes and clench my hand into a fist and then open my hand..I do this until my whole body can move again. I keep doing this until i fall asleep normally.

I really think this happens due to over tiredness and stress. This started happening to me when I was a senior in highschool. I would get only a few hours of sleep a night, and then i would pass out in my pitch black basement on the futon after school everyday and this would happen. It continued into college when i didnt get sleep and was stressing over everything that was on my back at the time.

Im really really used to sleep paryalsis lol
THIS! Only when I take naps and usually, only in the middle of the day. The thing that I've found to work best is to not fight it...Just try to use your concious mind to relax your brain and fall back asleep. The more you fight it, the worse it gets. Once I discovered that I could calm my nerves and fall back asleep, I'd just wake up naturally. Not sure how long after the episode I wake up, but all I know is I'm happy as hell when it's over! Sweet Dreams Homey

I too get them during my naps. Same as above. I just tell myself that it's happening and give it time and you fall back asleep. Before I would try to wake up and fight it and only made it worse.
I would try to scream out my brothers name to help me or try really hard to move. Now that I can control it, it's not so bad anymore 
Weird. I dont experience it as im going to sleep it happens after ive already been sleeping for a while.

..or was I just dreaming it?
Like someone said above, dont sleep on your back and itll stop.

I havent had sleep paralysis in awhile but when i did i would always be in my room trying to scream for my life :/

I dont think i could lucid dream when im having sleep paralysis unless yall state otherwise..
I never sleep on my back. This has happened a few times, kinda like in the thread jking posted up there, but only a few times 2 my knowledge.
1st time, it rly *+@!#* me up. I was "sleep", but "woke up" I think. Thing is, I was on my side with my back to the door, which I rarely do. I was stuck, felt like it couldn't breathe, but behind me/around the bed, I heard like a voice. Couldn't mk out wat it was saying, but it was garbled. I heard it gettin closer to me, but I couldn't turn around or move for %#++. I remembered a similar case whr someone said 2 try to wiggle your toe, that worked. I woke up sweatin like I jus hopped out the shower.
The next time it happened, recently, I gave in when I felt it comin on (pause), and eventually fell asleep.
%#++ was scary as ##%+ tho.
Listen to some gospel music or something peaceful before going to bed. I try not to look at Alien, Ghost stuff hours before going to bed. Think positive as well, think of flowers while in bed. We can control our dreams
Happened to me once and my face was in the pillow so I was literally suffocating myself by accident. I was told this happens when you're extremely tired most often so a healthy sleep schedule is the best bet for riddance.
I normally feel awkward before I go to bed when I will have a problem with sleep paralysis... So if I feel weird before I go to bed, I leave the lights and tv on and that seems to work.
i've been getting this +%@% since I was 8.... You feel completely helpless man. Most people i've told this +%@% too think i'm tripping. Used to be like a monthly thing but now i get plenty of sleep and when it does happen I know how to get myself out of it. Deadass just do the Kill Bill "Big toe wiggle" thing in my head for a little bit then I wake up
I don't know what I've been doing different the last few years but boy am I glad I don't get this #$$$ anymore
you guys seem so sure this is happening, i guess it happens to me too. i feel like there's weight being pushed on me and i barely can move, but i still force my self to get up. its like im straining with the air and my body in slow motion. i dont get scared though. i just fight through it.
i used to get it all the the point i was getting it everyday. Now, I dont get it as much, but i still do get it every now and then. I'm so used to it that I can feel it coming, so i just force myself to wake up by trying to open my eyes. If i do get stuck with sleep paralysis, I just try to move my finger and I usually get out of it. If I am extremely tired...i just relax and go back to sleep.
It's funny how some people tell me things like, 'you know what?!? Something really scary happened to me last night!! I was awake but I couldnt move my body!! I was crying when I woke up because i was so scared!' I just tell them dont worry, its no biggie and its really common
Last week I had the case of this, it scared the %#@% out of me. I woke up in a cold sweat and paranoid as hell, it felt like I was being possessed and I couldn't do anything about it. When this was happening I swore I was banging on my wall and yelling help so my parents to hear but it was all in my dreams. This usually only occurs to me when I sleep on my back
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