Sleep paralysis is no joke.

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I've never experienced this.

Lucky you then.Just google a story where it happen to a guy in the middle if the night, he was so scared that he panicked a lot, after tryna to get out of it he wiggle so much that caused him to fall out of bed, only for a nail sticking up waiting for him. Stuck him in the throat. Game over.
I don't get it...we have explanations of how this stuff works, and are learning more and more about it...and people STILL think its a demon?

I mean REALLY?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

If you know its happening, just tell yourself its happening. Takes practice to really get it but from there you can bend your dreams.

This. def one of the worst feeling in the world
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I don't get it...we have explanations of how this stuff works, and are learning more and more about it...and people STILL think its a demon?

I mean REALLY?

I'm with you, but when it happens and you cant totally make out what's moving towards you/grabbing you (that's the worst part), it's scares the @#*% out of you. Demons/spirits/devil would be a good way to describe how scary the hallucinations are. Seriously, having freezing cold hands grab yours, which are under your pillow and head, will cause some wild thoughts like a demon's up on you.
i probably get this once every couple of weeks. sorta scary, but ive learned to deal with it...i think

but yea, i think the majority of the time it comes during naps.
I usually have these experiences while napping like most on here, and usually am exhausted. Anyone else drool? Had this happen to me at work once. I was sitting on the office chair at my desk, and remember hoping I would wake up before my co-worker entered the office because I just couldn't awake. I was also drooling like a fool.
i never experienced this before. after i saw inception i went home and tried to lucid dream
Yoooo. Experienced this for the first time last night.

and as y’all mention. I was asleep on my back.Felt like there was some demon, ghost whatever next to my bad watching me. Then it lunges towards me and I was tryna wake up bit was straight up frozen.
When I woke up my heart was beating real quick.
Crazy feeling.
Yoooo. Experienced this for the first time last night.

and as y’all mention. I was asleep on my back.Felt like there was some demon, ghost whatever next to my bad watching me. Then it lunges towards me and I was tryna wake up bit was straight up frozen.
When I woke up my heart was beating real quick.
Crazy feeling.

I know that feeling too :smh: :frown:

I had what I guess is body paralysis on my way to nap time. Took my usual break at work (pre Covid) in an unused pt recovery room and right before dozing off I tried to reach for the remote to turn off the 📺 & nothing! I was shook but didn’t wanna scream for help like a little *****. I think I just closed my eyes and continued with the nap. I was on my back if it matters.
Happens to me around once a year. Scary ishhh. I dont see figures in the dark but Im awake and cant move, start to panic but cant make out a sound. Feels like it goes on forever but its probably like 5-10 seconds.
Happens to me around once a year. Scary ishhh. I dont see figures in the dark but Im awake and cant move, start to panic but cant make out a sound. Feels like it goes on forever but its probably like 5-10 seconds.

Mine is more of this ^. No demon like figures but in straight stuck mode....

What are the main causes?
Are there prevention techniques?
Mine is more of this ^. No demon like figures but in straight stuck mode....

What are the main causes?
Are there prevention techniques?

I read it happens when youre still in deep rem sleep mode but wake up suddenly.
Causes are sleep deprivation and extreme stress. Theres no treatment.
Its not serious unless it happens really often
I get it seldomly if im falling asleep and trying not to. Honestly doesnt freak me out anymore but I def woudnt want it to happen either.
Yea crazy stuff. Telling you. Mofo lunged at me :lol: crazy experience.

Consider yourself lucky. The one I dealt with started hissing at my face and I could feel a mist of spit hitting me. I guess it got mad because I managed to hold a death grip on both its wrists :lol: :emoji_muscle:
The ones I hate are when the shadow like demon figure starts whispering trying to possess you. I've had them all. I used to get them often. They come back in waves for me. The recurring ones in one night where you wake up from it but you're so tired you fall right back into it again. And the ones where you think you woke up from it but your still in the nightmare untill you realize it again and really wake up from it.

I've gotten crafty over the years with my dreams tho. I've been able to have lucid dreams (able to realize I'm in a dream) about 30% of the time. Once I realize im in a dream I gain control and do whatever I want and try to stay in it. Flying is always a must. Pretty much whatever I think of appears or happens.

But with sleep paralysis, when that "demon" appears I usually sense I'm dreaming but I'm still never able to turn the dream around. I can only quickly try to jump out of the paralysis. The harder I fight, the quicker I wake up.

With lucid nightmares, when I realize I'm in a nightmare it becomes a game of trying to escape. I do things like fly and create explosions to fight off the nightmare and try to turn it around which rarely happens. Even when I can manage that and the nightmare becomes a normal dream, the nightmare eventually comes back and at that point I just try to wake myself up.
Happens rarely, but when it does, I can't move my body. I somehow found a way to break out of it by closing my eyes and concentrate on moving my arms. There was one time I thought I heard a voice saying "keep your guard up" and woke up. Still wondering what was that.
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