Sleeping for 10+ Hours Unnapreciation

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So I always got to sleep kinda late like around 1:30 AM

I always plan out 8 hours of sleep so if I go to sleep at 1.... I figure I will try to wake up at 9-10 AM


I always end up waking up like at 2:00 PM

I hate this........ any tips on not sleeping more than 10 hours. I feel I have wasted days
get an alarm clock, set it at the time you want to wake up, and put the clock across the room so you have to get up and turn off the alarm.

also, try avoiding the snooze button.
you might also want to see a doctor ....being asleep 10+ hrs isnt healthy

It does the job sometimes when you really need rest but check with your Doc to make sure you are okay...
I love sleeping for 10+ hours.
I do it once or twice a year and it is definitely appreciated.
I think you need to get a hobby or something if you can manage to wake up at 1-2 PM in the afternoon and not miss out on anything important.
Does sleep hour carry over like for example.

Yesterday I slept 3 hours

So today I slept 3 so +8= 11-12 hours?

That might be the problem.
sleep 5-6 hours only and havea lot of energy.. Amazing what eating healthy and drinking water can do for you.

10 hours of sleep is a sign that something is wrong with the body. Its working overtime trying to fix you
am i the only one who feels dizzy whenever i try to sleep 8+ hours? i wake up all pale and groggy and nauseous whenever i sleep more than 8 hours..........
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