SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

36 ounces

Jun 17, 2008
Everybody on facebook and twitter from my area want nothing but all the bad things in the world to happen to these two.

Coverage on this is starting to pick up pretty quickly.

They got expelled as well and now with threats aimed at them, i'm pretty sure they will be forced to move.

I went here in 03-04, and honestly this wouldn't have been going down. these kids today are soft.
i swear i love the internet.

idiots expose themselves and then suffer the backlash. no need to be anonymous. they PURPOSELY put themselves on video.
They are prolly gonna get jumped for this but they are also probably gonna transfer before the jumping happens. The #%*+ they were saying doesn't even phase me. We got dudes here that say the same thing. Whatever.
I've accepted things are never gonna change. Some people are always going to remain ignorant. Good luck to their futures.
They sound mad young, like 15. I felt bad for them more so than feeling offended. They sound like idiots anyway. Irony... Is that you?
Son I can't watch that. The voices are actually unbearable.

If they startin funk like you claim I hope they start a WORLD of trouble for their parents.
The South 

Why minorities (with the means to move out) choose to live in America's toilet region is beyond me. My dad went to college in Memphis and dudes called him a n_____ for his tan skin, even though he's more European than any of them.

Then again California has Orange County, which is the rich equivalent
Originally Posted by RedBox

New way to gain attention

pretty much. those girls going straight for the shock factor. You guys cant let these little idiots bother you though. If anything you should feel pity for them. They are not gonna get far in life with that attitude/intellect 
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Interesting video. This is the future of America. 

The future 40 year old McDonald employees.

Yeah right....its very possible they could be your boss one day.

This is real America right here. Don't be fooled  
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