SMH So this is whats going down in my area....More racism.

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Interesting video. This is the future of America. 
The future 40 year old McDonald employees.
Somebody gotta serve me my fries
I'm sure the beats will be put on these two. This is closet racism to the fullest, and there's LOTS more where this came from in this country/world.
The Asian community has been more accepted by society/work force compared to black/latinos. This is strictly a war between blacks/latinos and the rest. From experience, it's crazy what I've had to put up with and the sorts of people I've met. This doesn't surprise me one bit, I'm just shocked they publicized their opinions in such a reckless manner.

Um I'm white and I live in a majority white/ Asian community/ area of my city. All I'm gonna say is that the white people in my neighborhood aren't racist

I still don't see what the connection between  huge afros/braids and weaves are. And those girls were talking @#$% about much more than black people's weaves, yet you're hung up on that one insignificant (compared to their other "points") aspect of that rant. If thats your explanation for "most white people hate me
" then I feel sorry for you
If anything I would've SLIGHTLY respected your OPINION more if you mentioned the more disgusting @#$% they say throughout the video

You are on the other side of the fence brody. 

You're probably the type to say this kind of stuff is rare 

I'm "hung up" on the hair thing because she was clearly taking shots throughout the video by brushing/flipping her hair. 
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Um I'm white and I live in a majority white/ Asian community/ area of my city. All I'm gonna say is that the white people in my neighborhood aren't racist

I still don't see what the connection between  huge afros/braids and weaves are. And those girls were talking @#$% about much more than black people's weaves, yet you're hung up on that one insignificant (compared to their other "points") aspect of that rant. If thats your explanation for "most white people hate me
" then I feel sorry for you
If anything I would've SLIGHTLY respected your OPINION more if you mentioned the more disgusting @#$% they say throughout the video

You are on the other side of the fence brody. 

You're probably the type to say this kind of stuff is rare 

I'm "hung up" on the hair thing because she was clearly taking shots throughout the video by brushing/flipping her hair. 

You just now said that white people talk about this @#$% behind closed doors with each other, and now you're getting hurt that many of them don't
You really think most white people give a flying @#$% about what black people do with their hair ????? wow

It's like you're forcing yourself to believe that most white people hate you for the most petty @#$% of all time. I have a few racists in my family  and they don't give a @#$% about your skin color and hair. They hate you because of what they think black people are like from make-believe @#%@ like rap music and from all the violence in Africa (without understanding the root of the violence)

Yes, some make racially insensitive comments (which are considered insensitive because people these days are too damn soft anyways) which are TRUTHS. They say this @#$% about EVERY race. Reminds me of my black studies professor in college (who was white). Dude did all he could to help improve the status of black people, yet whenever he brought up something that needed improvement, there were always a few clowns in the room who snickered and disregarded everything he said because of his race.

Am I denying that there aren't many white people who hate black people? NO. But to say the majority of an entire race hates you is just foolish and extreme. I'd agree with you if you said "many white people are apathetic to the problems of minorities" which is definitely true

@#$@ YUKU
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by solegit08til

You just now said that white people talk about this @#$% behind closed doors with each other, and now you're getting hurt that many of them don't
You really think most white people give a flying @#$% about what black people do with their hair ????? wow

It's like you're forcing yourself to believe that most white people hate you for the most petty @#$% of all time. I have a few racists in my family  and they don't give a @#$% about your skin color and hair. They hate you because of what they think black people are like from make-believe @#%@ like rap music and from all the violence in Africa (without understanding the root of the violence)

Yes, some make racially insensitive comments (which are considered insensitive because people these days are too damn soft anyways) which are TRUTHS. They say this @#$% about EVERY race. Reminds me of my black studies professor in college (who was white). Dude did all he could to help improve the status of black people, yet whenever he brought up something that needed improvement, there were always a few clowns in the room who snickered and disregarded everything he said because of his race.

Am I denying that there aren't many white people who hate black people? NO. But to say the majority of an entire race hates you is just foolish and extreme. I'd agree with you if you said "many white people are apathetic to the problems of minorities" which is definitely true

@#$@ YUKU

Many of them don't, but people in your family do?
 How the hell you know what other peoples families discuss in their own home? You can speak for yourself and your friends/family, THAT'S IT. What I'm saying has been common knowledge for IDK how long. Your opposing argument is immediately flawed when you say your own family spouts this ignorant nonsense. When said people in your family said this, how many people in your family argued with him? That's the point I was making, and by your response it looks like not a damn one. 
You claim to have gone to college, yet you can't comprehend my over-sized opinion.
Again for you fool

Most white people are neutral in their stance on racism and give passes to the occasional racist acts/remarks of others, especially those with power/status.* 

Since when is not standing for ignorance an indication of being soft? Idgaf about chicken/kool-aid jokes, but it's the Jenny Hyun type stuff that I consider hatred. 

And you keep saying how I think all white people hate me, when did I say that? 
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by solegit08til
You just now said that white people talk about this @#$% behind closed doors with each other, and now you're getting hurt that many of them don't
You really think most white people give a flying @#$% about what black people do with their hair ????? wow

It's like you're forcing yourself to believe that most white people hate you for the most petty @#$% of all time. I have a few racists in my family  and they don't give a @#$% about your skin color and hair. They hate you because of what they think black people are like from make-believe @#%@ like rap music and from all the violence in Africa (without understanding the root of the violence)

Yes, some make racially insensitive comments (which are considered insensitive because people these days are too damn soft anyways) which are TRUTHS. They say this @#$% about EVERY race. Reminds me of my black studies professor in college (who was white). Dude did all he could to help improve the status of black people, yet whenever he brought up something that needed improvement, there were always a few clowns in the room who snickered and disregarded everything he said because of his race.

Am I denying that there aren't many white people who hate black people? NO. But to say the majority of an entire race hates you is just foolish and extreme. I'd agree with you if you said "many white people are apathetic to the problems of minorities" which is definitely true

@#$@ YUKU

Many of them don't, but people in your family do?
 How the hell you know what other peoples families discuss in their own home? You can speak for yourself and your friends/family, THAT'S IT. What I'm saying has been common knowledge for IDK how long. Your opposing argument is immediately flawed when you say your own family spouts this ignorant nonsense. When said people in your family said this, how many people in your family argued with him? That's the point I was making, and by your response it looks like not a damn one. 
You claim to have gone to college, yet you can't comprehend my over-sized opinion.
Again for you fool

Most white people are neutral in their stance on racism and give passes to the occasional racist acts/remarks of others, especially those with power/status.* 

Since when is not standing for ignorance an indication of being soft? Idgaf about chicken/kool-aid jokes, but it's the Jenny Hyun type stuff that I consider hatred. 

And you keep saying how I think all white people hate me, when did I say that? 
It's funny that you call me a fool. Did you watch the @#$@%@ videos ? They WERE promoting hatred. They specifically mentioned black people being disgusting and all types of other @#$%,  to which you responded "This is what the majority of white people feel, truth" They went far beyond weave/chicken/kool aid jokes. I assumed you actually watched the videos posted before making strong allegations about majority of white people being racist. my fault for expecting your magnificent conclusion to apply to what was said in the videos

I mention a FEW relatives that said that @#$% and now you're generalizing AGAIN? who the @@$@ are you to say how my family deals with the clowns I happen to be related to? Sorry, the vast majority of my family is educated and not the inbred white trash you're clearly surrounded by. If anything my Asian relatives are the most racist

Your logic is horrendous. I could make equally broad generalizations about black people, but then I would be labeled a racist. Common knowledge? To whom? Everything you're saying is based off an assumption. You talk about what white people say behind closed doors, but you haven't even @#$@$@ been there when they're allegedly saying this @#$%. Yet you're the authority on @#$% white people talk about?

YOU aren't reading. "Racially insensitive comments which are truths." Let a white dude say "Black people need to fix the issue of having so many broken homes" and all hell breaks loose because of people being too sensitive. Just look at the reaction to that Forbes article in which a white dude tried offering solutions to low literacy rates in impoverished black communities.

How different are you from someone who says "majority of black men want to be criminals, truth!"
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

You just now said that white people talk about this @#$% behind closed doors with each other, and now you're getting hurt that many of them don't
You really think most white people give a flying @#$% about what black people do with their hair ????? wow

It's like you're forcing yourself to believe that most white people hate you for the most petty @#$% of all time. I have a few racists in my family  and they don't give a @#$% about your skin color and hair. They hate you because of what they think black people are like from make-believe @#%@ like rap music and from all the violence in Africa (without understanding the root of the violence)

Yes, some make racially insensitive comments (which are considered insensitive because people these days are too damn soft anyways) which are TRUTHS. They say this @#$% about EVERY race. Reminds me of my black studies professor in college (who was white). Dude did all he could to help improve the status of black people, yet whenever he brought up something that needed improvement, there were always a few clowns in the room who snickered and disregarded everything he said because of his race.

Am I denying that there aren't many white people who hate black people? NO. But to say the majority of an entire race hates you is just foolish and extreme. I'd agree with you if you said "many white people are apathetic to the problems of minorities" which is definitely true

@#$@ YUKU

Many of them don't, but people in your family do?
 How the hell you know what other peoples families discuss in their own home? You can speak for yourself and your friends/family, THAT'S IT. What I'm saying has been common knowledge for IDK how long. Your opposing argument is immediately flawed when you say your own family spouts this ignorant nonsense. When said people in your family said this, how many people in your family argued with him? That's the point I was making, and by your response it looks like not a damn one. 
You claim to have gone to college, yet you can't comprehend my over-sized opinion.
Again for you fool

Most white people are neutral in their stance on racism and give passes to the occasional racist acts/remarks of others, especially those with power/status.* 

Since when is not standing for ignorance an indication of being soft? Idgaf about chicken/kool-aid jokes, but it's the Jenny Hyun type stuff that I consider hatred. 

And you keep saying how I think all white people hate me, when did I say that? 
It's funny that you call me a fool. Did you watch the @#$@%@ videos ? They WERE promoting hatred. They specifically mentioned black people being disgusting and all types of other @#$%,  to which you responded "This is what the majority of white people fell, truth" as if you're the authority on white people. They went far beyond weave/chicken/kool aid jokes. I assumed you actually watched the videos posted before making strong allegations about majority of white people being racist. my fault for expecting your comment to apply to what was said in the videos

I mention a FEW relatives that said that @#$% and now you're generalizing AGAIN? who the @@$@ are you to say how my family deals with the clowns I happen to be related to? Sorry, the vast majority of my family is educated and not the inbred white trash you're clearly surrounded by. If anything my Asian relatives are the most racist

Your logic is horrendous. I could make equally broad generalizations about black people, but then I would be labeled a racist. Common knowledge? To whom? Everything you're saying is based off an assumption. You talk about what white people say behind closed doors, but you haven't even @#$@$@ been there when they're allegedly saying this @#$%
How different are you from someone who says "majority of black men want to be criminals, truth!"

Don't worry after this thread and a couple others we know what your about. 
  You dont gotta hold your tongue. Say what you feel
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Don't worry after this thread and a couple others we know what your about. 
  You dont gotta hold your tongue. Say what you feel

How about you stop reaching for racism? Your entire bull @#$% post was about men choosing ugly/average/fat white girls over good looking black girls. Then you post a series of pictures of men with a good looking black girl instead of the white girls you can't stand. Which one is it? Let me guess, your response is gonna be "but she has the body of an average white woman, so clearly those men are still being subconsciously prejudiced." Keep crying racism, I don't give a @#$% if you think I'm personally a racist. It's just so damn hypocritical when you're part of a race that is victim to generalizations, yet you're making equally unfounded statements and applying it to everyone else in the world

You spend post after post harassing Anton about self hatred, yet when I said "maybe some black people have self hatred, I don't know" I'm racist? Wow
Why don't YOU tell us how you really feel about white people?
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Don't worry after this thread and a couple others we know what your about. 
  You dont gotta hold your tongue. Say what you feel

How about you stop reaching for racism? Your entire bull @#$% post was about men choosing ugly/average/fat white girls over good looking black girls. Then you post a series of pictures of men with a good looking black girl instead of the white girls you can't stand. Which one is it? Let me guess, your response is gonna be "but she has the body of an average white woman, so clearly those men are still being subconsciously prejudiced." Keep crying racism, I don't give a @#$% if you think I'm personally a racist. It's just so damn hypocritical when you're part of a race that is victim to generalizations, yet you're making equally unfounded statements and applying it to everyone else in the world

You spend post after post harassing Anton about self hatred, yet when I said "maybe some black people have self hatred, I don't know" I'm racist? Wow
Why don't YOU tell us how you really feel about white people?

1. My thread wasn't about black/white is was about men of all color in the US

2. I've ignored Anton the whole thread

3. I didn't post any pics of "good looking black girl"

4.  Reported for edited profanity

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Don't worry after this thread and a couple others we know what your about. 
  You dont gotta hold your tongue. Say what you feel

How about you stop reaching for racism? Your entire bull @#$% post was about men choosing ugly/average/fat white girls over good looking black girls. Then you post a series of pictures of men with a good looking black girl instead of the white girls you can't stand. Which one is it? Let me guess, your response is gonna be "but she has the body of an average white woman, so clearly those men are still being subconsciously prejudiced." Keep crying racism, I don't give a @#$% if you think I'm personally a racist. It's just so damn hypocritical when you're part of a race that is victim to generalizations, yet you're making equally unfounded statements and applying it to everyone else in the world

You spend post after post harassing Anton about self hatred, yet when I said "maybe some black people have self hatred, I don't know" I'm racist? Wow
Why don't YOU tell us how you really feel about white people?

1. My thread wasn't about black/white is was about men of all color in the US

2. I've ignored Anton the whole thread

3. I didn't post any pics of "good looking black girl"

4.  Reported for edited profanity

Whatever you say man. Keep acting like you didn't post an entire page worth of pictures of white dudes making out with and cuddling up with Zoe Saldana
Now you're gonna go into "Well, she's prejudiced and only goes out with white men"  when you mentioned that dudes would pick a mediocre or fat white girl over someone like her. Next you're gonna say "she has features of a white woman so she gets a pass from those guys" when she clearly doesn't look white at all.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

How about you stop reaching for racism? Your entire bull @#$% post was about men choosing ugly/average/fat white girls over good looking black girls. Then you post a series of pictures of men with a good looking black girl instead of the white girls you can't stand. Which one is it? Let me guess, your response is gonna be "but she has the body of an average white woman, so clearly those men are still being subconsciously prejudiced." Keep crying racism, I don't give a @#$% if you think I'm personally a racist. It's just so damn hypocritical when you're part of a race that is victim to generalizations, yet you're making equally unfounded statements and applying it to everyone else in the world

You spend post after post harassing Anton about self hatred, yet when I said "maybe some black people have self hatred, I don't know" I'm racist? Wow
Why don't YOU tell us how you really feel about white people?

1. My thread wasn't about black/white is was about men of all color in the US

2. I've ignored Anton the whole thread

3. I didn't post any pics of "good looking black girl"

4.  Reported for edited profanity

Whatever you say man. Keep acting like you didn't post an entire page worth of pictures of white dudes making out with and cuddling up with Zoe Saldana
Now you're gonna go into "Well, she's prejudiced and only goes out with white men"  when you mentioned that dudes would pick a mediocre or fat white girl over someone like her

God bless your soul. Have a great day "Nawlinsjunkie"
I don't see why anyone on here doesn't report this to that school to show how they are being represented on the internet.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't see why anyone on here doesn't report this to that school to show how they are being represented on the internet.

OP said they were expelled

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by MonStar1

1. My thread wasn't about black/white is was about men of all color in the US

2. I've ignored Anton the whole thread

3. I didn't post any pics of "good looking black girl"

4.  Reported for edited profanity

Whatever you say man. Keep acting like you didn't post an entire page worth of pictures of white dudes making out with and cuddling up with Zoe Saldana
Now you're gonna go into "Well, she's prejudiced and only goes out with white men"  when you mentioned that dudes would pick a mediocre or fat white girl over someone like her

God bless your soul. Have a great day "Nawlinsjunkie"
You too "Monstar1" . Good to see you've progressed from trolling threads with atrocious rap lyrics to randomly accusing strangers of being racist
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't see why anyone on here doesn't report this to that school to show how they are being represented on the internet.

OP said they were expelled


I am still reporting those fools. 
So i guess we all have equal rights then huh, because if I was wrong in my over-sized statement, nobody would stand for anything different.

Yet, there is still a glass ceiling.

You are sheltered, so I don't blame you. 

I've lost a lot of friends, people I knew for years, because they finally let their guard down and show their true colors. People you would never expect it from, who are always kind and friendly. My friends and family have gone through the same thing. Just because somebody isn't spouting racist remarks doesn't mean they don't mind minorities living next door, or eating at their favorite restaurant. 

"And even if they've never said it, lips stay sealed
They actions reveal how their hearts really feel" - Mos Def
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by solegit08til

This is what majority white people think, truth.
Countering gross generalizations with ridiculous, unproven generalizations. Great

The irony of this post yet your first post in this thread was filled of generalizations about the south. Shut up.
Racism sucks... I'm from Pittsburgh and this %#$@ still goes down. I went to an
all-white grade school and an all black high school so I saw it from both sides.

Wish it could change, but the people in the know from both sides aren't racist.
ya'll gonna make nawlinsjunkie snap and say some wild ignorant #!*% to get himself banned

Most white people are neutral in their stance on racism and give passes to the occasional racist acts/remarks of others, especially those with power/status.*

i do agree w/this...even if they don't agree w/what was said about another race they won't really tell the person they were wrong for saying or thinking that...they'd rather just let it pass
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