SMH: Such Inhumane Acts - Picking On Asian Elders (VID) Vol. If Only Karma Was Real

Feb 3, 2006
Few weeks late, but whatever. This is ridiculous, makes me sick and saddens me. Two different events.

Fast forward to 2:47 and on...

- 83 y/o man was taking public transportation
- Bunch of teens choked him from behind, picked him up, through him off the platform and kicked him
- He was visiting his wife. He was rushed to the hospital instead...Two weeks later, he died from the complications

I'll post another incident in just a second...
Cliffnotes for the second story:

- 27 y/o son was with father (who was not with him at the time)
- Son was punched, father asked what happened, and went to find the two assailants
- Father asked in Chinese,'Whydo you beat my son?'
- They swung at him, fell to the ground, and went to the hospital
- Read somewhere, they pulled the plug today, the father died
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

What does it matter that hes asian?
You don't think he was picked on because he was Asian? Read the second story as well.
I predict this thread turning into another thread about race in about 2 more pages.

But smh at the video and the story. Regardless of race, people shouldn't be treating their elders like that. Especially an 83 yr old man. It's down right disgusting.
wow... just wow.. no words man. why the hell would you feel the need to do this to an old man. regardless of race. sad just sad. the world we live in
Damn that's terrible!
Forget karma, these fools ought to be tortured in public, in front of the rest of their friends and anyone associated with them. Shut these idiots down for good for living this kind of lifestyle. An eye for an eye
See how gangsta they really are when it's happening to them
AP states that the victim was a 57 year old woman, not an 83 year old man.

anyways, these inner city kids are messed up beyond reparable. They can't and will not be a normal rational being. If they don't produce, hopefully soon they'll eradicate themselves.
yo that was in the k line.

It's sad that elders aren't safe at night.
I read somewhere that they just did it for FUN! Smh

I think it was channel 2 news that states that.

N the incident of the son and the father getting beat. Is real sad to, I wonder why people can just go about there business if they see an incident like this happening.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

karma is real... believe that... they'll get theres...
It's never guaranteed. Not all bad people get what they deserve.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Regardlessof race, people shouldn't be treating their elders like that.Especially an 83 yr old man. It's down right disgusting.
Not just elders, nobody should be treated that way.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

AP states that the victim was a 57 year old woman, not an 83 year old man.

anyways, these inner city kids are messed up beyond reparable. Theycan't and will not be a normal rational being, if they don't produce,hopefully soon they'll eradicate themselves.
Thereare two separate incidents, I guess a total of three: All three victimswere Asian, and people don't think race was not a factor?

Originally Posted by SC415

I read somewhere that they just did it for FUN! Smh
It was, which makes it even more outrageous.
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