SMH: Such Inhumane Acts - Picking On Asian Elders (VID) Vol. If Only Karma Was Real

Originally Posted by NYH425

the government should just anthrax all those dirty good for nothin ghetto scum of the earth hoodlums and we wont have these type of problems today. wipe them all out entirely.
oh word?

What about the good ghetto scum? What about me?
waits for Judgement Day.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Actually, I didn't miss what you were getting at. You're trying to illustrate Asians being harmless individuals and making it seem as if the idea of them committing unprovoked violent acts is asinine. My whole rebuttal to your statement(s) is that Asians do have victims of their violent acts (which you seem to be unaware of) that were completely unwarranted and some of those victims are black. The Asian gang video is just to jog memories for those who may have forgotten. You don't think those gangs have black, white, Hispanic victims? Do you honestly think all those victims deaths were warranted or that they couldn't have been random/unprovoked? I'm sure you don't. You took the time to call people stupid for believing that Asians do commit random acts of violence just because you haven't seen a Youtube video of it. I think you should reflect on that after you calm down.

I guess you just totally skipped my LAST reply then.  I already said that obviously there have been violence from Asians throughout our existence on Earth.  You and the other guy seemed to be caught up on the whole 'youtube' video thing.  Forget a video, show me some reports, plural, of random acts such as this or do you just believe Asians are so slick they never get caught?
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Karma does not exist. People who will themselves to believe in it are hopeless fools.

You're a hopeless fool...but I digress. 

About that 2nd story, the older gentlemen obviously had very little idea of the sort of world we live in. My condolences to him, but you don't go approaching 2 strangers who randomly gave your son a shiner like that. What was he even thinking? Walking up casually demanding an explanation from 2 hoodlums whose actions, 2 minutes prior, are enough to convince me and everyone else of the lacking brain activity within their noggin. 
I would like to know why blacks are the only people that are hated when one person acts egregious?

Also I would like to know why Dirty bans people when things said in threads about Asians, which aren't as bad as some of these posts in this thread, are banned?
Originally Posted by NYC game

Closet racist are just as bad as openly racist thugs.

just something to ponder on.

No they aren't.  I'd rather have people act civil and respectful to a group of people they may not like instead of just throwing hate every where.  Every one should act like grown ups and not like scumbags attacking people.
It's getting tense here.

We should all beter our race then? Set better examples to a younger peer.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Wait, so not being able to find examples of some hoodlum asian kids causing havoc, means it doesn't happen often?

Some of you couldn't possibly be that naive. You couldn't. 

People are "fronting" like asians hit random people? They're humans, they aren't immune to doing so.

I guess we should tally up the amount of fights on Youtube to determine which race is more prone to violence.

Yeah...they're not...but have they?  Again, you're makign the excuse of "oh just cause i can't find a video of it, doesn't mean it's not happening."  So i will say to you like i did my other thread, "are Asians THAT slick that out of all the "times" they've hit a random person, it hasn't gotten reported or captured on video?" 
I haven't read the whole convo... but,
Hold on... So you really think that the Asian race is more "peaceful" than others?
%@+%.  I don't care what race, they're all equally as bad.
We're all humans....  Perhaps that Asians beating on random civilians hasn't been reported, but pick up a history book and read about the other dumb @%#! they've done on a larger scale.

Mos def not targeting Asians only, but all races are equally as bad.  I don't see how you can pick out one race and view it better than the others.

   I'm not picking out Asians as being "better" all i'm saying is, if this situation happens as often as some of you claim it does, where Asians punch random people in the face, how come we never hear about it?  Do Asians really get away with it like that? 
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

You chumps are something else! So because YOU couldn't handle yourbusiness with these bullies
The situation was unprovoked, he was minding his own business...So, I guess it was the victim's fault, got it.
Originally Posted by NYC game

Here we go another race topic. cause we all know black people are the only ones going around doing this  
The intention of this thread was not which race is better or worse, it's how these Asians were picked on, most likely because of their race.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Maybe its payback for all those times in a Korean grocery store getting profiled....or maybe its just the rap music

I couldnt care lessabout some random news story
Maybe one day it'll happen to you.
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

It just so happens the assailants were black. Thugs come in all colors and looks. This was not a race thing at all.

 I'm honestly offended by the topic title.
Not a race issue? Look at all four incidents (including the video recorded in NYC). Asians are being picked on.

Offended by the title? Which part offends you? I'd love to hear this.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

honestly these idiots are the reason why black people have been stereotype in a bad way.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by OneTrust

I guess you just totally skipped my LAST reply then.  I already said that obviously there have been violence from Asians throughout our existence on Earth.  You and the other guy seemed to be caught up on the whole 'youtube' video thing. 
So why the hell are you asking for...
reports, plural, of random acts such as this or do you just believe Asians are so slick they never get caught?

I'm not asking for evidence of  "a violent asian act."  I was asking for evidence of a Asian punching a random guy in the face which is why i said "random acts such as this"?  And more than one as we've seen FOUR in this thread alone, done to Asians and sadly, ALL within the last month.

You obviously were trying to argue just to argue.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Wait, so not being able to find examples of some hoodlum asian kids causing havoc, means it doesn't happen often?

Some of you couldn't possibly be that naive. You couldn't. 

People are "fronting" like asians hit random people? They're humans, they aren't immune to doing so.

I guess we should tally up the amount of fights on Youtube to determine which race is more prone to violence.
Yeah...they're not...but have they?  Again, you're makign the excuse of "oh just cause i can't find a video of it, doesn't mean it's not happening."  So i will say to you like i did my other thread, "are Asians THAT slick that out of all the "times" they've hit a random person, it hasn't gotten reported or captured on video?" 

You've got to factor in the percentage of asians in this country. It's unfair to compare the rate of crime between asians and other groups. Hell, there are probably five times the amount of blacks in the country than asians.
Originally Posted by EvansST

Also I would like to know why Dirty bans people when things said in threads about Asians, which aren't as bad as some of these posts in this thread, are banned?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This question will never get answered by said Admin. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Though I usually have critical arguments towards every group of people, I'd never say "I HATE all  (insert specific race here) people GRRR!!" like some clowns have done in this thread. Some action should be taken, but then again, I don't run things here. *shrugs*[/color]
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Wait, so not being able to find examples of some hoodlum asian kids causing havoc, means it doesn't happen often?

Some of you couldn't possibly be that naive. You couldn't. 

People are "fronting" like asians hit random people? They're humans, they aren't immune to doing so.

I guess we should tally up the amount of fights on Youtube to determine which race is more prone to violence.
You know what though, that's actually how it happens on some level. Throw in news coverage and what you experience/witness in your own lives, you come to believe certain things. Honestly, no one out there is perfect enough to not let those things make you feel some way.

You watch news stories about robberies, shootings, random acts of violence, etc., and when you're consistently seeing the perps come from certain groups, how can you help but make judgments? Maybe not blanketing judgments about a race, but definitely some conclusion numbers wise.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Some of y'all need to get the %%@# outta here with that BS of "this happens to everyone."

Dude's on here fronting like Asians go around hitting random people.  Y'all sound stupid.  The OP showed you more than two examples. 

Now as far as the people grouping all Black people, now that's just ignorant.  Ain't like Carlton Banks is like that, feel me?

BUT let's not front that a lot of young black folks, especially when they are in a group, don't go around trying to mess with people they outnumber.  Let's be real.  I KNOW y'all seen it so stop the BS.
Thank you
Seriously where the #+%# is the lock on this %%+!????
Originally Posted by EvansST

I would like to know why blacks are the only people that are hated when one person acts egregious?

Also I would like to know why Dirty bans people when things said in threads about Asians, which aren't as bad as some of these posts in this thread, are banned?
1) I would say because you hear and see it way too often, correct me if I'm wrong. Many blacks are just feeding the stereotypes, while I really do commend those who are proving it wrong.
2) Why the hell would it matter about Dirty's bans and what not?
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Some of y'all need to get the %%@# outta here with that BS of "this happens to everyone."

Oh really?  Please show me a bunch of examples of asian dudes punching RANDOM black people?  PLEASE find that for me.

Dude's on here fronting like Asians go around hitting random people.  Y'all sound stupid.  The OP showed you more than two examples. 

Now as far as the people grouping all Black people, now that's just ignorant.  Ain't like Carlton Banks is like that, feel me?

BUT let's not front that a lot of young black folks, especially when they are in a group, don't go around trying to mess with people they outnumber.  Let's be $*%$#!* real.  I KNOW y'all seen it so stop the BS.
Understand this. Asians can be ruthless too. Why do you need another example of humans being ruthless just to prove your point. Your trying to make it seem like only people of certain races attack innocent people. If you want to go that narrow minded, I can easily pull up more than 5 cases of rape in which a avian was the predator.
Asians do have a tendency of being targeted though. I used to ride the city bus to school, and everyone that got their $%$ whooped for no reason or robbed was Asian.
I just don't like the fact that some members are turning this into a race case. The whole title of the case is crazy. Some honest name pointing going on in this topic. Stop thinking black and white and look at the big picture. Thugs attacked an innocent man. That is what happened. Not black/hispanic/white youth attacked a innocent saint who was asian. Crimes are committed by people of every race. In the UK, some of the pakis are almost as bad as any of race in terms of crime.

It honestly is not reality and to be honest you can see some of the straight racist thinking members coming out of their shell.
 @ the racism in this thread. But I've always had a feeling that half of you dude were racist anyway. Thats why I don't take y'all serious when discussing women. As far as the mods banning people
 please some of them probably feel that same way, especially because something "inhumane" happened to a Asian person.  But we all know that if you say one bad comment about Asian people, that thread wouldn't get past the 1st page and it's been proven more than once. 
*waits for mods to say "we didn't see the thread"*
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I just don't like the fact that some members are turning this into a race case.

Thugs attacked an innocent man. That is what happened. Crimes are committed by people of every race.
I don't like that either, but it's not like there aren't facts about blacks assaulting others, Asians included.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx
Most mad I've ever seen an NTer
"Just because you can't handle your business with bullies" The only bullies mentioned were of the stories I posted.
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