Snow Leopard Dropped Today!!!

Just to let you guys know, Snow Leopard and Leopard calculate GB and MB differently.

Before : 1 GiB = 1024 MB

After : 1 GB = 1000 MB

50 GB = 46.56 GiB

Still frees up space, but do not be too amazed.
Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta

Originally Posted by igotdemkickz21

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

For you guys with Tiger I just want to give a heads up and tell you that you can buy the SL $26 upgrade disk and upgrade from there. You dont neet Leopard to do so. You can even do a fresh install.

K, dont ask me any questions as I dont come back and read multiple page threads like this, but I just wanted to say

How sure are you of this? Everything I have read has stated that you need to upgrade from Leopard. And since SL is simply a newer version of Leopard, does it make sense that the install disk would come with all of the Leopard things, or would it just condense a lot of the programs/applications that are already on a Leopard running MB/MBP? I'd love to believe it, but how do you know this?

i was lazy to not edit, but its confirmed, i just did it to my macbook pro and i upgraded from tiger using only the 29 dollar disc snow leopard.

[h1]Tiger Users Can Get a Cheap Upgrade to Snow Leopard[/h1]
Daniel Ionescu

Aug 27, 2009 6:12 am

Still using Tiger, the older version of Mac OSX? You may be able to cheat Apple and pay only $29 to upgrade to the latest Snow Leopard operating system, says Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal.

Tiger, which was launched in 2005, was Apple's longest-running version of Mac OSX. It was also the first Apple operating system to run on both the old PowerPC architecture and on Intel-based Macs, introduced in 2006. Tiger ran on all Intel-based Macs until 2007, when Apple launched Mac OSX Leopard. Approximately 20 percent of Mac users are still running Tiger, according to recent estimates.

And, now, some of those Tiger users may be able to upgrade directly to Snow Leopard (out on Friday) -- at a lower price. Apple is charging $169 for Tiger users to make the upgrade, requiring them to purchase the Mac Box Set, which includes Snow Leopard, iLife 09 and the iWork 09 productivity suite. Leopard users, however, only have to pay $29 to upgrade to Snow Leopard.

But the WSJ's Mossberg has discovered that "the $29 Mac OS X Snow Leopard upgrade will work properly on these Tiger-equipped Macs, so you can save the extra $140." Anther confirmations of this possibility came from Wired's Brian X Chen. If you're running Tiger on a non-Intel Mac though, then you're out of luck; Snow Leopard works only with Intel-based Apple hardware.

The problem with using the $29 Snow Leopard disc to upgrade from Tiger is that is violates Apple's end user license agreement. In other words: it's illegal. But unlike Microsoft's Windows install discs, Apple's discs do not require a CD key when installing the OS. They also don't require registration after installation. And as the whole Snow Leopard OS comes on the Leopard upgrade disc, without any built-in software restrictions, Apple makes cheating easy.

Meanwhile Amazon has cut prices of the Mac Box Set today, from $169 to $149.99 and also for the Snow Leopard upgrade disc, from $29 to $25. If you pre-ordered your Snow Leopard by now, Apple started sending out e-mails already, letting customers know the discs are on the way.

In anticipation of the Snow Leopard discs arriving in your post on Friday, you might want to read our review of Snow Leopard and find out how it stacks up against Windows 7.
damnit. so previous candybar won't work?

i guess i might have to pay since everything i've tried doesnt work

help me!
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Just to let you guys know, Snow Leopard and Leopard calculate GB and MB differently.

Before : 1 GiB = 1024 MB

After : 1 GB = 1000 MB

50 GB = 46.56 GiB

Still frees up space, but do not be too amazed.

actually, it doesn't free up any space.

think of it as liters v. gallons.

it's the same amount of water, just a different representation.
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