SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Filler episode.

-Leon X seen that quote on the wall & heard that speech & was like nah I gotta go back. :lol:
-Wanda said I'm a queen here Lee, not no crackhead like back in CA. :rofl:
-Aw, they got married. :D
-Einstein's recap. Sheesh. The block is hot! :wow:
-Gustavo setting up Louie. :pimp:
-Grandma told Wanda FOH. :lol:
-Aw mayne, old Jerome gone gone now. :frown:|l
-Who Leon gonna rock with after that Franklin speech? :nerd:

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Ijust din’t understand what Jerome & Louie expected to happen once they snaked Saint. Jerome has no sense of personal responsibility. You decided to kill whoever you decided to kill. You decided to sell crack to whoever you decided to sell crack to.

"Saint made me do it" :smh:
Ijust din’t understand what Jerome & Louie expected to happen once they snaked Saint. Jerome has no sense of personal responsibility. You decided to kill whoever you decided to kill. You decided to sell crack to whoever you decided to sell crack to.

"Saint made me do it" :smh:
The show basically saying all Jerome care bout is his wife…Yo wasn’t too pressed about Franklin taking the bread n all that but turned to a straight villain once he heard bout him upping the blicky on shorty :lol:
Jerome and Louie smh

Filler episode but seems to be setting up for something big next week

So how is Franklin bringing money in, selling his properties? His girl mom aint get his money back yet right?
Yo how much time has passed?

I could be wrong cause I didn’t rewatch last season before starting this one but the sense of time these first three episodes kind of funny.

The first two episodes are seemingly within like 48 hours of where the last episode of season 5 left off. Leon is in the hood in that episode, when Einstein is giving bro the run down all of a sudden there’s this time warp of who tf knows how much time but I’ll say it seems like a span of 2 weeks to a month maybe.

Leon probably left a lil before Saint robbed everyone but why him and Wanda acting like they been in Africa for two years lmao, that ***** been gone 30 days tops.
Solid episode, good to See Franklin get back to basics, is Lee byke too?

So Teddy know Gustavo playing him?
I don't know what show I'm watching anymore. Just because you're making Franklin yell more doesn't make the lines more impactful.

What Lee is very stupid.
I think the next episode starts with Wanda or the youngboy getting slumped
-Guess Frank girl mama really know how find that bread. I have a feeling she/Vero could turn on Franklin, but we'll see. Franklin had me dying when he said y'all telling me what I already know. :rofl:
-Leon back on the block for good? Being a good role model for Einstein & going toe to toe with Brock Lesnar and winning. :lol:
-Wanda shook. Hope she don't break, but it seems likely. :frown:
-Hoping Teddy trying to run off with Franklin money doesn't end well for him. :D
-Franklin checking the cookhouse. :wow::pimp:
-Big D was clowning Wanda during the yard scene if you had subtitles on. :rofl:
-Gustavo got everyone on his neck & seems like now Teddy is on to him.

This show is out of hand. Those pics from 1983 in the above post....people on the show don't look accurate to that. It bugs me lol.
This episode was like the dark version of Friday. Yall know how they turned Fresh Prince into a new gritty drama with Carlton sniffin and Will packin...thats exactly what this episode was with the leon and deebo scene 🤣
I have a feeling now Lee ain't making it out of this series...Wanda either. Deon is too ******* stupid NOT to kill Lee for whopping his ***. Plus he's a crab in a bucket. Louie is going to end up getting Uncle Jerome deaded...her cop friend hasn't ****** up this year, and he's too due for a big **** up, and I have a feeling that one will result in Jerome's death. Plus he's a Caine head himself, and Caine heads **** up. I also have a sneaking suspicion Veronique and her mom are setting up Franklin and will end up screwing him over in the end. I have a feeling this is the downfall of Franklin Saint, and he won't have his family or friends left after it's all over (Jerome and Lee and Wanda will be dead, Alton MIGHT be dead...but he'll never know either way, I even think Cissy is going to be an unfortunate casualty...and he doesn't give a **** about Louie...she'll **** everything up for herself.) Teddy is going to end up slithering out, people like Teddy always do sadly. Gustavo I don't think will make it either.
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