So, can I get a master list of chick cars, please?

I did not read any replies so sorry if I repost...


^I'm still thinking about getting one next year.



Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

this honestly baffles, if the car isn't pink how's it a chick car and also why does it matter?
What about this vehicle looks masculine? If you got into it with a chick and she said she was gonna call her boyfriend up there to fight you and he comes rolling up in this, aren't you going to go into the fight with just a lil' more confidence?

I agree with altimas and maximas. Most of the time its women, or high school dudes that got the car from their mom/sister.
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

this honestly baffles, if the car isn't pink how's it a chick car and also why does it matter?
What about this vehicle looks masculine? If you got into it with a chick and she said she was gonna call her boyfriend up there to fight you and he comes rolling up in this, aren't you going to go into the fight with just a lil' more confidence?
true for that car, but people saying civics, BMW 1 series, Chrysler 300
, I don't see how they're feminine.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice



my boys 135


so because your friend has a black one means its not a chick car? SMH

its the definition of a chick car. no man can actually fit inside that thing.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by mases apprentice



my boys 135


so because your friend has a black one means its not a chick car? SMH

its the definition of a chick car. no man can actually fit inside that thing.
 I don't own one but I've driven a 135i...I love the 135's and M1's.  Not saying I would buy one.  But calling these chick cars is reach.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Get my Scion TC out of this thread immediately


85% of Scion TC's I see are female driven, no joke, and this is in the Bay Area where its diverse

the only thing that would make this NOT a female car if it was.. nvm its a chick car
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by mases apprentice



my boys 135


so because your friend has a black one means its not a chick car? SMH

its the definition of a chick car. no man can actually fit inside that thing.

The F are you talkin about? I don't even bother defending the 1 series against people who say it's girly cuz i get so many compliments on it and the very select few who talk smack about it have no idea what they are talking about or are haters...  Anyway try driving one.  I'm 6'1 and have no problems with my 135 and i'm a stickler for leg room...I came from a huge by comparison 07 altima too.  I've driven the thing with a passenger from NC to IL.  Just today had two of my boys in it to go to lunch wasn't bad at all. 
Btw that car ain't black.  

PS.  C'mon son 
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by mases apprentice



my boys 135


so because your friend has a black one means its not a chick car? SMH

its the definition of a chick car. no man can actually fit inside that thing.
 I don't own one but I've driven a 135i...I love the 135's and M1's.  Not saying I would buy one.  But calling these chick cars is reach.
not a reach at all. look at it and how small it is. its made for women. ive never ever seen a man drive one and if i did i would laugh at him.
I might get flamed for this one. I think the new Cadillac Escalades (2007+) especially white ones are kinda chick cars. Its not that the car itself is feminine, but I almost exclusively see suburban soccer moms behind the wheel. This goes 3x for the hybrid, 2x for the ESV and is non applicable to the EXT.

Still totally sweet rides though!
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

this honestly baffles, if the car isn't pink how's it a chick car and also why does it matter?
This is truly a chick car, the Beetle with it's built in flower vase.
This whole thread is based on personal views. What you may see tons of women drive in New York may be completely different then what you'll find in LA or any other city. From what i see out here in LA nothing but girls drive the following cars. I'm sure i can name more but these are the ones that come to my head immediately.

Scion TC
BMW 3 series (M3 excluded)

The Tc drivers i would say are the scariest ones, 17-30 year old women acting like there invincible behind the wheel of these things. And the small 5% of males that own Tc's think they got 500 hp+ cars trying to race everyone
. +**@ out of here.
300c Jeep Charger Challenger that is a me i have fights with my gf when girls are coming up to me while my gf is with me!

own charger srt8
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