So, Chances Of An App or Mobile Site?

Dec 25, 2003
While the new layout is beautiful, I can't help but notice that it's not mobile friendly at all.

Just a shot in the dark.:nerd:
My only gripe are the ads are huge and takes up a lot of screen real estate.  Otherwise it looks much better.
YES! there is a mobile version in the works, and it will be super snappy as well. You guys can expect to see that coming out in the next few months.
Serious Question,

IT guy, I am an OG with over 25k post on my last account. Can you add that to this profile?

Please respond
YES! there is a mobile version in the works, and it will be super snappy as well. You guys can expect to see that coming out in the next few months.

lol is this the new IT guy?

his avy is killing me right now
Yep, and he gets things done.

Well that sure is good to hear, the website looks good but its rather confusing.

Guess ill just have to keep learning as I go.
Ps. Can you see my dom Kennedy avy?
You should have seen it a few weeks ago!

Your avatar looks fine.
lol is this the new IT guy?

his avy is killing me right now
shawea has been money.  He was up in the wee hours of the morning making moves to get everything ready.  Do you think anybody working for the old forum platform would've done that for us?  Give him a chance.  You'll see.
How do I get to general? I already know I'm going to be so confused.
You're already there.  If you really want a traditional forum menu, just click the forums link or bookmark this page:

When you learn how to get subscriptions set up and your real time news feed going on the front page, though, you won't want to go back.  We've been playing around with it and it's awesome.  It's basically your own customized forum that only shows you what you WANT to see.  Want to subscribe to all threads about your favorite team?  Do it.  Favorite users?  Sure.  Want to see if that pair of shoes you're hunting for was added to the buy/sell area.  Soon, you can - and you can do ALL of that from the front page.  

Without it, yes, I can understand the concerns and it does take time to get used to.  Check out the Quick Start Guide and it'll help you get rolling.  
My only gripe are the ads are huge and takes up a lot of screen real estate.  Otherwise it looks much better.
Compare the amount of wasted vertical screen space at the top of the old site with what we have now.  You can see content without scrolling on the new site.  You needed to be in portrait mode to do that on the old one.  

I think you'll get used to it.  Most posts do NOT take up the full screen width, so it's generally more efficient and "ninjahood sized pics" are a thing of the past.  

You'll also appreciate it more when we have the tag system in place, as that actually makes tags USEFUL unlike the old system and is content in the right pane that you might actually use.  We don't want that to get lost, as it can be a really great way to navigate a busy forum to find related posts.  
dope, I guess so far...these emoticons are weak though /img/vbsmilies/smilies/sick.gif
They'll be replaced soon.  These are temporary.  The problem is that we didn't want to use images from the old site in case there are any potential copyright issues.  We'll make the best of it, don't worry. 
Serious Question,

IT guy, I am an OG with over 25k post on my last account. Can you add that to this profile?

Please respond
Doesn't seem likely.  We're all short on posts and we don't have the original join dates. 

You know what else we don't have?  Random crashes that last 3 hours
Glad to see method pitched in. Viewing niketalk on my iPhone is horrendous. Can't even see pictures :frown: just ads
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