So Cudi and Drake are gettin their love, but what about my boy Big Sean?

Originally Posted by franchise3

Big Sean is that dude.

I LOVE 2009!!!

Great year for new comers and fans
I'm a Big Sean fan, but to me it seems like he has very little emotion on his tracks. If it wasn't for his bars he would suck.
Nah I didn't miss the idea behind "Finally Famous", I just didn't fall for that bull %+#% reason he gave for saying he's "Finally Famous". That %+#% is corny and I mentioned in my past post. Seems you missed the whole idea behind me saying dudes think they "Finally Famous" just cause they signed a deal and put a couple luke warm mixtapes out.

Ol boy been runnin with that "Finally Famous" %$@# since HS if Im not mistaken, so you off with that %$@# regardless...

Sos, I agree with part of your response that he could do more, but you out here a lil naive or placing unneccessary blame. Come on fam, you know that GetchaSome video being held up for that long aint have %$@# to do with him. He aint even know what was going on with his situation. Same with his 2nd mixtape, itbeen done, but his highers held that up. Aint you a Clipse fan? You should know that these artists aint got that much control over they situation.

You cant compare him to Wale and Cudi, those were 2 different situations. They had to get buzz from they mixtapes to get signed. Thats not how Big Sean got on.Once they did get signed, all that %$@# slowed down until they label decided it was time to push the button....
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Big Sean is in the same group as them right now.

but look at it this way- Lebron and Carmello both came in with Dwyane Wade and were the most hyped in the draft...

but D Wade was the first to a title...

Dudes sleeping on Big Sean right now,they are all caught up on Drake and Cudi and Big Sean is blown to the back burner. which is cool because Drake and Cudi both have crazy talent and deserve their shine. but dudes flow and witty lines are SERIOUS. give him the right production, cause he has the hunger. he will get his lime of light soon enough. just keep him on your radar...

How we gonna keep him on our radar when he dont put out enough material? There's too many hot producers out here for dudes to be on the back burner.

He is on G.O.O.D Music. He needs to start making more moves or doing SOMETHING. Maybe after this Cudi album drops well hear and see more from him.
dude got 2 mixtapes.

cudi and drake both have around 2-3 mixtapes each.
and plus Cudi is good musics main focus right now, it would probably be expected for him to be next

dude is at shows with cudi and drake all the time doing songs. dude is OUT THERE. people are just jaded with drake and cudi right now so much that they arentlooking for anything else.

he got about as much material as DOM... so he aint doing that bad...
agreed that seans lyrics got potential but meh about his delivery and flow. sounds bit nasay for me.
dudes dope tho, def like his music. still duno y getcha some got the push as the first single/vid.
desire,want need coulda been a hit and his getcha some vid is wack- too bright, hyped up director, %$@ looks like a ghetto bape advertisment :/
hopefully he can step his image up and release a dope album.. this year i think?
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Big Sean def got some fire.

I can really hear this guy threw Kanye's latest verses also.

This & if you actually listen to his music he states many times that Kanye is treating him how Dr Dre has been treating his artist.
Originally Posted by Hardhitta42

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Honestly, I don't know what YE saw in Big Sean..

I liked the UKNOWBIGSEAN mixtape, but seriously dude is average at best.

And whoever said he better than Drake ON ANY LEVEL needs to slap them self.
lol if anything Drake has unnecessary hype. I mean he's cool in all and he got talent, but Big Sean has metaphors for days and I think he's definitely lyrically better than Drake. So I guess I'll slap myself right now, but just remember that popularity and mainstream exposure don't make a person better. If anything, Drake is riding on Wayne's tail. Big Sean just needs Kanye to focus more on him now, maybe after cudi's album drops then we'll see it.
Ehh...maybe it's just me but his metaphors and punchlines are all cookie cutter. They all sound like something Fabolous would have said backin 2001. There's nothing impressive about him. Drake had a bit of a cult following before he even linked up with Wayne. The way he crafts songs are just ona completely different level from Sean's. Nothing stands up out about his music. You listen to Finally Famous: The Mixtape or UKNOWBIGSEAN and there'snothing new about any of it. Whereas you can listen to So Far Gone or Comeback Season and hear a vibe and direction that's somewhat unique to Drake.That's why when UKNOWBIGSEAN came out alot of people were saying some of those songs sounded like he was mimicking Drake. Specifically Desire, Want, andNeed.
Big Sean ISNT OUT YET! yall act like he got a album release date and is try a get his buzz up. Dude is workin trust me he'll probably drop next yearsoemtime with a while diff approach, he's been in the studio with Drake and Cudi. To me he's not whack at all he is just a young version of Kanye IMOwhich is cool, honestly he's gonna be like Souljah Boy as far as catchy hooks and beat style not content or raps sim just sayin he's gonna appeal tothe south and alot of young kids, a lane that GOOD music hasn't really hit yet. So just wait and watch he'll be out there doin it in no time. We willknow by next summer at the latest, I think dude is only 19 or 20.
Originally Posted by Calmatic

Big Sean ISNT OUT YET! yall act like he got a album release date and is try a get his buzz up. Dude is workin trust me he'll probably drop next year soemtime with a while diff approach, he's been in the studio with Drake and Cudi. To me he's not whack at all he is just a young version of Kanye IMO which is cool, honestly he's gonna be like Souljah Boy as far as catchy hooks and beat style not content or raps sim just sayin he's gonna appeal to the south and alot of young kids, a lane that GOOD music hasn't really hit yet. So just wait and watch he'll be out there doin it in no time. We will know by next summer at the latest, I think dude is only 19 or 20.

He isnt out yet? you gotta be kidding me. This dude is signed to a MAJOR behind the one of the biggest artist. He aint dropping next year i don't think (ihope he does though). He 21...

Like i keep asking what is some new material he has dropped SINCE Uknowbigsean...Name ONE track..even a freestyle? ill wait

I aint hating on dude. I like him & his music but lets just be real here...
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by Calmatic

Big Sean ISNT OUT YET! yall act like he got a album release date and is try a get his buzz up. Dude is workin trust me he'll probably drop next year soemtime with a while diff approach, he's been in the studio with Drake and Cudi. To me he's not whack at all he is just a young version of Kanye IMO which is cool, honestly he's gonna be like Souljah Boy as far as catchy hooks and beat style not content or raps sim just sayin he's gonna appeal to the south and alot of young kids, a lane that GOOD music hasn't really hit yet. So just wait and watch he'll be out there doin it in no time. We will know by next summer at the latest, I think dude is only 19 or 20.

He isnt out yet? you gotta be kidding me. This dude is signed to a MAJOR behind the one of the biggest artist. He aint dropping next year i don't think (i hope he does though). He 21...

Like i keep asking what is some new material he has dropped SINCE Uknowbigsean...Name ONE track..even a freestyle? ill wait

I aint hating on dude. I like him & his music but lets just be real here...

just because he's signed doesn't mean he's "out" what I mean by out is, he's not workin to promote an album yet, trust me once he hasa release date dude is gonna be everywhere. Trust he'll put out another mixtape too. Perfect example is Wale dude thought he was gonna do everyhing in arow like mixtape, single, video, appearances, album release. But now his biz isn't as strong and he will flop. Artists have to be patient lime big Sean andmake sure EVERYTHING is correct. Trust big Sean will be ready when it's time and he might not surpass cudi or drake but he will have an impact.
That's true, I guess you could say he isn't "out" yet. but I hope he don't sell out and become a soulja boy because right now he has"potential" to be the next real artist on the streets, but we gotta wait and see.
Originally Posted by Calmatic

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by Calmatic

Big Sean ISNT OUT YET! yall act like he got a album release date and is try a get his buzz up. Dude is workin trust me he'll probably drop next year soemtime with a while diff approach, he's been in the studio with Drake and Cudi. To me he's not whack at all he is just a young version of Kanye IMO which is cool, honestly he's gonna be like Souljah Boy as far as catchy hooks and beat style not content or raps sim just sayin he's gonna appeal to the south and alot of young kids, a lane that GOOD music hasn't really hit yet. So just wait and watch he'll be out there doin it in no time. We will know by next summer at the latest, I think dude is only 19 or 20.

He isnt out yet? you gotta be kidding me. This dude is signed to a MAJOR behind the one of the biggest artist. He aint dropping next year i don't think (i hope he does though). He 21...

Like i keep asking what is some new material he has dropped SINCE Uknowbigsean...Name ONE track..even a freestyle? ill wait

I aint hating on dude. I like him & his music but lets just be real here...

just because he's signed doesn't mean he's "out" what I mean by out is, he's not workin to promote an album yet, trust me once he has a release date dude is gonna be everywhere. Trust he'll put out another mixtape too. Perfect example is Wale dude thought he was gonna do everyhing in a row like mixtape, single, video, appearances, album release. But now his biz isn't as strong and he will flop. Artists have to be patient lime big Sean and make sure EVERYTHING is correct. Trust big Sean will be ready when it's time and he might not surpass cudi or drake but he will have an impact.
Foolish. Drake doesn't have a release date either.

Stop making excuses for him.

Big Sean sounds like a watered down College Dropout 'Ye and unfortunately, that's his ceiling.
Ricardo Malta wrote: Foolish. Drake doesn't have a release date either.

Stop making excuses for him.

Big Sean sounds like a watered down College Dropout 'Ye and unfortunately, that's his ceiling.

lol how can you say that's his ceiling tho? Son's only got two mixtapes out and hasn't even been singed for more than a year and yet we alreadycomparing him to yeezy? That completely throws out the idea of potential. I mean wait for him to grow and get better, after all he's Big Sean, "Theonly thing getting better with time besides wine." I guess you can say his two Mixtapes havent caused a big buzz like drake or cudi, but maybe he has somemore stuff up his sleeve. I just think its too early to write him off.
Honestly I don't see how Big Sean got a deal at GOOD. I prolly shouldn't even be talkin, I haven't heard a lot of his material but fromwhat I've heard it's not that entertaining.
Originally Posted by Hardhitta42

Ricardo Malta wrote: Foolish. Drake doesn't have a release date either.

Stop making excuses for him.

Big Sean sounds like a watered down College Dropout 'Ye and unfortunately, that's his ceiling.

lol how can you say that's his ceiling tho? Son's only got two mixtapes out and hasn't even been singed for more than a year and yet we already comparing him to yeezy? That completely throws out the idea of potential. I mean wait for him to grow and get better, after all he's Big Sean, "The only thing getting better with time besides wine." I guess you can say his two Mixtapes havent caused a big buzz like drake or cudi, but maybe he has some more stuff up his sleeve. I just think its too early to write him off.

Again, using Drake and Cudi as relativity points, he doesn't have anywhere NEAR the versatility and creativity that they have. I mean, he's a straightshooter type of _ . You know exactly what you're gonna get when he's on a track. Nothing spectacular that will give a song heavy replay value oractually hit "replay" to listen to his +++* again. He just complements tracks and doesn't own it.

And we can talk about potential but you expect growth between the first and second mixtape, similar to college basketball players and the transition fromfreshman to sophomore year. He hasn't done that. His +++* still sound the same. You don't get better without practice and people have alreadyalluded to the fact that he isn't putting out a steady stream of music. If dude is so vexed with Ye for shelving him then he should be flooding the marketwith QUALITY material which, will in turn, force Ye hand to push his +++*. Don't say Cudi is GOOD's priority at the moment. Let's not forgetCommon and John Legend were sharing the GOOD Music lime light at the same time. They were the conscious/feel good couple...there's no reason why Cudi andBig Sean can't be the hipster/swag couple of 2009-2010. It's all up to Big Sean to step up to the plate.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by Calmatic

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by Calmatic

Big Sean ISNT OUT YET! yall act like he got a album release date and is try a get his buzz up. Dude is workin trust me he'll probably drop next year soemtime with a while diff approach, he's been in the studio with Drake and Cudi. To me he's not whack at all he is just a young version of Kanye IMO which is cool, honestly he's gonna be like Souljah Boy as far as catchy hooks and beat style not content or raps sim just sayin he's gonna appeal to the south and alot of young kids, a lane that GOOD music hasn't really hit yet. So just wait and watch he'll be out there doin it in no time. We will know by next summer at the latest, I think dude is only 19 or 20.

He isnt out yet? you gotta be kidding me. This dude is signed to a MAJOR behind the one of the biggest artist. He aint dropping next year i don't think (i hope he does though). He 21...

Like i keep asking what is some new material he has dropped SINCE Uknowbigsean...Name ONE track..even a freestyle? ill wait

I aint hating on dude. I like him & his music but lets just be real here...

just because he's signed doesn't mean he's "out" what I mean by out is, he's not workin to promote an album yet, trust me once he has a release date dude is gonna be everywhere. Trust he'll put out another mixtape too. Perfect example is Wale dude thought he was gonna do everyhing in a row like mixtape, single, video, appearances, album release. But now his biz isn't as strong and he will flop. Artists have to be patient lime big Sean and make sure EVERYTHING is correct. Trust big Sean will be ready when it's time and he might not surpass cudi or drake but he will have an impact.
Foolish. Drake doesn't have a release date either.

Stop making excuses for him.

Big Sean sounds like a watered down College Dropout 'Ye and unfortunately, that's his ceiling.
yeah drake doesnt have a release date for an album, but his label is re-releasing his mixtape to be sold in stores and online...
so he doesnt need an album release date yet because they are going to market him even more off that mixtape.

and big sean is what... 20? got signed to Ye and has been doing shows? his label is pushing who? the biggest name in hip hop kanye west? and one of the mosthyped new artists of the year kid cudi? and you think his label is going to push him right now?

does rocafella push any artists when jay is dropping an album?
does young money push an artists when wayne is dropping an album?

no, because that will push their newer artists into the shade even more.
dudes ARE NOT patient at all. Cudi was signed before Sean so of course he's going to get his push first. why would Sean want to be pushing an album rightnow when Cudi's name is one of the biggest things in the industry right now?

dudes make no sense.
sean is out there, on wales mixtape, his new track with kanye Glenwood, tracks with fly union, tracks with chip tha ripper and GLC- "Okay", on mcboogie tracks. i mean damn, do dudes look? these tracks arent even on the mixtapes. (and im pretty sure theres more tracks)

i dont want to hype dude up too much, because i indeed believe he needs to work on his delivery, but damn. when dudes act like an artist isnt putting out anymusic, when in reality its the consumer NOT LOOKING for an artist that keeps the music away from them. if the front page of music blogs is the only way youfind new music then damn, you need to take a trip back to the late 90's when this spoon-fed way of finding music wasn't around.
A track since you UKNOWBIGSEAN? .....Glenwood You guys need to get off dudes back....after this cudi :man on moon buzz is over, Big Sean is next up, he'spretty much done with the album, I expect out b4 the end of the year. He'll do just fine in the industry, if you have listened to UKNOBIGSEAN and enoughbig sean you can easily see how Kanye has been using Big Sean's style in his new material; also Drake and Big Sean are good friends, but listen to Drakeverse on FOREVER..thats not Drake's style of rapping, that's 100% Big Sean..check out tracks like Supa Dupa then go back and listen to Drake onForever..(hmmmmmmmm) All i'm saying who knows if this kid blows or not...its a fact he has some skills and potential....wait and see.... And stop askin youdon't know how he got signed to G.O.O.D....ur not signed to any label nor are u important in the music it dont matter if "you know"how he got signed or not..get a life..and stop hatin on dudes
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