So how did you find out you had diabetes?

Normal A1C is 6, and gluclose ranges from 80-110 ... a diabetic's is 120-150.

So this my blood sugar before I've eaten anything this morning. I'm gonna have a banana, orange, pinapple and raspberry juice for brunch.
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It's more common than you think. I've seen numerous teenagers in my local hospital who are basically blind and in serious trouble because they just ignored it and ate crap.

There was a boy in the Scouts I used to help with like that - he had total selective understanding of his treatment and just fought fires all day. One minute he was eating candy them injecting insulin them drinking pop because his sugar was too low...

He was adamant that that was the right way to be. Long term he's going to be in huge trouble.
Sounds like my ex, she was 20 at the time. Me and her used to get into arguments about her checking her blood sugar when she supposed to.  She'd be getting drunk  and not check her blood sugar regularly, and it used to irritate me to end.
Sounds like my ex, she was 20 at the time. Me and her used to get into arguments about her checking her blood sugar when she supposed to.  She'd be getting drunk  and not check her blood sugar regularly, and it used to irritate me to end.
I understand where she's coming, you don't want to feel like you deserve special treatment or bore people with the extra care all the time. When we go out places I have to take a travel kit with me and go to the restroom and check my glucose before and after meals. I remember this one time at BBQ's this guy asked me if I was shooting up and can he have some 
.   Sometimes you just want to go into denial and live in the moment, I did this for about a month. Now that I'm better, I'm still unstable so must continue to check my blood sugar, but I feel a lot better about controlling my life and diet.

^ I used to hate that the most. Having to get up at from the table at a restaurant and go to the bathroom to take a shot/check my blood sugar. As a kid you feel like your'e so much different than everyone else. As I grew older it just became a part of me, and didn't mind it as much because you realize your doing it to be as healthy as possible. I've been on an insulin pump for 4 years now, I'm 26 BTW. I can honestly say that it was the best decision I have ever made and wish I had made the move when I was younger.
^ whats your body type?? im pretty athletic and im starting to work out a bit more. i have a pump but im starting to feel mayb ea pen might work out better.... having a little trouble with set sites.
^ Im 6'1, athletic build. Played basketball all through high school and in college. I've been on the Omni Pod for 4 years now and love it. I still play ball about 4 times a week and lift as well, very rarely do I have a problem with it coming off. I usually wrap it with tape or wear a shooting sleeve when I have the pump on my arm. Whenever I put it on the front of my stomach my skin gets irritated by it. But any other place ( My arms, back,and legs) I have no problem with it all.

Are you having trouble with it staying in or does irritation play a big role??
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