So I Caught My Father with my GF should I Fight Him? with Pics for the Beast.

got me
Real got me too...i read it...looked at the pic...had to read it again...then when he was like "She got turned off" I got it
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Mamaco

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

i'm sitting here completely confused about which is worse... the actual "joke" itself, or the fact that so many people lack reading comprehension skills on this board and actually "fell" for it after he gave the "punchline".
and the fact they dont read past the OP
98% of the time I only read the OP. Some of us couldn't give a %#%$ less what yall bammas have to say. As for the 'joke' I just happened to be listening to a song specifically about catching your father @#!@%+$ your girl and hurried to post some GFK quotables, I'll administer myself a pass for my hastiness.
Stop making excuses $!*%*, you got got.


@ reading only OP 98% of the time.
i i kno right... if u read past the OP u wouldnt be gettinso defensive... only bamma here is you sir
Yall are reaching if you think I was being over defensive.

Obviously someone is taking this a tad to serious, bumping a thread 24 hours after the fact.

Be cool son.
I cant believe this...I have never heard anything like this in my life. Proably the best thing that happend to you...If she smashed your dad she would most defsmash me or any other cat. You dont need her... Give pops a past, I think...
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