So I got a semi nasty injury from ball (pic). What is this?

May 25, 2001
So, my dude TJ kind of clipped me in the back of the leg when he set a backscreen on me and our feet got tangled or something. It stung a bit, but I didn'tthink anything of it. A few games later I noticed a huge welt or something developing on the medial side of my right leg right below my knee about the size andshape of a Nerf football and goes halfway around my leg. It was soft, I thought it was like #*%+ or water building up in there and that I'd just poke itwith a needle when I get home.

So again, it's only mildly painful and I was able to continue to hoop on it for another 6 or so hrs with no impediment. In fact, went to the other gym andwe ran the court (no L's) for about 4hrs, all good games too. Then, getting out of the car after getting home and it has started hurting more and hasgotten really hard.

No health insurance, so I'm not going to the hospital. I just want to know what this is, or might be. First thought would be obviously it's my calf orshin swelling, but it's not either. I can totally flex and extend my shin and it's totally independent of it. It's also not the calf. I mean whatelse is there, a tendon? Also, how serious is it? Since it's only marginally painful, and I'm a tough walk it off, play through it type, I figureI'm probably still hooping tommorow. I just have seen on the internet sometimes freak injuries and things that appear not serious, and then they wake upthe next day and have to get their leg amputated. I just wanted some kind of idea.

As for now, I just have some ice on it.





To be "real" I would have to assume on the inside of the leg like that it'd like some type of muscle strain or something. Even tho you said yougot no insurance, if it was really given you problems I would pay the dough to see what the deal was cuz I can't see !!*% right there
wow that sucks for u... this thread that is. just getting hated on.

its prob just a deep bruise chill for abit and ur good. ull prob always have alil bump on ur leg now if its on the bone
if it's hard and rigid. you might have compartment syndrome and if you do you gotta go see the doc quick or else your leg will get amputated.(no bull spit.wikipedia it.)
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