Tipping is a option. Some do some dont. Neither are right or wrong at the end of the day.
It SHOULD be this simple but for some reason it's not. Americans could find out someone stalked and killed an entire family for the pops not leaving a tip and be like "They all had it coming."
It SHOULD be this simple but for some reason it's not. Americans could find out someone stalked and killed an entire family for the pops not leaving a tip and be like "They all had it coming."
Is not an assumption, you go out to eat and spend 100$ for your family to dine while someone serves them and want to hold on to deer life to those extra 15$ that a tip would be, your *** IS CHEAP.....plain and simple.

Take your family to the nearest fast food joint next time and serve yourself, fill your own soda, clean up after your own mess and not a single person will expect any for of tip.
They get paid to do all those things u mentioned ...a servers job is to serve

What makes the server more deserving of a tip then the chef?
Cooks get tips at some places. I do and wouldn't work anywhere where I didn't.

Places are now starting to go to the cook being the server a few nights a week that way everyone is making good money and servers aren't the only ones making money for doing the least amount of work.

My job is pooled so the servers pay us and the bartenders and if they don't like it they can kick rocks. No server deserves 400 bucks a night to themselves.
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just catching up on this thread and lol @ some of these responses...

if you think cash tips are getting reported you're naive as hell. some employers do make people report cash but I doubt they verify the exact amount they made.

not tipping cause minimum wage is $13 in SF, where the average rent is $3000 or the Bay Area in general where the average rent is $2500. I'm sure people are stacking on that $13/hr :lol:

As has been brought up, tipping should be based on service. if a server does a ****** job, they get a ****** tip. a $1 tip is way more insulting that $0, cause with nothing they can think maybe you forgot. if the service is great a good tip should be left.

you can say that they chose to take that position, but you also chose to eat at that establishment.

for those of you that don't tip period, I really hope you're not going to the same places to eat over and over, cause God knows what kind of disgusting things you eaten.
as far as tipping on take out, as ridiculous as it seems I have done on occasion. especially places that I frequent.
as far as tipping on take out, as ridiculous as it seems I have done on occasion. especially places that I frequent.

this. only places i frequent. want to keep up with a good rapport since society says I have to tip, and i dont want them to think i dont appreciate them.

Go to a bar for coworkers birthday
order shots for everyone
waitress says "You're a strong guy and can carry all the shots from bar to the table"
I take offense, but never the less I carry the shots
when check comes I leave nothing for a tip because **** you
she makes a scene, comes to my table in front of my coworkers screaming "You don't do this! This is a $100 bill"
I smile and say you were rude, I'm not tipping. She continues on until I yell "**** OFF!!!!" she runs off....
has security remove me

most ridiculous (an partially embarrassing) thing I've ever experienced.

If you're rude and giving mediocre/bad service, why would I tip you? If your livelihood depends on customer service you should act like it. You choose to be a waitress.

and that goes the same for pizzeria and chinese food spots. If I'm picking the food up, I'm not tipping you. I don't tip at chick fil a or McDonalds or any other franchise. **** your plight.
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Go to a bar for coworkers birthday
order shots for everyone
waitress says "You're a strong guy and can carry all the shots from bar to the table"
I take offense, but never the less I carry the shots
when check comes I leave nothing for a tip because **** you
she makes a scene, comes to my table in front of my coworkers screaming "You don't do this! This is a $100 bill"
I smile and say you were rude, I'm not tipping. She continues on until I yell "**** OFF!!!!" she runs off....
has security remove me

most ridiculous (an partially embarrassing) thing I've ever experienced.

If you're rude and giving mediocre/bad service, why would I tip you? If your likelihood depends on customer service you should act like it. You choose to be a waitress.

and that goes the same for pizzeria and chinese food spots. If I'm picking the food up, I'm not tipping you. I don't tip at chick fil a or mcdonalds or any other franchise. **** your plight.

I like you Brandon.

Go to a bar for coworkers birthday
order shots for everyone
waitress says "You're a strong guy and can carry all the shots from bar to the table"
I take offense, but never the less I carry the shots
when check comes I leave nothing for a tip because **** you
she makes a scene, comes to my table in front of my coworkers screaming "You don't do this! This is a $100 bill"
I smile and say you were rude, I'm not tipping. She continues on until I yell "**** OFF!!!!" she runs off....
has security remove me

most ridiculous (an partially embarrassing) thing I've ever experienced.

If you're rude and giving mediocre/bad service, why would I tip you? If your likelihood depends on customer service you should act like it. You choose to be a waitress.

and that goes the same for pizzeria and chinese food spots. If I'm picking the food up, I'm not tipping you. I don't tip at chick fil a or mcdonalds or any other franchise. **** your plight.

Completely agree and as a tipper I'm also an advocate for good service, a bar tender pulls that stunt on me she/he ain't getting no tip, you should file a complaint to the small business bureau
tipping bar tenders is just flat out dumb

dudes expecting me to tip them for standing in the same spot all night and pouring a couple shots? 

This thread, man.

Do yall tip dealers at casinos when you play the tables?

I tip if I win a big hand and when I am done playing at the table if I won some money. I'm obviously not tipping if I lost. I bet some of the casino dealers at the higher stakes tables make A LOT of money in tips.
File a complaint to the small business bureau're a dweeb

You get embarrassingly kicked out of an establishment for some BS like that, after you spent money in there and your street code won't let you report them? You are such a G.


Go to a bar for coworkers birthday
order shots for everyone
waitress says "You're a strong guy and can carry all the shots from bar to the table"
I take offense, but never the less I carry the shots
when check comes I leave nothing for a tip because **** you
she makes a scene, comes to my table in front of my coworkers screaming "You don't do this! This is a $100 bill"
I smile and say you were rude, I'm not tipping. She continues on until I yell "**** OFF!!!!" she runs off....
has security remove me

most ridiculous (an partially embarrassing) thing I've ever experienced.

If you're rude and giving mediocre/bad service, why would I tip you? If your livelihood depends on customer service you should act like it. You choose to be a waitress.

and that goes the same for pizzeria and chinese food spots. If I'm picking the food up, I'm not tipping you. I don't tip at chick fil a or McDonalds or any other franchise. **** your plight.
Kudos, you did well.
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