So I got Dis D***'d today

like hell im gonna watch a 7 min video. Just tell us what it is or we will spin it so hard as being a homosexual act you will have to hide out from posting fora few days.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

like hell im gonna watch a 7 min video. Just tell us what it is or we will spin it so hard as being a homosexual act you will have to hide out from posting for a few days.

I think he's talking about how Telly from KIDs hit the Korean corner store dude with the "got any 'dis %*!+'..."

Only thing I can think of
For those who dont know what I am speaking of or are too lazy to watch the vid These stupid kids nowadays wil literally pull up next to you in thier car seemlike they are asking for directions but purposely say jibberish you say Huh? or what? and they respond by yelling DIS D***!
Ok so i skipped forward to see what it was, and it was a homosexual act with a dash of ******ation. This complete moron driving around wasting gas, mumblingquestions then yelling "dis penis" and speeding off. Half the time the people didnt even hear, the rest were indifferent/ didnt care. Excellent job.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

� heres an example
Man, those dudes are lame. Saying it to an adult one thing, but leave the young kids alone.

Maybe, it's just me but I didn't get the humor.
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