So i got my girls icloud account info? TAY enter

Boy, the problem is that you insecure because of what YOU did in the past. You know karma is coming to bite you in the *** but you just don't know when, so you trynna prepare yaself...Yeahhh that's what it is.

Now if you have her info, just get it over with and look. If you find something, dip. If you don't find something, I can assure you that you gonna make it a habit to keep looking in there periodically. You already ****** up, B.

My girl goes through my phone just like how I go through hers. Right infront of her. We don't go through it to snoop on each other. Sometimes we tell each other to do certain things on the phones and we get it done. Fax, B. Just like Hawaii said, she answers texts for me sometimes. And I be having her handle money business on my phone too.
**** that.

I'm unreasonably selfish when it comes to my woman.

I can step out but she bet not let me catch her.

Men cheat over the natural urge to **** different females.

Females cheat off emotion which is not a good look.

Now cheating did hinder our foundation which lead to our seperation after 7 years and a child 

Although my playhead days are over I understand why men who cheat do so.
what? if THIS aint some weak s*** what u mean dudes cheat over the natural urge to **** different females? nah homie. you cheat cuz YOU wanted to. and u sound like a fool sayin they cheat off emotion instead of just wanting to smash so its not ok? bruh 
  n****s come up with ANYTHING to explain their crap. but 
 at  uthrowing away your relationship for some kitty. you should be ashamed man. u and the rest of the dudes out there living that life.
OP is gonna find **** he don't wanna see, like **** pics 
oh no! not the **** pics!

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**** that.

I'm unreasonably selfish when it comes to my woman.

I can step out but she bet not let me catch her.

Men cheat over the natural urge to **** different females.

Females cheat off emotion which is not a good look.

Now cheating did hinder our foundation which lead to our seperation after 7 years and a child 

Although my playhead days are over I understand why men who cheat do so.
It's a shame y'all think women not out here who just want penis and it has nothing to do with emotions

Y'all keep thinking a chick gotta be in love with someone else to cheat on you if you want
Not at all. 

Let me try to clean that up.

I'm speaking in terms of the chick I was with.

I'm not talkin bout Keisha round the way.

I know these **** love the d like we like the p.

I'm always tellin NTers can good D won't keep your chick faithful.

But for the most part if women is in a long term committed relationship, she won't just up and cheat because she just wanted new d like a man would.
Slippery slope, you'll most def find things you don't want to know, even if it's just harmless banter with her girls about who they'd smash. In a rare cornball moment I did that, regretted it ever since. Put me in the most vicious insecure, clingy spiral eventually losing her. At the time I just couldn't look at her the same, and she could feel it.

Its not something a man should do anyways.
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what? if THIS aint some weak s*** what u mean dudes cheat over the natural urge to **** different females? nah homie. you cheat cuz YOU wanted to. and u sound like a fool sayin they cheat off emotion instead of just wanting to smash so its not ok? bruh 
  n****s come up with ANYTHING to explain their crap. but 
 at  uthrowing away your relationship for some kitty. you should be ashamed man. u and the rest of the dudes out there living that life.
Fax b, women act of emotion more then men.

Fury of a women scorned steez b.

I'm not saying this about all women.

A women in a committed relation is 10x more likely to cheat based off some emotional disconnect in a relationship then them just wanting some fresh d.

Men don't do that.
Boy, the problem is that you insecure because of what YOU did in the past. You know karma is coming to bite you in the *** but you just don't know when, so you trynna prepare yaself...Yeahhh that's what it is.
:lol: That's cool. My girl doesn't have Touch ID, but she knows my password.

Whenever her phone dies, she just uses mine... or if I left my phone in the car and need to text somebody, i'll just text off her phone.
Yessir, feels good to not have to worry about anything to be honest :lol:

Feel bad for the dudes that feel the need to look through their girls phones. Yall are either 1)wildly insecure 2)in a relationship you shouldn't be in. Or both
I'm saying.

There was a FB pic about this that made the rounds last year. Showed a dude driving with a mad panicked look on his face. The pic said something like, "When you remember you left your phone on at home, and your girl is home."

:lol: Feel sorry for dudes who can relate to that. Like you guys said, I know how to get into her phone, she knows how to get into mine, and it wasn't something we ever planned. It was just something we never planned on keeping from each other.

So much easier that way. Of course, we're also not flirting with other people, so it's no big deal.
If OP isn't going to do it and share the outcome then just /thread

We don't even have pics. I could tell him what he was looking for without the texts if I had pics
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Im sayin tho op mite not find anything that will cause him to not marry the girl but he might find sumthin small thatll make him rustled like

"Deniro thinks he can cook lol"
Or " i cant stand the music he listens to"
"Hes 5.15 but i love him anyway"

Its just not worth it.

what? if THIS aint some weak s*** what u mean dudes cheat over the natural urge to **** different females? nah homie. you cheat cuz YOU wanted to. and u sound like a fool sayin they cheat off emotion instead of just wanting to smash so its not ok? bruh :rofl:   n****s come up with ANYTHING to explain their crap. but :smh:  at  uthrowing away your relationship for some kitty. you should be ashamed man. u and the rest of the dudes out there living that life.

Fax b, women act of emotion more then men.

Fury of a women scorned steez b.

I'm not saying this about all women.

A women in a committed relation is 10x more likely to cheat based off some emotional disconnect in a relationship then them just wanting some fresh d.

Men don't do that.
So much wrong all packed into one reply.

There are men who cheat for emotional connection.

There are men who cheat because they just want some good dome, forget emotion.

There are women who cheat because one D just ain't enough for 'em, and they just love sex. No emotion.

And there are women who cheat because they want an emotional connection.

And when I say those things, I mean there are A LOT of people who fit those descriptions.

But the opinion that only men are geared to naturally want as many sexual partners as possible, that's false. HUMANS (men AND women) are NOT monogamous by nature. Yes, there are species who are naturally geared to have very few sexual partners in their lifetime. We are not one of those species. Both of us (men AND women) want to procreate with as many as possible.

I understand that the church has taught that god set aside a special partner and blah, blah, blah. I understand that the church has people believing that guys have a natural urge to screw around but if a girl does it, it's because she's a *****.

No. It's because she's a human, and that's what humans want.

And yes, I'm in a committed relationship, but we both understand that the desire to bang other people is there. Nothing wrong with that.
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So much wrong all packed into one reply.

There are men who cheat for emotional connection.

There are men who cheat because they just want some good dome, forget emotion.

There are women who cheat because one D just ain't enough for 'em, and they just love sex. No emotion.

And there are women who cheat because they want an emotional connection.

And when I say those things, I mean there are A LOT of people who fit those descriptions.

But the opinion that only men are geared to naturally want as many sexual partners as possible, that's false. HUMANS (men AND women) are monotonous by nature. Yes, there are species who are naturally geared to have very few sexual partners in their lifetime. We are not one of those species. Both of us (men AND women) want to procreate with as many as possible.

I understand that the church has taught that god set aside a special partner and blah, blah, blah. I understand that the church has people believing that guys have a natural urge to screw around but if a girl does it, it's because she's a *****.

No. It's because she's a human, and that's what humans want.

And yes, I'm in a committed relationship, but we both understand that the desire to bang other people is there. Nothing wrong with that.
I can dig it.

I'm really tryna blanket an entire species off my own life experiences which I know is wrong but it's really all I have to go off of.

I definitely understand the point you are tryna get across tho.
I'm really tryna blanket an entire species off my own life experiences which I know is wrong but it's really all I have to go off of.
I'd be lying if I said I never blanketed an entire group off my own experiences, and I'd be lying more if I said that I'm all the way past that. There are at least two groups that I have blanket opinions of based on my own personal experience.

Recognizing our own blanket opinions its pretty mature, methinks, and being open to having those blanket opinions challenged is even more mature.
I dont have anything to hide in my phone, but I dont let me shortie check it.. its just not necessary. She doesnt need to know my every thought on everything, nor what I talk to my boys or family about.  Its not about being secretive.. its just somethings should be left ambiguous.. I have the technical autonomy to check my girls phone, email, bank acct etc etc if I wanted to, and I dont do it.. humans are complicated individuals and things are easily taken out of context.

   My chick found my old NT before and was riffling through my posts, and going ham on me, without fully understanding the context or the purpose of certains threads. I let her know this is a boys cub, and sometimes things are said with bombast. It's very likely the same with a girl talking to her girls about you, or her sister et al.  One thing that would tilt me though is my chick talking to another dude about our relationship.. but thats neither here nor there.

OP if your criteria for knowing if you can marry shortie, is having to check her ****.. you really dont want to marry her, nor does she really want to marry you..And if you need to check your shorties texts to know if she was cheating on you, you definitely weren't on your job. Seems like you both are each others fall back options, while doing your own things with other people.. You cant half-*** a job the whole time youre there, then wakeup and decide youre ready for a promotion.  Doesnt work that way
I dont have anything to hide in my phone, but I dont let me shortie check it.. its just not necessary. She doesnt need to know my every thought on everything, nor what I talk to my boys or family about.  Its not about being secretive.. its just somethings should be left ambiguous.. I have the technical autonomy to check my girls phone, email, bank acct etc etc if I wanted to, and I dont do it.. humans are complicated individuals and things are easily taken out of context.

   My chick found my old NT before and was riffling through my posts, and going ham on me, without fully understanding the context or the purpose of certains threads. I let her know this is a boys cub, and sometimes things are said with bombast. It's very likely the same with a girl talking to her girls about you, or her sister et al.
Nothing wrong with that. Just because me and my girl are more open with our phones doesn't mean that's the way it should be for all and that I should tell you "Nah, guy. If you've got nothing to hide, then what's the problem?"
OP if your criteria for knowing if you can marry shortie, is having to check her ****.. you really dont want to marry her, nor does she really want to marry you..And if you need to check your shorties texts to know if she was cheating on you, you definitely weren't on your job. Seems like you both are each others fall back options, while doing your own things with other people.. You cant half-*** a job the whole time youre there, then wakeup and decide youre ready for a promotion.  Doesnt work that way
Going to have to agree with this. That's spot on.
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I dont have anything to hide in my phone, but I dont let me shortie check it.. its just not necessary. She doesnt need to know my every thought on everything, nor what I talk to my boys or family about.  Its not about being secretive.. its just somethings should be left ambiguous.. I have the technical autonomy to check my girls phone, email, bank acct etc etc if I wanted to, and I dont do it.. humans are complicated individuals and things are easily taken out of context.

   My chick found my old NT before and was riffling through my posts, and going ham on me, without fully understanding the context or the purpose of certains threads. I let her know this is a boys cub, and sometimes things are said with bombast. It's very likely the same with a girl talking to her girls about you, or her sister et al.
Nothing wrong with that. Just because me and my girl are more open with or phones doesn't mean that's the way it should be for all and that I should tell you "Nah, guy. If you've got nothing to hide, then what's the problem?"

OP if your criteria for knowing if you can marry shortie, is having to check her ****.. you really dont want to marry her, nor does she really want to marry you..And if you need to check your shorties texts to know if she was cheating on you, you definitely weren't on your job. Seems like you both are each others fall back options, while doing your own things with other people.. You cant half-*** a job the whole time youre there, then wakeup and decide youre ready for a promotion.  Doesnt work that way
Going to have to agree with this. That's spot on.

Yeah in the very least, they're not ready. There's a serene love and trust when you know you're ready. But seriously put the phone down and walk away from that thought.
I don't know bros... I grab my girls my phone whenever I want, and she grabs my phone whenever she wants.

Grabbing your girls phone =\= going through her icloud...

That's invasion of privacy, famb...

You have to maintain some sense of privacy

I'm not here checking her stuff every hour bruh :lol:

In my opinion, all "privacy" excuse is for people with something to hide.
I don't know bros... I grab my girls my phone whenever I want, and she grabs my phone whenever she wants.
Grabbing your girls phone =\= going through her icloud...

That's invasion of privacy, famb...

You have to maintain some sense of privacy
I'm not here checking her stuff every hour bruh :lol:

In my opinion, all "privacy" excuse is for people with something to hide
Not at all. Like someone already mentioned, some people just don't want their personal life taken out of context by someone who could potentially take it out of context. And it's not even about flirting; could be personal conversations with siblings, old friends, or whoever.
I'm not here checking her stuff every hour bruh

In my opinion, all "privacy" excuse is for people with something to hide.
I disagree.

Being with someone doesn't mean you have to relinquish all privacy. You are your own person first and foremost. Don't forget that. 

Doesn't have to mean you have something to hide, you just want your provacy
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i have nothing to hide.

i have all the nudes of past flames and randoms on a  microsd card that i keyster.

that ish is cringe when i see a chick getting her mans phone and talking to the homies trying to act like one of the boys.
Neither one of us have pass codes on our phones and can up and grab the other's anytime without and resistance. Do I? Nah. Does she? Nah. Don't need to.
I'm not here checking her stuff every hour bruh :lol:

In my opinion, all "privacy" excuse is for people with something to hide.
I disagree.

Being with someone doesn't mean you have to relinquish all privacy. You are your own person first and foremost. Don't forget that. 

Doesn't have to mean you have something to hide, you just want your provacy

I don't know bros... I grab my girls my phone whenever I want, and she grabs my phone whenever she wants.
Grabbing your girls phone =\= going through her icloud...

That's invasion of privacy, famb...

You have to maintain some sense of privacy
I'm not here checking her stuff every hour bruh :lol:

In my opinion, all "privacy" excuse is for people with something to hide
Not at all. Like someone already mentioned, some people just don't want their personal life taken out of context by someone who could potentially take it out of context. And it's not even about flirting; could be personal conversations with siblings, old friends, or whoever.

Maybe I worded my statement wrong.

Yes, you are entitled to your privacy. But what I meant was, people who get offended and use the "that's private" excuse have something to hide.

And to DC, I know you're playing advocate like usual, but miss me with that... when you're married, you made that choice, that commitment, those vows...

"What's mine is yours, what's yours is ours..." Don't tell me you thought that only meant money and property did you? :lol:
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