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I'll update this thread before I get IP banned and forget to update it... again. 

Yeah, it's me, JT. Check da AVY.

First and foremost, I sold most of the sneakers that I didn't need (Air Jordans, Nike Basketball/Running shoes and SBs that were pretty much just collecting dust anyway) to a collector I personally know in Japan for a good amount of cash. I sold some sneakers on eBay and to some friends as well. I also sold all the stuff I wasn't using or didn't have any use for: old iPhones, paintings, katanas (samurai swords), various RooR accessories, my '95 civic, my old HDTV, my old HP laptop, you get the idea – I cleaned house of everything I didn't need. I used the money for a new insurance plan; hence a better health plan, better doctors, faster treatment, etc.

When I was at my previous hospital, I waited weeks before finally being admitted and I was told I had a benign (noncancerous) mass (hemangioma) in my liver from the ultrasound. To sum it up, my own mother fabricated my cancer – not only to me, but to her friends, and even our family. I overheard her gossiping at one of the parties – and, apparently... I also have diabetes, a failing kidney, and heart problems as well. 
 Not to mention whatever else she claimed, for attention. I don't know what her real motives are, but she's done it before – she forced me to get admitted to Kaiser Permanente and made up a lie that I was schizo, thus forcing me to take pills, injections, and "therapy" I NEVER needed.

Anyway, I had the liver mass separated from my liver around April, my Doctor recommended it. I think it was what was causing my ribs to hurt every time I coughed (Like I stated.) I was in the hospital for about a week and it took me about 2 months to fully recover. My Doctor checked my liver recently for growth, and everything checked out.

So far, everything looks good! I'm staying away from the Newports and drinking alcohol... So far.
Oh, is this the same mom who told you that you had liver cancer?

Go away.
It's the same female. Some of us in the world actually have Ermine Jungs, Livia Sopranos, and Gertrudes for mothers.

All I CAN say that cancer is real. And I can attest that once you get news like that from your own mother, it makes you look at life in a very, very different perspective.

And... I'll “Go away” now. I know it's what some of y'all wanted all along... anyway.

Good day.
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[COLOR=#red]i see mom comments i didnt go back and read through thread but guess u feeling better now thats good fam[/COLOR]
I don't believe him either. 

1. Given his likely age, there are only a few hepatic cancers (aka malignant tumors) that he could possibly have. Hepatic tumor? More plausible. Not nearly as big of a deal though.
2. If he's at least 18, it is a HIPAA violation for the physician to notify his mother instead of him. Maybe he gave explicit instructions to allow his mother to be informed of his health. However, it's highly unlikely that the physician would not speak with him also.
3. Follow-up a month later? No chance in hell. I can't think of a hepatic malignancy that isn't highly aggressive. You would be at radiology the next day getting imaging if possible.
4. Cancer over the phone? No.

So yeah, if I'm wrong then call me an %!%. But the story is ridiculous. 
Glad I was right.
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