So I passed by an ATM that read..."Would You Like Another Transaction"....WWYD

I woulve been shopping spree status if I seen that. Maybe not, I guess it depends on who I'm with and all that
This just happened to me today.... I clicked yes... just to check the balance, I was curious. The person only had a few hundred bucks in her account. I thenproceeded to take the card and gave it to the teller inside. If there were 100,000 in the account maybe I woulda kept a couple hundred as a lesson to be taughtto not leave your card in the ATM machine..... and NO they do not ask to reenter the pin.
Yayy for humanity
wouldve checked the balance first... if they had a ton of cash I woulda took a 20 just to teach them a lesson
Originally Posted by rillo561

It's happened to me too, but you have to re-enter the pin.
Not at all ATM's do u have to re-enter the pin, at my bank you don't have too.

OP, u did the right thing though cause they could easily check the camera if you had done it.
I've seen that too. The older ones will let you do multiple transactions without reentering the pin each time.
Originally Posted by DieselG5

they ask for the pin agian
Word. I tried and couldn't figure out dude's pin anyway.

Besides that they have cameras at all ATMs
happened to me once..

took $200 out, dude came out right when the card came out and i handed it to him..

A few years back, this happened to me. I did the max withdrawal and instantly knew what I was doing was wrong, so I walked into the bank with the card and thecash and returned it no questions asked.
Not with all ATM having Camera's nowadays... I'd rather keep the money I have then take someone else and end up in jail.
Good %%%!

Happened to me before too. Except it was the type of ATM where you just slide your card. I just hit the cancel button and kept it moving.
Yes i did this about 3-4 years ago, someone was in front of me and drove off... i saw that on the screen like *+%?!?!

Was the easiest 60 bucks i ever made.

I left it in there and drove off.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

There would have been a camera recording you.
Get that ski mask on....................
Never happened to me, but it's easily predictable of what a man would do in concern with money. Take it, or leave it.
most ATMs have cameras I believe, so you did the right thing.

Plus now you don't have to worry about going to jail.
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