So i seen Kanye and Common playin ball at the Y...

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

cats talkin like it's an honor to ball with Common and Ye. Son probably didn't feel like ballin.

Nothing worse than when you got 9 guys though and need 1 more and it's like 4 dudes sitting over there on the sides and won't hoop though, or over on another court playing 1 on 1, shooting around, or some %+@+ and you gotta beg them like, "yo we just need 1!" and you gotta beg them.
real rap
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Common is speaking at Washington University In St. Louis (ST. LOUIS) on Monday.

1. Why would you not ball with them?

2. Who wouldn't take pics from that close?

3. Kanye doesn't dap lames. So he didn't dap you. (lulz @ 3.) 

    1. cuz i didnt...
    2. take a pic for what...
    3. i guess you would kno...
Originally Posted by dunnyy

Kanye getting fouled out and storming off the court.

 Why Kanye look like that one kid on the team thats too short so no one passes them the ball

 to OP for not ballin' with them
OP was it at the Nuuanu location? I hear those dudes play ball at least 2-3 times a week. I was thinking of going through but I didn't want to d-ride to hoop with them

I can see why you didn't though... it would be cool... but at the same time, super lame to just play because of who they are
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

cats talkin like it's an honor to ball with Common and Ye.
It is, though.

If Pharell challenged you to a game of paper-rock-scissors, wouldn't you take the challenge?
Even though it's only paper-rock-scissors, that's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
side note: to everyone else who is flaming OP. The culture here in Hawaii is to give celebs respect enough to not hound them for autographs or pics. Maybe its pride, but it is something that is found through the majority of the locals here. I assume that is why most of them like to vacation here, record, train for sports, etc...

Just my 2 cents...
People are that surprised he doesn't have a picture? Why would you have a camera with you while playing basketball? I know we live in the YouTube/Twitter/Facebook age but even if you have a camera phone I don't think you have that with you while you're at the gym
^^ I hear what you're saying man, but out of the three of them NONE took pics of two stars right in front of them?? I'm not the star-struck type but if a star is around me for that long I need some proof to my story lol
Originally Posted by sosmoove

^^ I hear what you're saying man, but out of the three of them NONE took pics of two stars right in front of them?? I'm not the star-struck type but if a star is around me for that long I need some proof to my story lol
I disagree... If a celebrity is speaking to you like a normal person, then they deserve that same respect in return. OP was treated like a random dude at a basketball court by Common (Who I've seen in person and is a really cool dude, so doesnt seem crazy), it would've been disrespectful for dude to snap photos, even during the game. Gotta respect their privacy as people man. Ive met Carlos Boozer before at school (Amazing guy, autographed and donated a pair of shoes in order to help raise money for Sydni Yoshie's family) and he was extremely nice and helpful. Likewise, I didnt take a picture of him playing ball on the court, nor did I take a pic with him or even his Ferrari/Bentley.

OP should anticipate people not believing him, but I can't really blame him for not taking pics.
Originally Posted by sosmoove

^^ I hear what you're saying man, but out of the three of them NONE took pics of two stars right in front of them?? I'm not the star-struck type but if a star is around me for that long I need some proof to my story lol

Maybe you need pics for validation to others, but to yourself you know you've meant this "SUPERSTAR." Celebrities ain't shhh, you want to feel like a celebrity??? Go to a developing country, you'll see that all the attention is nothing but to feed your ego, just like celebrities. Why do you think, celebrities like to go to places, and pay so much,  where they are not hounded or get privacy???? It's because they are tired of all the other "STUFF" outside of their "Occupation." America feels like they can look into celebrities' lives because they've "paid" for them to get to that level. Imagine, would you like to be "ON" all day??? Of course, the answer is yes, because I've chose that life, on the public's opinion. But the public is not that "Superstar", so they can say what ever they want. This story can be BS or true from the OP, but for him to even tell you that he saw Kanye, and his crew ball, means.......
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