So I seent this on the gram

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Don't think supreme is trademarked. Maybe the logo but the word isn't. Still is kinda fresh
Sullying the NT name with the knockoff supreme garbage

but you got resellers on here making money off hats and shirts that are made so proceeds can go to charity. 

The NT logo is ours.  We've been using it commercially for many years now. 

This garbage was not approved by us or created in collaboration with us.  All our apparel items to date have served as fundraisers for charity.  Presumably, this just goes into the pocket of some lazy thief.  

It's a shame.  Had they approached us legitimately and offered to develop products as a benefit to a worthy charity, we would've at least listened.  As it stands, these items should be considered fake and treated as such. 

If you have more information on this, send me a PM or email our support account. 
Whatever profits they made should be re distributed to NT all members...after putting some bread in the charities of course
Don't snitch on the homie. The person is trying to make something of themselves and is most likely doing it for the local basketball team uniforms so they don't have to be in the streets all day.

Can't leave them kids playing ball barefoot. It's against the rules, man.
pretty sure when these get made, there is minimal profit being made.

dude made a cool product and produced some for the NT homies.
I thought someone from the Supreme thread contacted Meth about making the mech about two to three years ago.

Someone just said F the wait
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