So i start AA again for 2 months again

It's not about keeping busy or finding a hobby. Best advice I can give you is to figure out your triggers, what causes you to want to drink. As hard as it may be you have to address these issues and learn productive, positive coping skills. Getting sober is never easy but you have to want it and believe in yourself. Do your best to surround yourself with only people who truly have your best interest at heart and want you to succeed. If you really want this OP you can do it. Know you're better than the disease and take things one day at a time....................
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

any tips for getting over my alcohol abuse, i spend $150 a week on alcohol alone..... my co workers reported me saying i drink to much.
 trying to get over my addiction, already relapsed 1X after 2 weeks of my first meeting.
a bunch of my boys stopped drinking, they distanced themselves from the kids who only want to drink instead of the kids who can have fun doing other activities...

also they found new drinks such as "dirty tonic water with olive juice"
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

since sept ive consistently spent $2000 minimum a weekend on alcohol/drugs/cover/tables/other nonsense
but i can control myself and thats from clubs etc....$150 at the liquor store on cheap stuff is a ton of alcohol. do something else man i dunno. i feel gross if i drink too much for too long.

That's disgusting.2000 min a weekend on that... I could never do it, especially on someone else's dime. Wow.
lol i know a saudi kid who spends 10k+/night fri and sat and doesnt even drink. its all relative. im not hurting anyone.
Quit your lying. Some of us been here long enough to recognize your donald duck narrating of your life.
Originally Posted by Winter Warz

BrotherForReal wrote:
I never understood alky's. Just stop. How hard is it? I just look at the cost benefit of alcohol and aint beneficial for my wallet cause its costs.

some people have more will power/are stronger than most when it comes to addiction.
some can just say "im going to stop" and they do. others, it takes a little more. so, it can be very hard.

this is true. i use to drink everyday then one day i gave up drink for almost two years. then i started up but it's only once a week and its only on the weekend when i go out that i do drink. if you have enough will power to stop then it can happen. some people are weak and give in to the temptation of drinking. OP just find a hobby to keep you busy and that will keep your mind off of drinking. for me it was when i blacked out and ended up getting a DWI when i realize i need to stop drinking everyday and so much alcohol. plus i thought to myself that what kind of father would i be being a drunk. heard stories of my dad when him and my mom were younger and i didnt want to become like him in his younger days. good luck OP
Originally Posted by champ305

OP, i work at a drug and alcohol rehab. have you ever tried in-patient rehab? worked through the steps? got a reliable sponsor?

Ive seen the best and the worst of this disease man. Hope it all works out for you

best response....seriously though...the 12 steps are a guide to living the rest of your life. my suggestion would be get a sponser who can take you threw the steps and i GUARANTEE success. Just going to meetings wont cut it if you are a true alcoholic
Rarely have we seen a person fail WHO HAS THOROUGHLY FOLLOWED OUR PATH, those who do not can and will not be incapable of being honest with themselfs.
P.s once ur exposed 2 aa/na, ur getting high or drunk gets ruined IMO cuz u have that stuff u learned in ur head as u relapse, wont even enjoy urself
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HankMoody

That's disgusting.2000 min a weekend on that... I could never do it, especially on someone else's dime. Wow.
lol i know a saudi kid who spends 10k+/night fri and sat and doesnt even drink. its all relative. im not hurting anyone.
Quit your lying. Some of us been here long enough to recognize your donald duck narrating of your life.

Sun might be talking tales of the duck.
However a friend (my boys younger sister) of mine lived in Switzerland before moving to NY, and she was 19, when her Russian and Arab friends used to buy magnum Cristal just to spray on people...

And aside from that group...

I do know of people who party like this... REGULARLY.... 




I personally DO NOT ball like this.  Do not take this as statement of me doing this reckless foolishness.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

I never understood alky's. Just stop. How hard is it? I just look at the cost benefit of alcohol and aint beneficial for my wallet cause its costs.

Ignorance at its finest
OP, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I've never been in your situation, but I'd like to say that going to AA is a start and could be a point of focus for creating discipline, continuity, and support. I feel like finding professional counsel would help a lot if you have the resources, and hopefully, since you're a part of the military, they'll have these services available to you. If you can't talk to anyone with a background in alcoholism, perhaps talking to the local pastor or priest would help some. There may also be rehabilitation programs in the area that would have something to help.

It sounds like you're going through a very tough time in your life and it's great that you're seeking help because alcoholism isn't just something that you can turn on and off like a lot of people say, it's truly a disease. Stay strong fam.
Yo dude are you seeing a therapist or psychiatrist? Even if you do stop drinking, th problems that make you am alcoholic may be manifest in other aspects of your life, so I would suggest that on top of any 12 step program that you would get involved in. Just start off with not drinking today, and it should start to become less daunting. Good luck, dude.
well after meeting with my commander i start my AA meeting on Wednesday, thanks for most of the advice also, its gonna be pretty hard for me to do 2 months, i barely lasted 1 month after the last time i had to go. i'll keep ya'll updated though.
um, so your livers in check right?  only problem I see is that 150 is too much for alc.  party on man, just not with those snitch workers of yours.
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

well after meeting with my commander i start my AA meeting on Wednesday, thanks for most of the advice also, its gonna be pretty hard for me to do 2 months, i barely lasted 1 month after the last time i had to go. i'll keep ya'll updated though.

AA will not work, i repeat WILL NOT work, if you dont want it...dont look at it like u HAVE 2 GO...if you had cancer you would do anything for kimo right???????????????? well this is the same thing, alcoholism and addiction is a disease..... you must look forward 2 the network you are about to have, they will save ur life...real talk im just a regular ninja from camden, i did my dirt, im not a herb...n AA was the best thing that ever happened too me....get involved..these people you met for a month could be there for u MORE than your boys u met ur whole life. remember ur homies will get u drunk before you get them sober.
Originally Posted by mackmittenzz

Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

well after meeting with my commander i start my AA meeting on Wednesday, thanks for most of the advice also, its gonna be pretty hard for me to do 2 months, i barely lasted 1 month after the last time i had to go. i'll keep ya'll updated though.

AA will not work, i repeat WILL NOT work, if you dont want it...dont look at it like u HAVE 2 GO...if you had cancer you would do anything for kimo right???????????????? well this is the same thing, alcoholism and addiction is a disease..... you must look forward 2 the network you are about to have, they will save ur life...real talk. get involved..these people you met for a month could be there for u MORE than your boys u met ur whole life. remember ur homies will get u drunk before you get them sober.
 kimo = Chemo

But seriously, ^ all truth.  I used to be a substance abuse counselor.  If you want this OP, work the program and you will succeed.  Have faith in yourself and take it one day at a time.  Wish you the best!
You want my advice?
DONT DO a program based in religion or spirituality.

I'm not trying to convince you to be an atheist, I dont really DO NOT CARE what religion you are...but DO NOT do a religious program. I have personally seen people do it and fail miserably.

AA is notorious for this and it sucks that our justice system forces people into these specific AA programs. Look for ones that have secular mission statements. You'll spend more time addressing your issues rather than trying to pray them away with a mental band-aid. AA also. The spirituality component just replaces one addiction with another.

In fact 9 of the 12 steps involve something about a higher power. That can be frustrating to many people if they are even marginally religious. You need to know this if your entire program is about you putting your "faith" in something. Especially if its a mental thing.

Look into the Court case of Griffin V. Coughlin. It talks about the use of religion in AA and how its unconsititutional:

This article talks about how spirituality based programs have an overall lower success rate based on a study conducted:,8599,1872779,00.html

Here is an article that talks about this as well:


[h1]My Faithlessness: The atheist way through AA[/h1]
Editor's note:�Marya Hornbacher's latest book, "Waiting: A Nonbeliever’s Higher Power," explores what spirituality can mean to the recovering person who does not believe in God.

By�Marya Hornbacher, Special to CNN

(CNN) -�Kicked back with his boots on the table at the head of the smoke-dense room, the meeting's leader banged his fist and bellowed, “By the grace of this program and the blood of Jesus Christ, I’m sober today!
I've had to experience AA myself and I really don't think that that is the way for you to help yourself out. They're going to tell you that you're this crippled, diseased individual who will never be able to help yourself. They're going to stress that you aren't capable of working through this on your own. In my opinion, that is an absolutely terrible way to go about this. I would suggest trying a different rehabilitation method.
Good luck my man. When it really matters enough to you and you want to stop, you will be able to pull it off...

Find some hobbies and other things to entertain yourself, or something specific you're gonna do every time you feel like you want a drink.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HankMoody

That's disgusting.2000 min a weekend on that... I could never do it, especially on someone else's dime. Wow.
lol i know a saudi kid who spends 10k+/night fri and sat and doesnt even drink. its all relative. im not hurting anyone.
Quit your lying. Some of us been here long enough to recognize your donald duck narrating of your life.
lol you wouldnt believe how i live if you saw it in person, and im not talking about money either. ive been blessed, sorry to hear it upsets you.
if it makes you feel better today i did poorly on a math test and tonight i'm only going to a cheap college bar where drinks are like $3. so for today your life might be more exciting than mine.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

lol i know a saudi kid who spends 10k+/night fri and sat and doesnt even drink. its all relative. im not hurting anyone.
Quit your lying. Some of us been here long enough to recognize your donald duck narrating of your life.
lol you wouldnt believe how i live if you saw it in person, and im not talking about money either. ive been blessed, sorry to hear it upsets you.
if it makes you feel better today i did poorly on a math test and tonight i'm only going to a cheap college bar where drinks are like $3. so for today your life might be more exciting than mine.
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