So I wanna visit Brooklyn NT help me out

Mar 7, 2003
As the title states I wanna visit the city thats bred some of the best rappers I have heard so far. I wanna see it all from the burbs to the jects, if thatmakes sense. I wanna see the whole city I mean the WHOLE city no skipping over the slums or nothing like that. I wanna take it all in and actually see some ofthese places they talk about, grown up in etc. Now I didn't say I wanted to run in the project building just see it you get my drift. Help me out fellas, Iwanna, hell I'm gonna see all of New York eventually but you gotta pace yourself. Also let me know anything you think I definitely have to see, Thanks inadvance.
East New York
Crown Heights
East Flatbush
Red Hook

Are some great places to see "slums"

Just take the train around I guess.
Not tryin to be a hero, it not like I'm gonna be walkin askin folks to take pics. Probably just take the scenic route with the rest of the folks in thecar. Just wanna see the city and more than likely another area close by, thanks for your input though..
visit east ny, its the most beautiful place in brooklyn
ride the j train between marcy ave. and cypress hills. Also, ride the 3 train from Utica to New Lots. They both run outside. Just dont ride them at night.Seriously
Visit the historical Louis Pink Houses, where the most noteworthy Brooklynites arise from. The Pink Houses are the mecca of culture in Brooklyn. And theresthis restaraunt up the street from there called "Linden Chicken, Pizza & Ribs"..Its on Linden blvd, best Filet Mignon in Brooklyn.
No but seriously, dont go there unless you have family there or you WILL leave there might wonder "how am igonna leave there dead?"
Well, +$!#@# will put you in the back of their chrysler 300 and drive you to red hook and throw you in thewater..They'll take your Pelle Pelle off your back and wear it the next day.

*I lived in Brooklyn for 4 years btw

You also want to check out Flatbush avenue.
Pink Houses

Anywho, Brooklyn projects ain't like it used to. It have water down in the recent years.

Check out....

Crown Heights --- I'll be your tour guide
Bed Stuy
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I'll be your Flatbush tour guide NH.

We could also stop by my main by Gates @ night.
And all the burning ducks on flatbush junction
Quote: Visit the historical Louis Pink Houses, where the most noteworthy Brooklynites arise from. The Pink Houses are the mecca of culture in Brooklyn. Andtheres this restaraunt up the street from there called "Linden Chicken, Pizza & Ribs"..Its on Linden blvd, best Filet Mignon in Brooklyn.
No but seriously, dont go there unless you have family there or you WILL leave there might wonder "how am i gonna leave there dead?"
Well, +$!#@# will put you in the back of their chrysler 300 and drive you to red hook and throw you in the water..They'll take your Pelle Pelle off yourback and wear it the next day.


Honestly it really isn't that serious, while brownsville, bedstuy, flatbush aren't the best places, there are cops ALL OVER the place during the day,honestly I would be more afraid of the police (those dudes will have no problem driving the wrong way down a one way street and forcing you to get the hell outof the way, they also roll in packs and have no problem shaking you down at random for looking suspicious). Bedstuy at night gets bad, the dunkin donuts overthere doesn't have bullet proof glass for no reason, and that bodega across the street is always having problems. Now regarding the pinkhouses you wind upthere at the wrong time day or night, and your chances of getting robbed are high, and regarding the possibility of getting shot, well from my personalexperience I haven't been there since 2001 when one of my friends was living there and at that point guys were playing tag in the stair ways with gunsshooting at eachother like the +%$# was a joke so unless things have changed I'd think twice about that, and yea like someone said earlier stop watching somuch rap music, violence and poverty aren't glamourous and don't make you "cool" there are some people with some real problems and tons ofstress, if your going there to get some perspective on your own life then be safe and respectful public housing is not a show.
^ the dunkin donuts next to the subway stop ?


my man lives right down the street. Bedstuy has gotten better but like dudes said at night it can be a whole different world if !@% is poppin.
Yeah, the Stuy has gotten significantly better but it is still bad nonetheless.

But if you truely are planning on visiting Brooklyn as a whole, I advise you to roll with some friends because the residents don't take kindly to tourists.
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