So I was almost raped last night/this morning... Vol. srs UPDATED WITH PICS PAGE 6

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I'll try and put it into cliff form so people don't ask too many questions.  The moral of the story is, don't get in cars with strange men
.  Should've already known that, but that last thread talking about those Mexicans helping the dude led me astray.

Before you question me, understand this:
These are not tales of mallard.  I don't want this type of e-fame.  This is NOT a cool story.

Begin walking on an 8 mile trek to airport in order to fly back home.  Start my venture at 12:30 AM
5.5 miles in, the wheels on my large suitcase fall apart, and I can only drag the suitcase.  (It weighs 75 pounds).
I try to call the only taxi number I know, but it fails to go through (Damn AT&T
Two Mexican men in a PT Cruiser stop near me, ask me if I need a ride.  Happy to not have to drag the suitcase 2.5 more miles, I agree.
They start going the opposite direction of the airport, to " take me to a bank to get gas money". ( I don't have any qualmes, because I would have gladly paid them if I had money)

I don't panic too much, because they are frail and I am a large, strapping gentleman.
For some reason, perhaps due to an error in translation, we end up near their motel.  They invite me to their room for sandwiches.
  I'm like eff that, I'm dipping.
They keep trying to make me enter the room, but I refuse.  I stay away in case they have a weapon.
Then I realize that I left my big suitcase in their Cruiser.  One of them leaves ( I assume to rally his fellow Mexicans in the struggle to tame this mulatto specimen)
I threaten the other one into giving me the keys to his car, with the help of a surge protector.  He obliges, I get my suitcase, throw him the keys, and run away.
I then call a cab and am on my way.

INB4 Didn't read LOL
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I'll try and put it into cliff form so people don't ask too many questions.  The moral of the story is, don't get in cars with strange men
.  Should've already known that, but that last thread talking about those Mexicans helping the dude led me astray.

Before you question me, understand this:
These are not tales of mallard.  I don't want this type of e-fame.  This is NOT a cool story.

Begin walking on an 8 mile trek to airport in order to fly back home.  Start my venture at 12:30 AM
5.5 miles in, the wheels on my large suitcase fall apart, and I can only drag the suitcase.  (It weighs 75 pounds).
I try to call the only taxi number I know, but it fails to go through (Damn AT&T
Two Mexican men in a PT Cruiser stop near me, ask me if I need a ride.  Happy to not have to drag the suitcase 2.5 more miles, I agree.
They start going the opposite direction of the airport, to " take me to a bank to get gas money". ( I don't have any qualmes, because I would have gladly paid them if I had money)

I don't panic too much, because they are frail and I am a large, strapping gentleman.
For some reason, perhaps due to an error in translation, we end up near their motel.  They invite me to their room for sandwiches.
  I'm like eff that, I'm dipping.
They keep trying to make me enter the room, but I refuse.  I stay away in case they have a weapon.
Then I realize that I left my big suitcase in their Cruiser.  One of them leaves ( I assume to rally his fellow Mexicans in the struggle to tame this mulatto specimen)
I threaten the other one into giving me the keys to his car, with the help of a surge protector.  He obliges, I get my suitcase, throw him the keys, and run away.
I then call a cab and am on my way.

INB4 Didn't read LOL
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

OP, is this one of 'em...


"we can do this the easy way... or we can do this the hard way."


Podemos hacer este de manera facil o nosotros podemos hacer este de manera difícil.
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

OP, is this one of 'em...


"we can do this the easy way... or we can do this the hard way."


Podemos hacer este de manera facil o nosotros podemos hacer este de manera difícil.
i cant believe i slept on this kinda happy i did hahaha...what in the world is going on
i cant believe i slept on this kinda happy i did hahaha...what in the world is going on
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