** So I was banned because ___ **

iLLoQuent aka DSK:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

iLLoQuent aka DSK:
Almost a year back, I posted a picture (no, not porn, Ska
) which didn't contain any profanity, but alluded to it...I thought it was all good as long as no actual profanity got posted, but I got suspended for a month. I didn't #%+!% nor complain; I understood why the admin did it. If I thought I would have gotten suspended or w/e for it, I wouldn't have posted it, but regardless it was my fault and I sat out the 31 days, came back and kept it moving. This other NT'er, who is well respected on here and an "OG", posted the same exact pic a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a flame war with another well known NT'er...words were exchanged, it became personal, more people got involved, blah blah blah...the thread gets locked and everyone is told to cool it down and grow up.

No bans or suspensions...who even knows if anyone got warned.

Go figure.

BTW...I'm not here to try and start up an argument with y'all or try and say that you guys are doing a bad job...I appreciate all the work y'all put in to make NT what it is and it's easily the best out of the msg. boards I visit. I agree with most of the rules put in place...but like oo206oo said, I'm just sayin...
I bet good money that the admin that banned you was a different admin that locked that thread you're talking about and just told everyone to cool it down and grow up.

This wasn't a case of leaving it open to interpretation though, Ska...same exact pic in both circumstances. Same rules in place. Not the same result though...

I knew it.

But everything is open to interpretation, my dude. One of the most accurate sigs on here (and one of my favorite) says 'There are no facts; onlyinterpretations.' I believe the sig belongs to... I think... Craftsy? Either him or Clutchshooter, I'm positive it's one of those two.

But yeah, it's still subject to interpretation, unless it's blatantly and clearly against the rules. But like you said already, it was a picture thatdidn't have profanity, but it alluded to it. That already lends itself to an admin's individual interpretation of the rules.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.
GhostWriter wrote:
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Looks at post count...looks at sig
@ "copin" this is why youget no respect.

EDOT:I'm just messing with you fam....well not really.But it's not all about post count once we get to know certain members we decide if we like themor not.Based off personality or there e-persona or whatever.So for example certain dudes on this forum no matter how many post they have or how long they beenhere.Are just un-liked im not gonna name names cause im not trying to get banned.But if we dont know you then just stay in your lane.Every one was new once soevery one goes through it.
Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

GhostWriter wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Looks at post count...looks at sig
@ "copin" this is why you get no respect.

You talkin bout me, doggie???
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

msDUNKtastic wrote:
GhostWriter wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Looks at post count...looks at sig
@ "copin" this is why you get no respect.

You talkin bout me, doggie???

What on earth would make you think I was talking to you?Did you not see ghost writer post after you in my quote?Dont you think I'd go two postup and quote only you if i was referring to you?Where did you have "copin" in your sig or post for that matter?Step your reading comprehension gameup
Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

msDUNKtastic wrote:

GhostWriter wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Looks at post count...looks at sig
@ "copin" this is why you get no respect.

You talkin bout me, doggie???

What on earth would make you think I was talking to you?Did you not see ghost writer post after you in my quote?Dont you think I'd go two post up and quote only you if i was referring to you?Where did you have "copin" in your sig or post for that matter?Step your reading comprehension game up

Sorry, I'm on the Sidekick and it's hard to see...
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

msDUNKtastic wrote:
LimitedRetroOG wrote:

msDUNKtastic wrote:

GhostWriter wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

Speaking of favoritism, one thing I can't stand on NT is when a vet acts and feels like he's superior to the newer members and other members suck him up like he's a god or something. The way I see, I don't give a damn when the hell you registered. You're an NTer just like me and the rest of us, and I'm going to treat you the same way I treat other NTers, regardless of when you registered. I expect the same treatment, too.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

Looks at post count...looks at sig
@ "copin" this is why you get no respect.

You talkin bout me, doggie???

What on earth would make you think I was talking to you?Did you not see ghost writer post after you in my quote?Dont you think I'd go two post up and quote only you if i was referring to you?Where did you have "copin" in your sig or post for that matter?Step your reading comprehension game up

Sorry, I'm on the Sidekick and it's hard to see...

You have been pardoned then
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I got banned for arguing with a female NTer... Favoritism FTL...

Me too.

Oh, and another time for making a sexual comment (but it was back when sexual comments were no big deal) about a chick who's age wasn't posted andlater turned out to be underage.

Oh, and another time because I disagreed with holdenmichael's opinion. He never manned up and admitted to banning me though, and no other admin wouldinvestigate it.

I once saw a red rectangle with a yellow nike check over the letters N and T in the upper left hand corner posted on here. I thought it was fitting...

- Tical.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I got banned for arguing with a female NTer... Favoritism FTL...[/color]

Me too.

Oh, and another time for making a sexual comment (but it was back when sexual comments were no big deal) about a chick who's age wasn't posted and later turned out to be underage.

Oh, and another time because I disagreed with holdenmichael's opinion. He never manned up and admitted to banning me though, and no other admin would investigate it.

I once saw a red rectangle with a yellow nike check over the letters N and T in the upper left hand corner posted on here. I thought it was fitting...

- Tical.

yall doods should know female NT'ers get a pass...admins/mods trying to salvage all the ones that ya'll aint run off yet

Free The SB Guy!!
Free HighwayAllstar!!
Free ItsPliesBaby!!

They should have all been a mistrial. SMH at the NT judicial system.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Free The SB Guy!!
Free HighwayAllstar!!
Free ItsPliesBaby!!

They should have all been a mistrial. SMH at the NT judicial system.
Free Wuck Feezy (banned for making a thread asking when Cams saturn would be done)!!!
Free Kid Mega Man (don't remember)!!!
Free Golden Oozaru Gr8 ape (lopsided ban)!!!

The System is not designed for us
Originally Posted by tmay407

I got banned by holdenmichael for calling Stringer Bell 32 a d-bag.

Stringer is a d-bag.

(just playing, don't ban me)

i actually just accepted Stringer's friend request.

but, for the mods and admins...how often does stuff like that (members getting on each other, even though both know it's all jokes) get confused orquestioned?

if i had a dime for everytime dre posted "%%%# you wildcat."....
Free King Lincey


It's really not that serious to me anymore.
It's not like someone else is going to steal my username. Whoelse stalks Amerie and types in purple font anyway? I'll have my s/n name back in April...
I got banned by holdenmichael for calling Stringer Bell 32 a d-bag.
Stringer is a d-bag.

(just playing, don't ban me)

i actually just accepted Stringer's friend request.

but, for the mods and admins...how often does stuff like that (members getting on each other, even though both know it's all jokes) get confused or questioned?

if i had a dime for everytime dre posted "%%%# you wildcat."....
The same way any teacher in any school knows to break up actual fights and leave alone the two jocks who make it a daily ritual to see who canface palm the other one first.

Me personally, I know you and dre. But even if it were two people I didn't know, you look at the context ofwhat's being said.
I got banned by Holdenmichael for reffering to FRESH as an idiot in the sports forum( all i was trying to get across was people shouldnt listen to FRESH whenit comes to sports)
Just noticed this...
MY stacks on deck, MY patron on ice, and I can pop bottles all night, but baby you can have whatever YOU buy....You can have whatever YOU buy....Yeaaah...

Good job, sir.
allegedly flaming somebody..the person found out i had a link to ht in my sig..got me banned on this sn for a lil bit..
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