SO, if youre born in 1985....

al audi

Jun 18, 2009
or later youre considered an ol head on NT now huh?

checkin the age thread

then again i remember browsin NT at 19, but damn

lifes a dash
85 checkin in.. i feel like were stuck in the middle.. the old heads are our big brothers.. and we jus shake our head at the kids doin stuff we did a few yearsback.. well accept the whole skinny jeans n scarfs thing.. hah
Originally Posted by Al Audi

or later youre considered an ol head on NT now huh?

you mean earlier, right?

1984, here...why should I care if i'm an "old head" on NT?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Al Audi

or later youre considered an ol head on NT now huh?

you mean earlier, right?

1984, here...why should I care if i'm an "old head" on NT?

silly me


nah its not even a should you care thing were still young but i dunno i always feel like most ppl on NT are around my age then i see the age thread im likedamn.

i dunno why
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

You see the average thread and think NT is around your age?

'85 FTW.

yea i dunno maybe im buggin
i assume most ppl are 22-25 here.

i cant explain it
there are alot of young heads on NT some should not even be in here. I feel you op, I feel the same way

March 24, 86 BTW
Yeah man, that is crazy, I was born in 86 and in my part time job I am a supervisor at this warehouse..there are a lot of 18, 19, and 20 yr olds there, andsome went to the same hs as me. this one lil n made me depressed the whole day. Son told me,"oh u graduated hs in 04? Oh u know alll the old headsthen." I was like "eeeeeeeeek?? Huh? Wth? When did the boss don become a old head????"....oh well.
"Old school ... New school need to learn though..."

born in 84 been around since 03"-04" and I'm not an old head. Doesn't bother me though
June 13th 85 checkin in! it just dawned on me this year how much of a drop off between a few years in age can be!!!

from clothes, to music, things talked about, maturity level, views on certain things, activities............but the weird thing about it is, i can and havebeen able to identify with atleast 85% of people a few years or much older than me since i was about 18
86' Every now and then depending on the subject matter of majority of the threads I feel like I'm too old for this place.
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