So I'm at the gas station (life changing) ....

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

Can I have $500? Thanks. Paypal is [email protected].


Everybody play '285' for the pick 3/daily 3 tomorrow...
..that's OP's post count when he made this thread....GOOD LUCK!
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Im a rookie with this.. how much did u win?

$200,000(150,000 after taxes). Congrats OP. Just make sure to be smart with the money. Not trying to seem like a hater, but $150,000 isn't THAT much money, so don't try and change your lifestyle because of it. Use a little for yourself, invest in your future business and save the rest. 
hes probably going to get less than 150k after taxes...when it comes to lottery games you have to pay state tax and federal tax. 
Is this from PA lottery?

Odds are something like 1 in 480,000. With 15 winners, there are about 7.2 million game pieces available.

1 in 12 to win your money back.. I would be lucky enough to do that.

I would honestly be thinking of other stuff with lesser odds now happening to me. If i was lucky enough to be one of 500,000 people, far worse can happen to me at 1 to 5 or 1 to 1,000 odds. I remember hitting a couple hundred at the casino and thinking of the old lady next to be cheering me on. Why Me? Why not her? I handed her $20 bucks.. But with that logic, I would be broke handing out everyone money if I felt I wasn'tt "entitled" to it.. $200 grand is on a whole other level.

I'd put half away and let that earn interest

It's all in the wording. That's how get these people to put their entire paychecks on these things.
With 15 top prizes of $200,000, there are 90 prizes between the $10g and $20g mark...
good stuff famalam. that's a smooth lil comeup. dont even ball with it, just chill on it and keep stacking.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

son my blood pressure just shot up...

That's from too much sodium.

Happy for you OP. I thought my night was good cus I got domed up while eating my dinner and all this time you're the real winner.
i hit top prize on this ticket. one of 15.. told no one in gas station,, scratched off in my car looked at my boy in the car with me looked back at the ticket, then back at him and then we both just went insane. I went through every stop sign and red light back to my house.

Like i said I'm not blowing this money. I have no college debt, like i said i'm about to open my own pizza place in the city, im set.

ps thanks for all the love, shocked that there isnt that many people hatin on me
Congrats OP!, sounds like you had things in order previously. I'm sure the money is going to be a great kickstart. Just remember to pay some of it forward to charity and keep the good graces coming.
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